LUMS MBA Interview Story

Well, after appearing into series of test for LUMS MBA, I finally got an interview call from Lahore University Of Management Sciences. My Interview was scheduled on 21 April, 2009 at 9:15 AM.

I’m too touchy about my admission there, and was too confused before interview. I never prepared for any interview before LUMS interview, but by the grace of God always got myself through in every interview I appeared, but it seems that clouds will change therir color this time 🙂

I met with some of my seniors, who are studying there, and also some who have passed form LUMS. There were lots of things to remember, but nothing to prepare :P. The bottom line what i have drawn after this experience is that it’s all about how you manipulate things in interview. There were a series of questions that were told to me, I will definitely share these with you, but let me first share my experience of this Interview.

I went there around 8:45 AM, don’t take me as time watcher, it’s just because my parents made me awake at 5:00 AM. First, they put me in a very dump situation, asking me to write an easy about the following topic
“Some say, learning from past is wastage of time. It’s all about present, nothing from past”. do I agree or disagree.

Well, that was not so difficult, but in that environment you never know even about your own self. Afterwords, they call me for an Interview in front of 4 person’s panel, one of them was a woman and rest were Gentlemen (got me). As they start asking questions, it was totally different from what was delivered to me by many, they start asking questions (technically) about my profession, current project and activities within those projects, soon they get themselves in a more deeper way about my BS in Computer science, and then I realized that all of them belong to this field.

Some pinching questions were about IPL (Indian Premier league) they want me to tell them about the individuals in playing in management of IPL, and some question about Indian Election and their parties. They also asked me about the current affairs regarding SWAT dispute and others.

For those who say,  they don’t ask technical question, listen guys, they even asked me about Software Engineering Models, Methodologies, and design patterns, but most Importantly, If u r about to appear in such interview do read the newspaper of that day, at least the headlines, and also check what is Important to that date, I mean any anniversary or death anniversary, Remember I appeared on 21 April [ Poet Allama Iqbal’s death Anniversary] don’t shake your head, they asked me this question :).

At last I just want to say, overall it was a good experience because I believe that there are always three outcomes while doing anything, we all know about the success and failure, but third one is learning.

1,531 thoughts on “LUMS MBA Interview Story

  1. Aysha


    I have to appear for LUMS Interview by this month, please let me know about which questions you r talking about ?

    Thanking in advance.


  2. uafzal Post author


    I will Post the questions that were asked to me every soon, in fact i have many others that were told to me by many LUMS alums.

    For Now, My LMAT Score was as

    Overall: 92 Percentile

    Verbal: 96 percentile
    Problem Solving: 86 Percentile
    Analytical: 54 Percentile

    I have just appeared in the Interview, but I haven’t receive any confirmation or rejection from LUMS yet, Please do remember me In Your Prayers.

    Posting Questions/Suggestions soon.
    Good Luck

    Happy Surfing !!!

  3. abid

    thats a very good score mate.. Would have been great had yu posted the questions as i am right now leaviong for the interview! ha. Wish me luck.

    Btw, what does the score translate into on a scale of 800?

    1. uafzal Post author

      Dear Abid,

      Wish you very best of Luck for Your Interview, I hope InshahAllah you will make it.

      And yup, I have posted Questions and others last night, haven’t to see them.

      Good Luck !

      Ready To hear from You about Your Interview, don’t forget to post here about that one.

  4. abid

    I had 99 percentile in my lmat, 730/800… But my interview went horrible. They started off with asking me a LOT of technical questions from my degree, of which I dint recall much since I have switched my field ever since..

    So first ten mins were Blasting.. The discussion then moved towards international situation and leaders.. and I handled that part pretty well. There was some talk about my work experience also but it wasn’t much to be mentioned about..

    I get a feel they knowingly targeted my weakest area which was probably my bachelors degree. There was no talk of the Business Idea competitions and the MUN’s I had attended, neither did they talk about my essays or anything..

    On th whole, the interview dint go all that well and I wont be surprised if i dont get a call! 😥

    yu dint mention yur LMAT score on the scale of 800? Am just curious.. Also, I was wondering if LUMS has a points system over which they rate applicants? Heard any case in which the applicant had a score like mine and got a rejection?

    1. uafzal Post author

      Abid I’m sure, You will Inshah Allah get there, but if not, believe me that would be in your favor.

      BTW I got 640 out of 800, very less than you :), and my name is Usman.

      Nice to hear from you and of course about your story here.

      Good Luck, and God Bless you.
      Happy Mother’s day.

    2. ammad

      hey abid, dont worry if the interview did not go that well. you have a pretty high score on the LMAT and tat should be good enough to get you in. please keep us posted on the status of you LUMS application.

  5. Abdullah

    Salam buddy!
    nice to find u, best of Luck n May ALLAH Help n Lead to the best that has been reserved for u, n ALLAH karay k u would be my senior at LUMS :), Ameen

    i found ur blog while searching for preparation of LMAT

    Hope to see u this weekend at UET InshALLAH 🙂
    this event’s brighter side is that its our convocation, but the darker side that makes me lil sad is that we had one last reason to visit our very dear alma mater n this reason will be gone for ever 😦

  6. Usman


    I’m Happy, finally today, I got admission letter in my hand from LUMS, I’m going to be a pert of Class MBA 2011 (InshahAllah).

    Usman Afzal

  7. aqsa


    Guys can u plz tell me that is there mba in(event mgt)? bcoz i wana do mba in event management..

    n also tell me the duration og this mba 1 year or 2 years,after an hons degree.


  8. Hannan

    but usman bahi as i know that the 1st lmat test for the admission in mba lums will be held on 5 dec..
    and the other 2 tests will be held on jan and april …
    i mean for the admission in lums mba 2011…
    then how u get the letter from the lums befor its 1st lmat ….?

  9. Usman Afzal


    Dear Hanna, you have missed the thread start date, its for class of MBA 2011, means for those who apply in December 2008, and i guess its December 2009 🙂

    Its been one year, I had applied and got admission there in LUMS, but due some change of plan, I had to refuse their proposal and now I’m in some other part of the world.

    Good Luck!!!
    Usman Afzal

  10. Omer Hussain

    Dear Nauman,
    I appeared for all the three LMATs for admission this year and I got a 94 percentile in the last one. I have used both the Princeton and Kaplan material, but I would suggest that you use only Kaplan material. Its quite elaborated with every things nicely explained.. BTW by this time you would have given the tests…wat were ur scores?? and did u get any interview call from them…I din..m still waiting….do let me no….

    Omer Hussain

  11. izhar

    usamn bai i m doing may bba n i like lums so much…n i wana to get admition in lums for mba inshallah….plz ye btain k may kaise tayari karon…?????

  12. M Shakeel

    salam brother
    i m a student of Electronic Engineering in SSUET Karachi i have interest in MBA
    so i like to get admision in LUMS as i like LUMS
    so what is the Critria and procedure ………..
    as i m engineering student what can i do for it …….

    i m very thankful to u brother !!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

  13. Omer

    Hello Shakeel,
    Liking LUMS would not take you there. There’s quite a lot you have to do to get in. first is the research phase, which you seem to have bypassed completely, so get all the information about “gettng into LUMS”, then we would be pleased to advise you on your genuine concerns.

    Have a wonderful life.


    Omer Hs

  14. Ahmad

    From where did you prepare for LMAT?

    I am preparing for LMAT this year can you please tell me how much negative marking affects score??

  15. Mujahid

    @Ahmed: Bro negative marking is only 1/4 of a point so it doesn’t have much effect. Today I have got my result of LMAT in which I appeared on 19th February this year. I got 610 marks with percentile of 89. Verbal is 96% and quantitative is 68%. Analytic writing is only 1.5 with 52% but some essay told me that it is not much important. I have already applied for 3rd LMAT.
    @Usman bhai please guide me a little bit about what does my translate to. Ii have found this article searching if my scores are enough to apply and be sure of getting into interview.

  16. Ahmad Nauman

    @Mujahid: I think you’ll get an interview call.
    Anything above 600 is good.
    Your verbal score is great. From where you prepared verbal?
    I also took test on Feb. 19th. Got 550, 77%ile with verbal 61%ile and quant 83%ile.

  17. Mujahid

    @Ahmed: I didn’t do any special preparation from anywhere but only general skills used. But I have another concern that is I don’t have any work experience. Will it still work 😦 What is your experience level?

  18. Ahmad Nauman

    Well I’ve 2+ years of experience. Without experience i guess you should have good academic record, internships and score around 650+. Try to improve your score in 3rd test.

  19. Mujahid

    Hmmm I have only one internship of 8 weeks only. So I need to get 650+ This time I’ll try to prepare for test 🙂

  20. amina khalid

    hi my name is amina and i am a law student. i would like to know 3 things. firstly how long is it between the interview call or letter and the actual interview. secondly given that i am a law student what sort of questions should i be aware of. and lastly how long is it between the interview and the letter of offer or rejection. thanking you, amina.

  21. Ali G

    Dear All,

    I have got 650 in LMAT and 93percentile. I have already done BBA (Hons) and 1 year MBA and got 5 years of Corporate and investment banking exprience. M expecting y interview by April end….

    Wat are my chances plus any tips for the interview in regards to corporate banking???

  22. Muhammad Shoaib

    Assalamalaikum all brothers n sisters..

    today i got my lmat result….well its not very good in my view….520 with 70percentile…..i have done BS telecommunication engineering……with 2 internships , 1 in Warid n other in PTCL….do u ppl think that i have a chance for the interview call??

    may ALLAH bless u all


  23. Farhan Jalil

    Hello every1, I scored 640 on my lmat this time around but i got the interview call before the result. I gave the interview last year also but miserably failed. Here I am today to give my best shot 1 more time. Although am not a successful entrant yet but for what it’s worth I would like to share my thoughts with all of you briefly.

    My friends i believe the most important thing is that you should BELIEVE in yourself immensely. How you do it is up to you. I have work exp of just 7 months and gpa of 2.5. The odds of getting in are against me and it’s almost the case with every1. I feel like am going to war alone against an army. Practically speaking I feel like am gona down but if that the case then am not gona go down without putting up a fierce fight. Let me tell you guys something you already now. We are the creations of the most magnificient so there has to be something magnifcient about us also even though how small it may be. Know you uniqueness people and tell it to them.

    Here’s the thing guys. Lums can reject me the first,second,third,fouth,fifth,sixth time but there is no stopping me the seventh time. They can stop me from getting in but there’s not a soul on earth that can stop me from trying.Keep your attitude sky high. People who have got into lums are not better then you or me. They just knew their strenghts and communicated it. It’s time to get to know yours now!

    Good Luck every1!

    Quote by Marianne Williamson
    ““Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others”

  24. Ali G

    @ Farhan

    When did u get the call as in when was your intervoew. As per my knowledge Intervoews this year started from 15th April (If I am not wrong). Well wat kind of questions u encountered???

  25. Ali G

    My Interview is scheduled on 21 April, 2011 at 9:15 AM. [Allama Iqbals Death Anniversary: nice thing to remember usman]

  26. Farhan Jalil

    @ usman

    I got my call on 15th april n its on 20th april.

    Last year i was first asked about the essay they ask you to write couple of mins before going for the interview.Then i was asked about my eassy questions(frm the app),couple of question about why mba,why lums etc. Then more focus was about my work experience and what i learned and achieved frm it. A hypothetical situation was created in front of me pertaining to my job and i had 2 respond according to it.In between i was askd to differentiate b/w product and service so u can expect dat sort of questions. They were also apprehensive about the duration of my work exp which wasof 3months dat time.

    There were 3 people in the room and they will ask questions in turns. The first one was very tough on me but the second was soft. If i am correct then i believe first 1 deliberately got tough on me 2 put me under pressure so that second person can see how i respond under stress. If tats the case then it sure is a nice strategy as i would do the same to any1 else.

    I repeat by saying that in your interview make sure u communicate your strengths. They would like 2 contemplate your weakness. Also this time i have prepared a small speech to show my abilities and i intend to speak about it in the end if i dont get the chance to do so everywhere else in the interview. Still constructing a plan on how to go about it holistically in the interview.

    Good luck!

    P.S The rock(wrestler) as a tag line “I BRING IT”. Make sure u do it also. Bring your A-Game.

  27. Saba Gul


    I Got my results today too.. Got 610(88%). I did BBA(H) with CGPA=3.10…I applied for the second round but didn’t get the call. I guess the people applied for the first round start getting the calls. What do u ppl fink, they will call me for interview?? If yes, then when???

    @Farhan: Like you i do not have any good past records (Schooling & College) except university, nor i have any work experience:(..

  28. Farhan Jalil

    @ Saba

    saba i believe you should b hopeful for the interview call because generally lums call almost all students with lmat score above 600(in my first interview thr was a person with 530 lmat score buthe must have covered up in other department) but truth b told that no experience is a big hurdle b/w u and lums. Therefore u should find a way to communicate to them that without work exp you still have exceptional maturity and leadership.

  29. Omer Hs

    Hello Amina Khalid,
    You only get 1-2 days between the interview call and the interview. And DO NOT miss their phone call as sometimes you may receive the interview letter on your interview day. 2nd question… They would mostly ask about what you have been doing all this time. I do not know your score so I can not tell you how much they would grill you during the interview. 3rd question….June and July is the time when they start contacting students who are granted admission and everything regarding dates and fees would be clearly written on that letter.

    I hope that answers your questions.


    Omer Hs

    1. amina khalid

      hello omer n thank u for replying.well i just got my interview call today. i got 590 n i have 3 yrs of work experience both teachin n working as a research assistant. ive covered almost everything but current affairs. ppl say that if they ask what do u read n all then say economist n all but truth is im so overworked that the only things i read is the supreme court monthly review or the pakistran law journal n all… wat shall i do ???? reply reply asap my interview is on friday.

      1. Omer Hs

        OMG….I dont think I did any of these..relax relax…concentrate more on the current issues and what you have been doing at work..Thats it.
        Best of Luck

        1. amina khalid

          thank u for ur replies… they helped alot….one more thing do current affairs mean only pak affairs or international affairs too…..

  30. Omer Hs

    Hello M. Shoaib,
    You are right, this is not a very good score and you have very less or I would say no chance of an interview call. The reason is not only your LMAT score but also work experience. I would suggest that you start working somewhere and gain quality work experience I repeat QUALITY WORK EXPERIENCE and apply again after 2 years. Don’t rush, prepare hard for the LMAT, 700 is an achievable score if your work hard.

    Omer Hs

  31. Omer Hs

    Hello Farhan,
    I would not strongly, but I would disagree with your thoughts here. People who get in are definitely better cause if they were not, they could have not gotten in. There are different aspects in a personality that makes an impact and those impacts make a difference. I think that is a debatable topic you have started here. I won’t take much time now but would like to share my thoughts on that later when I am done with my chores.

    Have a good one


    Omer Hs

  32. Saba Gul


    Thank you so much for your reply. I cld admission office today, they said u ll get call in mid-may. I am now worried that what type of questions they would as..

  33. Ali G

    @ Amina

    I believe you should have subject knowledge at the first hand secondly current affairs related to your subject… That would suffice I guess. But still it LUMS interview so be prepared for anything.

    1. amina khalid

      i know n its that unpredictability that scares me…..everything seems not sufficent enough… going crazy…..

  34. sana sheikh

    hey every one,i appeared in LMAT without preparation. i got 400 which is 40 percentile and in analytical got 92 percentile. so, is there any chance that my one section analytical can cover the other section’s weight-age. i also have one year experience and two internships. tell me where do u think my application stands? should i apply again next year??

    1. Muhammad Shoaib

      @sana……i guess u shudnt wait for next year n try for LMAT4 which is on 14th of may…..deadline for it is 29th april…..ur experience n internships are a plus point for u….jus try to improve ur LMAT score….em also going for it coz i got 520 in LMAT3 n i wanna improve it………wish u all the best n do pray for me too…..

  35. Farhan Jalil

    i gave my interview today. I dont feel the need to tell the questions because the panel asks questions related to one’s educational background and wrk exp.Therefore every1 should expected differnet questions but i found this year panel softer than last year. Although i could have never anticipated the questions they askd this time.My advice to prospective interviewee would b to sit down with your credentials and think of all the questions that can pop out of it or give ur credentials 2 sum experienced person n let him/her interview you. Practice is always fruitful.

    When i said that peo who get into lums r not better,i actually wanted 2 dispel this notion that the these people abilities can’t b matched as i have heard this on multiple occasion. Also i want peo who are reading these posts to be confident of themselves irrespective of how much better they are and arn’t. It would hav been nice to have discussion with u about it in person for learning purpose.

    Worrying is not good sign for u.Believe me i gave my interview with a bit intention of having fun. I even gave a few laughs to the panel :). Although i wouldn’t recommend the same strategy as every1 have their own way of communicating.

    1. Soban

      Hello Farhan,

      I gave my interview recently on the 29th of May and had a similar interview and CGPA. I also gave the panel a few laughs. I dont know if you finally got in but would you like to comment on my chances on getting in?

      Thanks and Regards,

  36. gullru

    @ Farhan. Thank you for your guidance. I hope you will get through..Yeah, i am finking the same to practice and answer the question might come in the panel’s mind:)

  37. sana sheikh

    @ shoaib:
    i called lums admission office and they said that we wont consider 14th MAY LMAT for MBA cuz that is for executive and Phd. how do u know that they will consider these scores? pls tell cuz if they willconsider only then i’ll be appearing in 14 may’s test. pls reply!

  38. shaiby

    i called them last tuesday and they said that i shud try for the LMAT4 for better scores TO GET A CALL FOR mba intervieews….but i’ll call them again tomorrow to confirm INSHAALLAH……dun u worry …hope for the best

  39. zohaib javed

    Hi guys this a great Platform to have a chat and quality advices by the experienced ones. Glad to see this , Anyway i got 440 marks in LMAT 3 held on 26 march 2011 , It was and unprepared attempt and i dont have any job experience as m doing BBA from FAST and i will be graduating this May. Can any one tell that do i have any chance at all on this or shud i prepare for the next year ????

    1. shaiby


      dear i think that u shud go for LMAT4 which is on 14th of may 2011. the reason for it is that score of LMAT is effective for 2 years. if u get good score in this u can also apply next year with this score n hopefully u wud be having experience(which means greater chances for interview call). if u dun get gud scores then consider it as a practice n try for it next year.

      BEST OF LUCK =)

  40. Fakhar Zaman

    hi all

    i am a textile engineer. 3.61 CGPA. LMAT 650 in first attempt. 2 years work experience. applied in 2nd round. i havent received interview call yet..

    my chances for selection ???? please reply

  41. Fakhar Zaman

    i prepared from official GMAC guide.Got 650. 10% questions in test were from it. if anyone needs the book, post your email.

  42. Ali G

    The best book to prepare for LMAT is GMAT official guide 12 th edition and 11th edition u can also search for 10th edition on internet. i am sure if u people go thru just these books u can easily get 600+.

  43. Farhan Jalil

    @ Fakhar Zaman

    You will definitely be called for interview.

    As far as practicing lmat is concerned,i prepared it from 10 books and 3 websites and scored 640.I learned that more you practice different questions the better it is.i believe Lmat is easier than gmat but time management is the difficult part for lmat. Make sure u guys practice for straight 4 hours from any source to get a better feel for lmat. I’d recommend kaplan and PR.

  44. Farhan Jalil

    @ Ali g

    Mine was on 20th. It went good. I think i gave them couple of reasons to accept n reject me both. lets c what they decide. How was your interview?

  45. Ali Gardezi


    Wat were the reasons that would reject you and wht were the reasons they would accept u? Just want to have an idea.

  46. Farhan Jalil

    @ Ali

    My communication skill and confidence was gr8 in the interview but am not 2 sure if i gave them convincing statements. Also am a idealist and practical people are nt to fond of this perception.

  47. Ali Gardezi


    Wat kind of questions they asked like about ur aspirations or general knowledge / current affairs??

  48. Farhan Jalil

    @ Ali

    They mostly asked thing related to my credentials. We talked about couple of business man and their ethics and nothing about current affairs. One of them did ask what is most watched website.

  49. Mujahid

    Hi again to all. Took me lot of time to read all comments after mine 😛
    I’m again having tension about LUMS. I had scored 610 in 2nd LMAT and then on the third I scored 640. Result received last Monday. Do I need to send them my score again or it is OK and they will update scores themselves? I called them three times for asking this but couldn’t talk to the person because of different problems every-time. One time it was “extension not responding”.
    Didn’t receive any call for interview. (Haven’t got any experience, 3.84/4 in BBA Hons)

    1. Ali G


      With 640 score wat was your percentile? coz that matters a lot. Although 640 is a pretty good score.

        1. Fakhar Zaman Shah

          dear !
          if you have applied in 1st round then you score of 3rd lmat will not be considered.
          if you applied in 2nd round and you mentioned in online application that you will take 3rd lmat, then they will definitely update it.
          now when did you apply?

          1. Mujahid

            I applied for 2nd round and mentioned that I’ll be taking 3rd LMAT. So, It means they will update it automatically.
            BTW the interview calls going on these days are for 1st round or 2nd? Because I didn’t get any call 😦

    1. Fakhar Zaman Shah

      those who are selected, are notified of their selection within 10-14 days. not selected candidates are informed after a month or so.

    1. Fakhar Zaman Shah

      @ farhan

      one of my friend got selected last year and got call within 10 days. my other friend waited for a month or so after interview. whenever he called lums asking for the result, they asked that you are on waiting list. finally not selected. also my one friend has appeared in interview currently and has told me that he learned from lums that selected candidates will be communicated within 14 days. he got 710 in LMAT. :-O

  50. Fakhar Zaman Shah

    Friends…. i just got call for interview. its in 3rd may. im excited. wish me gud luck. need prayers

  51. Ahmad Nauman

    I recieved interview call. I applied in 2nd round. My best score out in LMAT was 550.
    I have more than 2years of work experience.

    My interview is on 3rd may 2:15pm. What is your interview time ?

  52. Farhan Jalil

    My advice to prospective interviewee would be to get ready for basic concepts from bachelors program and a good nights sleep a day before. Also prepare a good statement for everything done after graduation. Plus point would be to prove to them that you are in a habit of reading articles and books.

    An short essay would be given just before interview so be sure to write convincing arguments in it as the panel will asks question regarding the essay.

    good luck!

  53. Ahsan

    Farhan Jalil :
    Hello every1, I scored 640 on my lmat this time around but i got the interview call before the result. I gave the interview last year also but miserably failed. Here I am today to give my best shot 1 more time. Although am not a successful entrant yet but for what it’s worth I would like to share my thoughts with all of you briefly.
    My friends i believe the most important thing is that you should BELIEVE in yourself immensely. How you do it is up to you. I have work exp of just 7 months and gpa of 2.5. The odds of getting in are against me and it’s almost the case with every1. I feel like am going to war alone against an army. Practically speaking I feel like am gona down but if that the case then am not gona go down without putting up a fierce fight. Let me tell you guys something you already now. We are the creations of the most magnificient so there has to be something magnifcient about us also even though how small it may be. Know you uniqueness people and tell it to them.
    Here’s the thing guys. Lums can reject me the first,second,third,fouth,fifth,sixth time but there is no stopping me the seventh time. They can stop me from getting in but there’s not a soul on earth that can stop me from trying.Keep your attitude sky high. People who have got into lums are not better then you or me. They just knew their strenghts and communicated it. It’s time to get to know yours now!
    Good Luck every1!
    Quote by Marianne Williamson
    ““Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others”

    Oh MAN, you do watch movies — and do remember them. I just love the way you described everything here. Thanks!!!

  54. Farhan Jalil

    well ahsan ur rite i do watch alot of movies 😛 but i read alot 2 n basically am a motivator….i sumtimes give motivational presentations…..and ill imp that one needs to be all fired when applying for lums…. especially the interview…..hope i do more good than harm

  55. Farhan Jalil

    Farhan Jalil :
    well ahsan ur rite i do watch alot of movies but i read alot 2 n basically am a motivator….i sumtimes give motivational presentations…..and its imp that one needs to be all fired up when applying for lums…. especially for the interview…..hope i do more good than harm

  56. salman

    Anyone wanna share their experience of interview…what did they ask n how things went?? anyone got confirmation yet?? approximately how many days are normally taken in notifying the final decision??

  57. Farhan Jalil

    last time i chkd…the person in addmission office said that the result is expected any day coming week

  58. zqidwai

    Mr.Fakhar Zaman and Mr.Ahmad Nauman please post review of your interviews. Please also advise from which cities did you guys appear.Because there had been no calls for khi students yet, I guess.

  59. Ahmad Nauman

    Well … I think my interview gone average. Neither good nor bad.

    Before interview i was asked to write essay. It was about nuclear capability of Pakistan .. asset or liability.

    Mostly my interview questions revolved around essay that I wrote. They did asked about one of course I had taken in undergrad (Probability). I wasn’t able to answer their questions about that course. 😀

    There were three persons in interview. Two asked questions and I guess third was observing responses.

    One thing is for sure, they mostly ask about your weak points. Try to remain calm during interview. In my view, if you don’t know about any of thing they ask say to them you don’t know otherwise they will drag you into the details … There will be quick questioning and interruption during your response.

    I appeared for interview in Lahore. Don’t know about Karachi guys.

    Best of Luck to every applicant.
    Please pray for me as well : )

  60. Mujahid

    I think they call people from near places soon and they will call students of far places in the end — I’m one of them — 😉

  61. Ramiz

    Hi guys,

    There is a small issue, when submitting application, I submitted some information regarding work experience incorrectly, (dates of my work exp went up and down :S ) my browser had issues due to malware etc, so it does funny things. However Ive sent all the supporting documents etc. Do you think that would be an issue?

    What should I do?

    Thank you!

  62. Fakhar Zaman Shah

    they asked me following things
    tell us about yourself.
    why mba?
    what is good things in your job?
    whats are bad things in ur job?
    ur job description?
    what is specialty of ur company.
    3 maths questions
    largest export nd import item of pakistan.
    name any three pakistani companies other than banks
    to which textiles is most exported?
    some technical questions about my field (textiles)

    i will post more when i remember any.
    gud luck

  63. gullru

    I am from Karachi. I cld em they said that the dates for interviews in Khi is 13,14 May. The selected candidates will receive a call this week i guess

  64. salman

    I checked with Lahore office and they said round 1 is about to end…..the result may be declared close to the end of round 3…that means long waiting period 😦

  65. Farhan Jalil

    i just called the admission office……they said that selected mba candidates will receive the letter this week….those who won’t receive any letter this week will have their names sent to waiting list(which is basically not good news)

    Good luck every1!!!

  66. salman

    @Farhan did they mention candidates from which round??
    @Everyone please update here as you receive the confirmation letter

  67. Ahmad Nauman

    I also called Admission Office today. They said all those, who have been interviewed or not, will receive acceptance/rejection letter within this week.
    So, I suppose Round 1 and 2 will be finalized by this week. Because 2nd round applicants are also interviewed.

  68. Ramiz

    Round 3 candidates were interviewed on last Thurs/Fri. I know from some of my friends, tho i dont know if the interviews are still going on.

  69. Saba Gul


    Pray for me people. I am from Karachi. Got interview call yesterday, its on 13 may,9:00 am at Sheraton

  70. Sheryar Junaid

    I got the LUMS MBA acceptance letter today. Posted to my home, hopefully all you will get in very soon.. wishing u all he very best of LUck 🙂

  71. salman

    @Shehryar Junaid Congratulations man!!! when was ur interview?? how did it go?? share the details so that we know if we stand a chance or not!

  72. Sheryar Junaid

    The interview went well… I heading a product at a leading micro finance bank in Pakistan for the past 2 and half years… i did my graduation from LUMS (2008) … My interview was around 25 minutes pertaining to my work exp only… My interview was rather a pleasent affair, only questioned which i said I am not sure aout was when they asked me the GDP to tax ratio of Pakistan :S ! …. The letters i guess are been sent out today! .. keep in touch with ppl at your home 🙂

  73. Sheryar Junaid

    No online has not changed …. it still says “submitted” … :s … but got the the letter at home .

  74. Sheryar Junaid

    After we were done with the introductions they asked me “Where are u these days?” … and then i just went on and on about my workexp … and didn’t strayed off it.. they asked my few technical questions on micro finance and its global trends .. about how we are mission alligned or another profit generating machine… so basically on my field thats it… Just get ur basics rights, u should be able to back what u wrote in your application. You should have the knowledge about the place and the industry where you are currently working. You should be confident look them in the eye during the interview. Remember They dont always look for the right answer but he right attitude … so my advice to every one who is yet to give the interview is to be positive and confident

  75. Saba Gul

    Thank You so much Sheryaar. And congratulations:). DO they check the real documents??? I din mentioned the place where i am currently working,bcz i started my job after sending my application, and before that i didnt do any job. But i am active in youth related events,taring and activities. I guess they would ask me abt that non-profit org, cz i mentioned in my application that i am interested in working for the health field through some NGO in my long term goals

  76. Sheryar Junaid

    They do check the originals … You can mention in the interview that I have started working after I submitted my application, It wont be a negative. take your appointment letter along just in case…. since you dont have work exp (Atleast not in the application) be prepared for questions on your under grad and general knowledge. Do brush up on your current affairs (domestic and international) and your academics. But the most important thing is your confidence. and remember we all are human, we are not suppose to know every thing that is out there. So if you dont know a particular answer, you politely respond that “I cant recall at the moment” and move on. But make sure that this dont happen very often :P. They asked me that what is the GDP to tax ratio of Pakistan and I responded that I cant recall t …. anyways best of luck for your interview … 🙂

  77. Ali G

    Any idea! how many people apply to MBA and how many get the interview call and how many get selected (Class size)??

  78. Ahmad Nauman

    @Sheryar : Did they checked you originals ?

    They haven’t checked mine and one of guy who had given interview before me.
    Can anyone else confirm checking of original docs ?

      1. Sheryar Junaid

        they dont check originals during the interview…. before the interview they verify your application information with your originals …

  79. Bilal

    i applied for admission in 1st round from khi. 650 lmat, more than 2 yrs experience in siemens pakistan and 3.0 cgpa. My interview is on may 13th. U ppl say u already got acceptance letters. Does that mean we ll be on the waitin list? Doesn’t seem a fair process if all 1st round selections ve been completed n we haven’t even been interviewed?

  80. Sheryar Junaid

    Yup they checked my original degree, and academic certificates …. this was on my interview date… My LMAT was 640 and CGPA 3.1

  81. Fakhar Zaman Shah

    @ Ammar
    result of 2nd round is not announced yet..
    i also applied in 2nd round, it will be announced in 1-2 weeks.
    please update here if you or any friend from 2nd round gets the letter.

  82. Ahmad Nauman

    @Bilal: Selection process is quite fair. All karachi applicants interviews are planned on 13,14 May.
    I guess there is some quota for Karachi which will be filled according to merit.

  83. Ramix

    Called today morning. they said round 2 results expected in this week. They are mailing out as they get results. I have heard 150 seats. Someone confirm? As for how, many candidates…anyones guess really. how do they actually decide who is in? Interview panel does that? as for originals, they check originals and make photo copies of those before your interview. Do they take interview from original copies in front of them or ur application?

  84. Ahmad Nauman

    I asked one of guy who is currently in LUMS MBA class of 2012 about maximum intake. 120 he said.
    They didn’t checked orignials during whole process. They took interview from application package.

  85. Ali G

    I have confirmed from LUMS that candidates who will not recieve the letter in the next 5 to 6 days will be put on waiting list, so wat are the chances of getting in for these waiting list candidates?? Any Idea?

  86. Farhan Jalil

    waiting list students still have a chance of getting in irrespective of those accepted students who decide to join….told by addmin office

  87. farhan

    Hi guys my name is fahad and i have applied in second round my lmat score is 630 i would like to tell you that i had interaction with admission office those candidates who wont get acceptance letter till end of next week will be put in waiting list and their decision will be based upon the performance of lahore interviews in Lahore in June. For now interviews are going to be conducted in Karachi so dont have butterflies in Stomach. Guys and Galz having score in excess of 600 hav great chance of selection those who wont get their acceptance letters by end of next week their fate lies with performance of Lahore based interviews in June remmember Lums always try to find best set of Candidates thanx nd gdluck.

  88. farhan

    Buddy you need not to worry about current selections the thing is there are number of seats apportioned for karachi and candidates with similar or above the threshold competence and experience level are selected. Moreover its a club of like minded people. so go all out the process is very transparent i cant give you any specific number but Lots of seats are still available.

  89. Ramiz

    Dear Fahad, is your name not Farhan 😛

    Interviews in June? Thats the first time Ive heard about it…Can anyone shed light on this?

    Also, regardless of admissions, great little community over here 🙂 Good Luck to you all!

  90. Ramiz

    Also as per my discussion its basically till the end of next week else you’re on the waiting list.

  91. farhan

    no man waiting list candidates wont be re-interviewed they will be kept in reserves if Lums is unable to find better candidates then waiting onzzz the will be accepted in order of their collective Performance score.

  92. farhan

    Saba can you plzz tell me is your interview in Lahore and kindly plzz do share your experience of interview with us best of luck.

  93. Bilal

    the interview went ok…. but I was amazed that there were very few ppl today. must ve been like 7-8 guys and only 1 girl… lets see what, happens…. if anyone from Karachi gets the admission offer ,,,,, pls post here

  94. Saba Gul

    Ohh K. No, there were two girls, one was me and there was one other girl:). I dun know how was my interview. I jxt started my job, and from the start till the end, they stuck there:(. I dun fink so i will get admission offer:( but in case if i will surely post here:)

  95. Masab

    How many candidates gave interview today in Sheraton Karachi, please share your experiences. I also gave the interview today they simply asked about my job and about my grades which are not very good. I have an LMAT score of 700/98 percentile what are my chances of admission and when are they going to inform us about the admission.

  96. Masab

    Can I get rejected on the basis of my GPA which is 2.51. My LMAT score is good and also the interview went pretty well.

  97. Ali G

    Hey guys, One thing that no one has noticed about this blog is the uniqueness in the designs of the name icons. They all are really exclusive and I was actually looking at their uniqueness and how they are being alloted to email IDs…

  98. Ali G

    @ Masab:

    U have a good chance of getting in. As the LMAT score and the interview matters a lot…So just pray to Allah and remain hopefull…

    Best of luck..:)

  99. Bilal

    the questions started with my job.. What are your responsibilities? Who are your company’s competitors? How can you make your company the best among competition? … Then they asked about my internship…GDP n inflation rate of pakistan… What is GDP n inflation? Pretty basic stuff… Then they asked about my entrepreneurial ambitions… Thats about it..

  100. zqidwai

    Well same here, they started with the company , my position, the offerings, then we moved to some general stuff of the country : inflation, GDP, law minister.
    How do you see the fashion industry. Then again back to my work this time the old organization. Then they asked me for the plan B. Then what is regression analysis and correlation. Some discussion on my grades then the some critical questioning of the stuff i mentioned in my application the achievements part Why do i see it as an achievement.

    Thats it. Well yesterday in first half there were 10 applicants. Dont know about the second half.

    Well as I inquired all the applicants about their interview all were quite somewhere above the average level of satisfaction, second the panel wasnt really drilling hard as I had expected.

  101. Bilal

    there was plenty of time for interviews in the first session for more interviews. Doesn’t seem pertinent to have a 2nd one as there were at max 12 candidates in the first one

  102. xoh

    hey guys .. such a great and helpful blog .. just started my preparation from GMAT 10th edition and 12th edition , is it good a material for the LMAT test ?? 2ndly can i apply in their 2 rounds or i have to apply only in 1 round ?? i guess i got atleast 5 to 6 months for the preparation nd its good for me .. i just completed my B.E in electronics .. no work experience , just a internship .. so how much score i have to secure for the admission ??

    1. Fakhar

      these r best books.
      but if you are starting ur prep for the 1st time, then u should start with barrons, then arco,and then official guide.
      u can take as many LMAT as u want, but can apply in only one round. score above 600 is good. but u have enough time.. aim high.

  103. mehreen

    Hi guys i am mehreen i just came across this unique blog very interesting i had my interview in round 2 May in lahore i was grilled for about 50 minutes questions asked about work experience transcript courses and lots of concepts from finance i have lmat score 620 have any of you guys got acceptance letters from round 2 may and what are my chances i was confident all my interview but couldn’t answer some simple math problems mix few concepts but was confident and clear about my vision and work experience will i be selected. And do the ignore few mistakes

  104. Ahmad Nauman

    @Mehreen: Same was case of maths problems with me. Although I was interviewed for about 20-25 mins. Your chances are still good.

    Best of Luck to all. Hopefully we hear some good news till next week.

    1. Fakhar

      for applying in 1st round, you can appear in 1st and 2nd LMAT
      for applying in 2nd round, you can appear in all 3 LMAT..
      choice is yours.
      1st round is recommended though.

  105. mehreen

    Hi yeah Lets keep our fingers crossed i mean if your interview goes long and technical is it good or bad the panel didn’t asked me about GDP and other current stuff technical questions i didn’t had many A grades and mt l mat score 620 is one year old didn’t took Lmat after it. one panel guy was swear on grades and tried to confuse me i remained calm even i did some mistakes wrong answers few of them can any one comment more on selection philosophy of Panel.I guess most of second and third round people haven’t received acceptance yet is it true has any one from second round been accepted.

  106. Farhan Jalil

    @ xoh
    I scored 640 in lmat n i found Princeton review and official guide best books. remember lmat is 4 hr long exam so do practice questions this long at later stages without interruptions. Also u need to acquire some work experience or exceptional leadership and maturity. former is preferred. good luck!

  107. xoh

    @ fakhar .. later on i’ll go for these books which u mentioned ..
    yea sure i’ll do practice alot till the last day .. work experience is neccessary ?? bcuz in lums website they said its not compulsory .. what if i secure the same score as u secured , so still my chances are weak to get admission ??

  108. Fakhar

    for 2nd round applicants only.

    i just called admission office.
    they said that if you dont getcletter within this week then you have been put in waiting list. but they have not sent letters yes.

    i guess they will dispatch letters today. good luck to me and all of you 🙂

  109. Fakhar

    for 2nd round applicants only. i just called admission office.
    they said that if you dont
    get letter within this week then
    you have been put in waiting list.
    but they have not sent letters

    i guess they will dispatch letters
    today. good luck to me and all of

  110. SALMAN

    @Fakhar R they confirming admission status on individual basis? any person in particular in admission office that you found helpful in this regard??

  111. Fakhar

    no dear.
    i didnt ask abt individual status nd i hope they wont tell this.
    i dont know anybody in there.

  112. zqidwai

    Hey Karachi guys what I guess is the ones that were interviewed in the first half of 13th have a good chance of getting admission. Because I heard from someone who was interviewed on 14th the panel really drilled a lot. They asked for triple integration :O and some very technical questions.

    Lets hope and keep praying. Best of luck everyone…INSHALLAH we will succeed.

  113. MizzInnocent

    Hi everyone!
    Do the one’s who applied by round 3 stand any chance to be called out for interview as well?

  114. Ramiz

    MizzInnocen, Round 3 candidates (Non-Khi) were already called on last Tues/Fri. Couple of my friends were called in for the interview. I dont know if Round 3 interviews were conducted after that. I suggest you call there admission’s office.

  115. Saba Gul

    Ohhh Really i was the first one who give the interview in Khi:P. Well, thanx for the positivity @:zqidwai. And i know its a lonnng tym, i am suffering from that too, anxiety Bilal:)

  116. mehreen

    people tell me kisi k abb tak acceptance call ai bi haa every day seems like a month 2 me after my interview further pressure m a k some times you forget most basic concepts i called admission office next week tal thet will inform from 2nd round people whether they are welcome to Lums or commiserations with a statement 2 apply next year .

  117. Qamar

    LMAT: 670
    CGPA: 3.67
    Work experience: 3 years

    Last year i was rejected but i had applied with a GMAT score of 530. I was put on the waiting list but was rejected in June ’10.
    I was interviewed on 26th April in Lahore this year with a LMAT score of 670.

    I still haven’t heard anything from the admissions office. What does that mean? And what should i do?

  118. Mujahid

    Today I got a call from LUMS for confirmation of completion of my BBA date. No interview call yet and good thing is, I’m not anxious like everyone around here 😛

  119. Ali G

    @ Qamaar

    Dear u stand a very good chance…Just remain calm and pray to Allah.. They really test your nerves. I am v ery hopefull for you.

  120. umair

    One query guys!
    If you have applied for financial assistance as well, I suppose u r not gonna get an acceptance call right away. I mean, they will screen you for your financial assistance eligibility and then tell you about your application status, right?
    If anyone has any concrete info about it, it’ll be highly appreciated.

  121. Ali G

    @ Umair,

    As per my knowledge once u are selected, Your application will be sent to the financial aid department for screeing. But i believe that wont take much time as max 2-3 days and U will be notified about the comprehensive decision including your financial aid eligibility along with your confirmation letter.

    Hope for the best…

  122. umair

    Thank you Ali!
    I gather from your response that a financial aid candidate has to wait just 2-3 days extra and one gets the complete details in the scceptance letter. You’ve been helpful. Thanks.

  123. umair

    yaar I applied the second round. I have 1.5 years experience in the production department of Engro Foods Pvt. Ltd. My LMAT score was 660, (92nd percentile in both verbal and quantative, 86th in analytical). My interview (which was on 4th of May) went well (alhamdulillah), I thought inspite of some factual inaccuracies, I sustained the debates on most of the topics quite well. I am a mechatronics engineer from UET, Lahore and yes i was castigated about my marks in bachelors as well..that remains a “strong weak point” :p

  124. Mujahid

    Fakhar :
    it is because, this blog is intended for MBA applicants… got it?

    I can read English, I guess. “I am an MBA applicant”, that is why they asked me about completion date of my BBA which is in 2 months or so. I have also posted some comments before. Find them if you can arrange some out of your precious time. You think only working people can apply to MBA? This is Pakistan my friend and you are talking about admission into LUMS, not LBS or HBS. Got it?

    1. Mujahid

      And the reason why I’m not worried is because not getting into LUMS is not end of world for me–like most of guys here sound–. I have better options available and LUMS is “third” choice for me.

    2. mehreen

      mujahid i think you should not be on this blog you have disrespected LUMS losers like you should never dream about lums without work experience you should not even dream about Lums OK. and what about Pakistan you even don’t respect your own country which sort of 3rd grade person you are.

    3. Mujahid

      Oops! I didn’t know Fakhar got some friends around.
      If I answer these posts seriously, firstly I would say, I’m not degrading my country but this is reality. Pakistan is way behind in education if you see other countries. Even the best universities in Pakistan are very low in international ranking. If you can’t admit reality, you can’t change it.
      Secondly, “disrespecting LUMS”, I don’t think having priorities in career choices means disrespecting other ones. BTW my first priority is to study “Education Policy”, and second, to do MS and join teaching profession, to serve my country instead of getting MBA from LUMS and serving only myself.
      PS: Everyone has HBS as first choice if he/she could get there 😛
      PPS: I wasn’t first to disrespect anyone or any institution but Fakhar was one to disrespect me.

      1. Fakhar

        Dear Mujahid,

        it should be obvious from my comment that i clearly misunderstood your comment.
        I apologize for, if u feel disrespect.
        secondly, yeahh.. we are all good friends here and this blog is meant for peaceful discussion of educated people of Pakistan.

        So, lets prove it. 🙂

  125. Ali G


    I believe u have a good chance to get in. Your credentials are strong and I am hopefull that u will receive ur letter by this week or max by the next week InshAllah. The thing that matters most is ur confidence, Coz obviously u are there to improve urself and that u shud be confident and clear in ur aspirations.

    Best of Luck

  126. Usman Afzal Post author


    This has been a very good platform for those who aim and believe in knowledge sharing. I have seldomly commented on my this blog post because I believe those commenting here are better than me in this regard, but I use to read the conversations here and feel happy about the enthusiasm for LUMS. I really appreciate if you don’t start the stuff we are doing from the birth of our country.

    I have a quote for those who think there is any end of world. “do it or leave it, let the others play it” 🙂

    So guys, good luck to all those who are going to serve themselves (and I believe they would better serve the country making it green and happy), and those who are going to serve country, both have different tracks but both are right.

    don’t fight!

    I hope, I will not get Junked by replies to this 🙂

    Usman Afzal

  127. ammar

    Well said Dear Usman well said very refreshing and Honest
    Lmat score 620 analytical 93 percentile one year old score
    cgpa 3.2

    was interviewd in lahore in May

    work experience 4 years sort of not with high profile companies

    Interviewed for 55 minutes

    gave some wrong answers to basic finance questions due to pressure

    stayed confident

    Dont require financial assistance and wasn’t able to do basic math question but did with hint from one person at panel.
    They asked me lots of questions.

    answered lots of questions on management and strategy What are my chances ??
    Plzz share your expert advice any one thank you.

    1. Usman Afzal Post author


      Truly speaking, I’m really not an expert here, but if I compare your interview with the one I appeared 3 years back, your are still in business. I hope they will consider you because I believe answer and right answers are not everything :-).

      Good Luck.

  128. Bilal

    bhai sab bharr mai dalo… Yeh batao k kis kis ko acceptance letter aa gaya hai? If yes, Interview k kitnay dino bad aaya hai?
    Also jin logon ko acceptance letter aa gaya hai, un mai say financial aid walay kitnay hain?
    Aik to tabiat ki anxiety oper say kesc ki mehrbanian!

  129. hey

    Hey guys,though apparently Lums seems to be everyone’s first choice here but Iam just curious about what your alternative option would be,incase,Lums doesn’t work this time.Which other university would you be thinking next in line,other than IBA in Pakistan?

  130. hey

    Hi Usman Adzal,if my memory serves me right than I think you had nt joined LUMS inspite of having been admitted there so where did you enrolled than and what part of world it was?lol Just curious

    1. Usman Afzal Post author


      Yes, your memory is absolutely right. I didn’t joined LUMS despite of having enrolled there.

      Unfortunately, I had to change my plans at that part of my life, and I continued working and studying in my field (Software Solutions Consultancy). I did my masters from KTH, Sweden and then joined an International Consultancy firm there in the are of Portal & Collaboration. In short, I’m working as SahrePoint Consultant now, MBA would be my another plan(hopefully) in later future.

      In way, good luck to everyone.

      Usman Afzal

  131. Osama


    Got my letter. Applied round 2, interview date was 3rd may.

    Good luck ladies and gentlemen.

      1. ammar

        Hi friends many congrats to all who have been selected i am also waiting eagerly for acceptance letter do pray for me also hopefully see you at SOP

  132. Masab

    1 of my fiend also got selected, he gave the interview on 14th May in Karachi. Has anybody else from Karachi got accepted. I gave the interview on 13th May but still no response, I also applied in 2nd round. Please pray for me.

  133. Qamar

    is it just me or does someone else also notice the fact that very few people from the first round or who got interviewed in April have gotten an acceptance call or letter?

    Also, are people here getting an acceptance call or letter?

  134. Mujahid

    Oh I just noticed, because it’s written in bold font, that the topic which was given to Usman in interview for writing essay is same as the one I got in my GRE General exam. Just the wording is changed. What a co-incidence.

  135. Bilal

    congrats to successful candidates….if anyone who gave interview in khi gets acceptance letter, kindly update here along with your lmat score n financial aid status…good luck everyone

  136. Saba Gul

    @: Masab

    Your friend applied in the first round??? Is it people of karachi applied for the first round are getting the letters first or it doesnt matter, i mean they are sending mixed letters of first, second or third rounds??

    Lahore people who applied in the first round ot letters first ryt????

    1. Masab

      My friend applied in the 1st round from Karachi and interview was held on 14th of May. His LMAT score was in 600’s but he has around 5 years experience and has also worked internationally.

      Has anybody from Karachi got an acceptance letter???

  137. Masab

    Hi guys any updates………….. Has anybody received acceptance letter from LUMS especially in Karachi.

  138. Saba Gul

    Hey.. No new from Karachi. This week is the last week to get acceptance letters.

    Lets Hope for the best

    Best of luck to you all:)

  139. Zonaib

    Anyone got accepted from Southern Punjab Area (Bahawalpur, Multan, Sadiqabad areas etc) If yes when was your interview and which round did you apply in.
    Many of my friends have got their acceptance ( they are from Lhr & Isb)but i havent and i am from bahawalpur.
    I am an ACF Major from LUMS
    700 in LMAT
    1 and a half year experience
    Currently working as an assistant manager
    Interview was average
    I was quite confident but havent gotten anything yet. My interview was on 5th May.

  140. Ali G

    @ Zonaib

    Good to see a person from BWP. I am also from BWP. I know just one person from bahawalpur who got acceptance letter. As per my understanding u stand a good chance to get in. So where are u working these days?

  141. Ali G


    Yeah u r rite. Just one of my frends got in and no news from ony other erson.BTW really nice to see people from bahawalpur. so where are u working these days and LMAT score???

    1. Mujahid

      Not working anywhere *no work experience*. And I got 610 and 640 in LMAT. BTW I haven’t got interview call either. But got a call and they asked when will I get transcripts of my BBA.

      1. Mujahid

        IUB 😀 not did but ‘doing’. It’s my last semester and I’m not sure that they will free us on time. We may miss admissions to most of universities due to late session… It’s going to end no sooner than end of July — I told Mr. Faisal the same, who called me from LUMS –.

        1. Ali G


          so wats ur CGPA? Ur LMAT score is good but they prefer work experience … Anyways best of luck

  142. bilal

    Hi guys slam to every one i hope every one on this Blog be offered admission at Lums . I applied in 2nd round had interview at Lums in may still waiting for acceptance letter my interview went okay. Yeah this week is very critical for all of us my question to you people is that lums also posts rejection letters for intervened candidates and do the assign reasons or give standardized replies to interviewed. Further more whats the status to the best of knowledge for candidates not on this blog.Another thing i noticed very few guys from first round are here are admission of first and second round finalized thank-you.

      1. bilal

        Hi Ali this is bilal have you been selected i looked at the blog interaction your interview was in April and how your interview went your score is good.

  143. Bilal

    I mailed them. They say they are informing all applicants of admission decision via tcs. It should take more than a week atleast.

  144. Bilal

    Alhamdulillah… i got the conditional offer letter just now…. good thing i didnt go to office otherwise would have missed it

  145. Fakhar

    @ bilal
    congratz dear…
    @ alamgir
    i dont think they will send acknowledgement letter. i asked about financial aid announcement by phone. they said it will be announced by mid june… 3 weeks wait :@

  146. Saba Gul

    The people who applied for the financial aid will get to know in mid-june, if they got acceptance,about their acceptance status?? Or they will send acceptance letter in mid-june???

  147. Alamgir

    But still, there would be some sort of confirmation? or the acceptance letter is it?

    Many of us would need to leave our jobs etc and I think many would prefer to be assured that there acknowledgment letters have been received and affirmed…or maybe I am just a paranoid? 😛


  148. Saba Gul

    @: Alalmgir

    You are not from Karachi, right???

    I cld them yesterday, they said that remaining Karachi ppl will get letters this week. so, the hope is still there:)

  149. Bilal

    the letter was only posted yesterday… it might reach some of you today, others within this week Insha ALLAH…. they have offered admission subject to showing original documents on SOP registration day… they will send fee card and letter of financial arrangements in the near future…
    @ alamgir….. you can fax them the copy and then courier them the copy and then you may mail them asking whether they have received it or not….
    they reply statuses of document reception asap
    hope to see all there inshaALLAH

  150. Saba Gul

    I do not know the ratio of boys to girls get the acceptance from karachi. Do anyone know about any girl from karachi, who got acceptance??

  151. Alamgir

    @Bilal, Ive done so, courier’d and faxed on 19th. Nobody seems to be picking up the phone :/. I have emailed as well, awaiting response.

  152. Saba Gul

    @ALi G:

    Its been more than a month. Hats off to your patience:P. I gv interview a week before and i cant wait to get the results now:(. whether positive or negative

    1. bilal

      congrats man how long your interview went and how it went. where you did your BBA from and you have work experience with which organization.

      1. Ali G

        My interview was 35 mins long. I did my bba from BWP university and got 5 years corporate banking experience wid bank alfalah.

    1. bilal

      HI many congratulations what was you Lmat score and your cgpa and do you happen to know any guys from Lahore who are selected in range of 600 thankyou

  153. Zonaib

    ty saba & ali
    hope to see u both in Aug 🙂
    Bilal i know couple of guys from lahore who got acceptance last week.there scores were 600 and 610.

  154. Saba Gul

    Yeah, need prayers. Its been 11 days from 13th May, and one day is seems like a whole year:(…Do pray for me too, Hope to see you in august too:D:D:D…:P

  155. Saba Gul

    Yes Masab, some Karachi ppl got acceptance letter, but as far as i know they all applied for the first round. Second round applicants are still waiting:)

  156. Syed

    Hello guyz…best of luck to all of you and me too
    Does the timing of receiving letter depend on interview date or round of application? I mean if the interview date was same then decision should be expected on around same dates irrespective of in whatever round one applies. If I am wrong then plz can anyone clarify

  157. Saba Gul

    NO.Ppl who applied for the first round will get replies first bcz they evaluate those applicants first. The chances for the first rounders is more compare to 2nd and third, when thy complete assessing the list. Then they starts second round applications

  158. Bilal

    I am from khi…. Gave interview on 13th n got letter on 24th may. The interview date or the round of application doesn’t matter it seems. As there re posts in this blog indicating that some ppl applied after me n were interviewed after me but still got the letter before me. I think they have developed some kind of merit list in which they are sending offers.

    1. zqidwai

      Hey Bilal could you tell me whats your profile: lmat score, work exp and cgpa.
      Do you came to know any other applicant received acceptance letter in Karachi.

  159. Zonaib

    Bilal you might be right but i have doubts over your theory.
    I think saba is right. In my opinion round in which you apply plus your city matters.
    I say this because i had a very strong application with a LMAT score of 700 but i got my acceptance very interview was on 5th and i got acceptance on 23rd whereas i know a few ppl who got acceptance quite earlier than me and didnt have as strong an application as mine. but they were from lhr.
    We all can give our theories but only the SDSB admission office knows how they process and offer admission 😀

    1. Ali G

      I believe there is certain cut off percentage, whoever gets above that mark he gets the offer letter earlier and then if still some seats are remaining, they lower that cut off percentage mark so that candidates who fall in that range fill in the remaining seats.

  160. Qamar

    basically, after the interview you either get accepted/rejected or go on the waiting list. once, you’re on the waiting list they designate you a certain ranking – AAA, AA, A, B, etc. the panel sits down on a weekly basis and filters students accordingly not just based on the ranking but also on the requirement of the batch that they wish to form for the year.

    this isn’t just lums-centric. this is how HBS functions aswell.

  161. Saba Gul


    I went for a book Launch at Shereton Karachi today, and there LUMS interviews were going on again. What does that mean?? The ppl who wont get any letter uptil now, are rejected, thats why they are interviewing more applicants?

    Or may be the ppl who applied for Financial Aid would get letter late??? Anyone who applied for it, and got the letter???? Karachi ppl???

  162. Fakhar

    @ Saba

    financial aid has nothing to do with acceptance. financial aplication is reviewed only after one has been accepted.

  163. Saba Gul

    Yeah Fakhar you are ryt, but i am asking about the time. After acceptance, application sent to financial aid dept and then after evaluation that dept fwd acceptance letter to candidate with financial aid decision?? So if somebody applied for it, it would get result late??????

  164. Zonaib

    Saba applying for financial aid doesnt delay your acceptance.
    Once admission is offered and the candidate sends back acknowledgement then his/her application is forwarded to financial aid department
    Financial aid decision itself will come after 4 to 5 weeks of acceptance

  165. zqidwai

    Today I called LUMS office. The lady informed that the first batch of applicants have been sent acceptance letter and now they are processing the applications for next batch. The letters will be posted within next week.
    So lets keep on praying 🙂

  166. bilal

    Hi any body got acceptance letter in Lahore or other cities interview at Lums on or after 14th of May.

  167. Bilal

    I emailed them. They say my acceptance has been received. And SOP will start on the 15th of August 2011, registration date for which is 12th August 2011. So there are around two and a half months in classes

  168. sana

    i have a question. LUMS MBA Admission office is saying that there are 120 to 140 seats for MBA session of 2011-2013 but as far as i know they only admit 40 students each year then why 120 this time? any one knows?

    1. zqidwai

      Well Qamar I don’t think admitting a smaller number is impractical. Though LUMS admit around 120 around figure but if they increase their tuition fees and limit the number of students this will further strengthen the position and demand of their graduates.

      1. Osama

        It will also weaken Alumni strength down the road. 🙂

        There’s a trade off involved. 120-140 is quite limited a number as it is IMO.

  169. Zain

    I got 500 marks at LMAT Test and have 1.5 Year of Work Experience both at Public Sector and these days working with Private Group named as “Sapphire”. Although I dun think so any chance for Interview call. But anyone could tell me that what are the chances ? I gave them call and they said just wait might be you get call.

  170. KM Mahvi

    Hi to all..
    well do anybody know as when the authorities sending letters of financial arrangement and fee card? the time-limits?and it would be helpful if sm1 shed sm light on financial aid procedure..
    I had applied in round2 and got acceptance letter on 17th May.
    and a request to the dude who made LUMS MBA CLASS of 2013 page on FB,kindly accept my request to join the page,which is still pending.
    Wish u luck

    1. Ali G

      I guess by mid june they will dispatch the fee cards along with the financial aid decision plus I am seeing any request on the groups page…

      1. KM Mahvi

        type “LUMS MBA Class of 2013” in search bar n click SEE MORE RESULTS…
        the other group has 22 membrs as of now n its growing,bt the admn is not letting everybody in..dont know y 😉

      1. Zain

        No Fakhar i am not Textile Engineer, I am Business Studies Graduate from UK…. but for an MBA, my first preference is Pakistan. As you know about the conditions and rules are getting tough and tough day by day so….

  171. zqidwai

    @ Zain, Well based on your score and experience i guess you have some chances. Though you little suffer in the lmat section but you have got 1 year experience. In which field by the way you have experience?

    1. Zain

      Yes Zqidwai,my lmat section suffered. Thats why I am waiting whether what would be the decision ? Tense Tense Tense…. I worked with Government of Punjab in “THE URBAN UNIT”, project management unit, in Municipal Finance Sector and over here with “Sapphire” I am working in Finance/Imports Department….. My Graduation is from UK. Still waiting for Reply from LUMS. Tomorrow its 1st June….

  172. KM Mahvi

    @ Ali
    thanx for addin to my info,what abt the criteria for awarding financial it too a step wise process like the one they used to send admission letters,and based on a separate intrview, merit and/or need,or smthng else..

    1. Ali G

      Yes Khakan the process for financial aid is exactly the same as that of admission. They wont tell u any detail and just send u the fee card that would contain the financial aid most probably by mid June. Well I dont think financial aid is completly merit based , It is also need based.

  173. KM Mahvi

    @ fakhar
    if i remember correctly, u r fakhar shah,from NTU,lmat score 695,who was interviewd on 3rd May.Im Khaqan.the other guy frm Fsd,we were in the same group for intrview 🙂

  174. Fakhar

    @ khaqan
    you remember correctly except my lmat which is 650 😀
    you frm TUF, electrical engg.. rite?
    gud to see you dear and congratz..

  175. Amad

    Any one going to join LUMS MBA from Islamabad area. Got mine LUMS MBA offer on 10th May, so just curious to know any one from Islamabad going to join?
    I heard from LUMS Alumni that now job prospects of LUMS MBA grads are not pretty good, so I am in fix in taking my joining decision?

  176. zqidwai

    Dear all, If you know any aspirant from karachi for class 2012 class and wants the GMAT stuff can contact me on FB @ Zuhair Aziz Qidwai.

    1. bilal

      Hi zuhair could you plzz tell me your Lmat score amd interview date and have you been offered admission yet and do you happen to know some one who has been offered admission interviewed after 14th of May thankyou.

  177. zqidwai

    hello bilal,
    Well my lmat score is 670 nopes no offer yet and my interview was on 13th may in karachi. Ya i know someone who got offer but his interview was on 14th.

  178. bilal

    HI congratulations to every one who have been selected unfortunately i have been rejected today. So i am going take GMAT again and go for around 680 this time. I am also gonna go for trinity school of business at Dublin and also university of Victoria and also Melbourne business school i have current score around 600 IN GMAT and Lmat 630 . Unfortunately i didn’t refreshed my bachelors concepts and is penalized due to it.IT seems Lums has made up its mind to induct more engineers than finance professionals because this is the philosophy behind its incorporation they have stronger Alumni at Packages Nestle and Dawood group and its also important for them to adjust their own B com honors breed. I wish every one the best for future may all selected have wonderful time at Lums. take care all.

  179. Bilal

    admin of facebook isn’t accepting the request to join…. If he/she’s here…. Kindly accept my request

  180. Bilal

    admin of facebook group for class of 2013 isn’t accepting the request to join…. If he/she’s here…. Kindly accept my request

  181. Shafaqat Ali

    Hi all
    Can anyone share technical reference letter format? If this is available on-line then please guide me to the link.

  182. Usman Afzal Post author

    Hi guys,

    Could anybody help Shafaqat with the Reference letter he required. I remembered there is a specific template for LUMS, but I’m out of it.

    Please share with him, if anybody who recently apply for LUMS have it.


  183. Amjad Irfan

    Hi Everyone… I am new to this blog but read all the comments today and feeling myself familiar with few names 🙂

    Actually, I have quite a different experience. I had received an call from admission office for an interview but I told them due to job commitments, it is not easy for me to travel from Karachi to Lahore. Then the interview was scheduled through Skype on June 17, 2011. It was cancelled and LUMS panel took my interview on June 24. 2011 at Sheraton Karachi. I don’t know why they have delayed my interview so much and what are the prospects.

    Anyone have any idea for such delay.. Thanks!!

  184. Saba Gul

    Hello, I am from Karachi too. My interview took place at Shereton Karachi on 13th May, and i got admission offer this week on Wednesday, after 35+ days after the interview. I went Shereton 1,2 time again for some work, and saw that LUMS ppl were still taking the interviews there weekly. I do not know why there is such delay, may be they are being more choosy or somewhat but yes this is a fact that they are delaying so much. So just stay calm and hope for he best.

    Best Of Luck:)

  185. sisterH

    Hi what if one already has a job and want to do MBA from Lums…..are there evening classes? it says nothing about that on their website? im moving from canada to pak with 4 yrs experience n canadian bba…i will take the LMAT with no preparation whatsoever… not cuz im overconfident but i want it to hit me right in the face and make me think on the spot…i dont think u can prepare for it…everything in ur life leading upto it shouldve prepared u for it… am i wrong?

  186. Amna

    Is Work experience required to apply in the MBA program?
    I graduated from LSE this year in April. I was unfortunate to get a job 😦 Currently im teaching at a famous school. cgpa is 3.45.

  187. Anam

    Helow guys … i want to get admission in lums .The date for 1st lmat has passed ….can i apply in the 2nd lmat … would i be able to get admission in lums or one have to go through the three rounds… and by applying in each round ll my score be upgraded??……2ndly i dont have any work experience and have graduated from GCU…i did my two years bachelors in Bsc double math physics. and then upgrade my degree by doing Bs hons. in applied management from Gcu. i just want to ask that my degree will be valid for the criteria of the admission. please reply me soon.

  188. Saba Gul

    Yes anum. You can apply for second round. you can take as many lmat as you want. i took two lmat too. they will just consider the one in which you scored high. NOw, LUMS are taking ppl without work experience lyk me, but your profile should be very good. They consider 16 years of education. which you did.

    To everyone, before asking questions, Please do read all the comments and replies above, you will get answers to each and every question:)

    Best of Luck to All

  189. Yasir

    Hi I just did my lmat test yesterday..Dont know what kinda result i will get :O…anybody who have given test yesterday? Also I want to know after how much time they announce result???

    ANum I have also graduated from GCU this year from Engineering Department 😛 I bet Ahmad shafkat was your class felllow..ANyway go and apply for it!

  190. shoaib

    can any i tell me what is pattren for LMAT THIS YEAR i was rejected at 640 lmat score laast year my interview went in to confrontation SABA GUL U WERE SELECTED AT 590 PLZ CAN U TELL ME KE blog k sari discussion khan par ho rai ha

    1. zqidwai

      As mentioned in the selection criteria the interview plays a crucial role. The interviewers are looking for a specific mind set. If you dont offer what they want then the results are obvious. Your score is quite good , even i know someone who got selected though he didnt had that very good LMAT score. So if you are applying this year i would advise prepare for your interview in connection with the essays you submit.

  191. Saba Gul

    Hello All!!!!

    I know this year the blog isnt much active. But u must understand ppl are buxy:). Anyways,

    @: shoaib, i got selected on 620. And u have a pretty good score but keep in mind just a good score isnt enuff.. u should meet all their criterias, as u already mentioned there was some confrontation, wese thats not always bad, but by asking you some kinda question, they check your mental capability to manage things. U need to score good in every area.

    @ Yasir: The answer to all of your question is in the blog, IF and Only u read em carefully….

  192. SHOAIB

    yeah saba sadly MR RIZWAN AMIN he didnt liked me much i forgot some basic concepts which i can even tell some one with my eyes closed and i was stuck on my ambitiobn to join BOSTON CONSULTANCY GROUP i could have debated for a managerial job yeah thats past plzz saba can u tell me k LMAT K QUESTION KISS EDITION SE LIE JA RAE HAN 12 , 11TH OR 10TH EDITION SE KINDLY TELL ME ILL BE REALLY THANKFULL

  193. Saba Gul

    Ok. You will get an interview call most probably if you get 600, else depends on ur score. though ppl who score less can get interview call as well, i am telling u the mean. I dun know about the editions, how i=am i supposed to know that what are they going to give u in test

  194. SHOAIB

    i know one gets call at 600 i got it last year and my interview was in may i want to go 700 this year and play with composure in interview this year. if some one can help me that which books they are hitting this year and thanx best of luck for your MBA saba.

  195. Umer

    I got lmat-1 17 decmeber 2011 result……I got 490 with 64 percentile……what are your marks guys
    should i apply?

    1. JangoBoy

      In this whole thread, I am yet to see anyone who scored below 600 and still got an interview call. I would recommend you to attempt LMAT II as a walk in candidate. I know that it will cost you 6k but it is totally worth it. Don’t give up, buddy.

    2. JangoBoy

      A chap named Ahmad Nauman has mentioned in aboved comments that he got interview call on score of 550, 77%ile with verbal 61%ile and quant 83%ile. He had 2 yrs of experience.

  196. Inspectengr

    Hi guys! very informative blog.
    @ JangoBoy:
    Quantitave: 15 each 3 sections 25 mins each
    Verbal: 19 each 2 sections 25 mins each

    My score is 560 with overall 78% percentile. Applied for LMAT-II
    Guys what r chances…
    There is no mention of

    1. JangoBoy

      @inspectengr: Thank you for reply. I assume rest of 25 minutes were for an essay(s). Right? Read the comments above, apparently there is no litmus test for one’s chances. Some of the most influential factors are LMAT, years of experience, past academic performance and interview performance. I know two IBA students who scored 720; both had no experience and only one got selected. Two other IBA students, both with one year experience and respective scores of 640 and 680 got selected.

      So don’t lose hope. Just keep trying. How long after the LMAT did you get your results?

  197. msalahkar

    Hello everyone
    I got 480, which is surely not a good score. can you guys plz tell me how are you calculating percentile? Is it the %below given in the test result?

  198. Sangeen Khan

    Hello guys.I am also planning to apply in the second round this year.I have a few questions so please help me out here.

    1. I only have a couple of internships making up my whole ‘work experience’.Who should I fill the reference letters from and how would they even answer the ‘managerial skills’ part.
    2. I just gave my GMAT and got 88th percentile (690).I am appearing form LMAT on the 28th.I did me BE from NUST but don’t have a stellar GPA.I did have straight A’s in O and A levels.What chances do you think I have?
    3. Could it happen that someone gets a deferred admission i.e told to join next year with more work experience


    1. JangoBoy

      1. LUMS says that they *prefer* one letter from academia and the other from the place of work. If it is not possible to get it from work, then get both from your teachers.
      2. Interview, my friend, is one of the most important stages. I think that you should get the interview call.
      3. Deferred admissions are granted only in exceptional circumstances. Good luck khan sahib.

  199. Dada

    A very informative and encouraging blog 🙂
    from all the experienced people i want some help regarding my interview (if i get the call)
    last year in 2011 i got interview call while my marks were 550 and percentile was 76.But i was unable to perform upto the mark in interview so was not selected. i am applying on the same marks as i was unable to take test this year. i want to ask what are the chances that i will get call this year too. and i am also very fearful about my performance in interview. I am not very good in general knowledge. will mention other problems later. Thanks 🙂

  200. msalahkar

    Guys please advice…

    LMAT score: 480, i didnt prepare well.
    GPA of BBA-H, 3.6
    Work experience: 1 year at a consultancy firm and an internship at Pakistan Petroleum. All experience before 16 year of education.
    Additional achievements : Hafiz-ul-quran

    Should i apply with 480 score or reappear in the LMAT test? Please advice

  201. Umer

    Hi Anybody who has given 17 dec lmat test… score for ur essay writing????
    I mean it is not written on result card how can we know abt it???

  202. msalahkar

    @umer… no score for analytical writing… i guess they have incorporated it in the total score.. how much did u get?

  203. Dada

    A very informative and encouraging blog
    from all the experienced people i want some help regarding my interview (if i get the call)
    last year in 2011 i got interview call while my marks were 550 and percentile was 76.But i was unable to perform upto the mark in interview so was not selected. i am applying on the same marks as i was unable to take test this year. i want to ask what are the chances that i will get call this year too. and i am also very fearful about my performance in interview. I am not very good in general knowledge. will mention other problems later. Thanks

  204. JangoBoy

    Someone mentioned above that LMAT comprises of following:
    Quant: 15 questions, 3 sections, 25 minutes each.
    Verbal: 19 questions, 2 sections, 25 minutes each.
    Can anyone else please confirm these timings?

      1. JangoBoy

        Thank you farhan. How long do they usually take to announce the LMAT results? Will they likely announce the LMAT II results before the round 1 documents submission deadline?

        1. Farhan

          result usually takes 3-4 weeks….your highest test score will be considered when deciding to give you the interview call…..better to prepare your test from gmat OG….once i got most of the questions (especially CR 1s) from it…..make sure u get a good night sleep on test day because its an intense test

  205. shoaib

    hi every one its pathetic which sort of test LUMS designed today i mean there were lots of mistakes in sections there was sentence correction which was of level of sat1 and further not a single question for CR i mean and only one essay

    further comprehension passages were also not a true spirt of GMAT ALL IN ALL A very pathetic test design and specially i boject that the next test should be according to gmat guidlines not some pathetic paki type or IBA karachi like test .
    by no means the format was correct i strongly appeal to LUMS TO MAKE NEXT TEST UP TO MARK AND LIKE GMAT SO that true spirt of ets and standard can be maintained

  206. Sangeen Khan

    Has anybody noticed that there is space to add only one test score on the online admissions portal.I have given both GMAT and LMAT and have no idea how to enter information for both of them.

  207. shoaib

    Sangeen ets sends the Gmat score directly to lums if u mentiones the code after the test and no matter which info u add Lums take the highest test score into consideration

  208. rmma

    hey guys!! i need some help….my LMAT score is not good enough but GMAT percentile is 91%. so are there some chances to get a call from lums? and is it sure highest score will be considered??? either its lmat or gmat?

    1. zqidwai

      Well first of all as per my info LUMS only accept GMAT and LMAT. It is confirm that the highest score will be considered by the admission committee.
      GAT(General Apptitude Test) conducted by NTC for HEC scholarships. No acceptance of GAT by lums if any further doubt give a call to admission office.

  209. shoaib

    rmma Lums does not accept GAT . Gmat is conducted by ets USA and is test of international standard u can consult gmat offical guide 12th ed for more detail.

  210. shoaib

    hi plzzz can any one tell me what was the format of LMAt on 28th jan 2012 plz and did it had critical reasoning questions how many sections ill be really thankfull

    1. JangoBoy

      Apparently different people got different paper sets. So they not only had shuffled sections, but different questions as well. But commonly, there are five sections, each of 25 minutes. Three of them are quantitative with 15 questions each. The other two are verbal with 19 questions each. I don’t know about anyone else but I take longer to solve a verbal question (esp comprehension & crit reasoning) than any given quantitative question. So I ended up leaving few verbal questions unattempted on the 28 Jan exam. But interesting thing is that I have not heard of anyone who got ANY critical reasoning question in that exam. The verbal part was way easier than GMAT but comprehension obviously takes time. See this Lallu guy at, he mentions same stuff.

  211. shoaib

    hi so you are saying that on 28th u didnt recived any critical reasoning questions and some guys are recv 3 verbal 2 quant and some are rec 2 verbal 3 quant


    Hello friends. I have done my BBA from Indus institute of higher education and my CGPA is 3.0 . my gmat score is 610 and i have a work experience of 2 years in a corporate training firm as their project champion training manager.
    I have done community service and was a member of several NGO’s as well. I am currently also running a school in an underprivileged area.
    Please evaluate my profile and please tell me if community service matters?
    I want to do my MBA in marketing.

  213. shoaib

    hi yeah budy your GMAT SCORE IS acceptable any score above 600 gets interview call you better keep your self uptodate with current issues and further start thinking of convincing statements for panel that why u want mba further your cgpa can be an area of concer i hope this answers your question


      My CGPA was low because i was too much dedicated towards community service.
      Can this be a valid reason for my low gpa ?

      1. Farhan

        you will definitely get the interview call……they will start calling candidates after 15 march for round 1 so be ready for it…..your cgpa isnt that low but i guess your reason isnt that valid either……if you are still doing community service or plan to do during mba then they might think you play studies second fiddle. hope it helps

  214. shoaib

    yeah it can be a good reason any thing is acceptable as long as you can give solid reasons the panel just checks your ability to withstand pressure and argue well

    1. vicki

      I did my bba from newport university karachi with a cgpa of 3.9 and i have a gmat score of 620 and a 2 years workng experience but my job was not that much chalenging. i was just a trainee in a small firm. What are my chances

  215. shoaib

    your cgpa and gmat score is good but it depends on your interview performance weather you can force the issue in front of committe

  216. Ahmed

    I am doing (Hons) and I am in Final year. I want to do MBA from LUMS immediately after that. I want to apply for MBA class 2012.But the Problem is that I have No Work Experience. so I am a bit reluctant and want to know if good marks in GMAT will be sufficient for an interview ! And My CGPA is low i.e 2.8 CGPA. Does my CGPA matters to get admission in LUMS for MBA and previous marks r also counted (matriculation, fsc) while when they giving the admision…????.

    1. Farhan

      620 above will get you the interview call but it will be though to get admitted. you’re gonna have to show exceptional communication and reasoning skills.

  217. shoaib

    hi yeah i mean cgpa matters but if you have few A grades and if U CAN GET TO 650 u can have an outside chance but atleast few internships or some sort of experience is reqired to judge your managerial potential .

  218. Rameez

    Hello guys!!
    Hope you all doing good!!
    Well Can anyone tell me about the preparations for LMAT???
    I am giving it for the first time…What material i mean which books i consult for this test..??

    1. Farhan

      kaplan and official guide are the best source….. practice for 4 hours straight since it will help you build mental stamina for test day

  219. Abubakr hassan

    again i am posting this.. hopefully this time i ll get the required response.
    last year in 2011 i got interview call while my marks were 550 and percentile was 76.But i was unable to perform upto the mark in interview so was not selected. i have applied on the same marks as i was unable to take test this year. now have 1.7 years of experience. i want to ask what are the chances that i will get call this year too. and i am also very fearful about my performance in interview. I am not very good in general knowledge. will mention other problems later. Thanks

    1. Farhan

      chances are you’ll get the call again but i can’t be sure……550 isn’t that great score….you should have tried another lmat and most probably you could have gotten more marks…i believe there isn’t much one can do to prepare for interview…..along with other things,they test your confidence, communication and most importantly critical reasoning skills……it takes years to master these skills…..also my friend don’t be offended but if your fearful, your applying the wrong university……they can smell fear and it’s no movie dialogue……they are good at digging people’s weaknesses…..

  220. shoaib

    HI yeah well said farhan indeed the people in panel are craftsmen in digging deep they justy catc any weakness i sufferd the same LAST year not selected at 630.
    plz if any one can tell me that y lums is not giving CR questions in LMAT in 2012.
    And what imact financial assistance has on your interview call and desions committe decision does it become more competitive when you apply on financial assistance .

  221. Abubakr hassan

    Thanks Mr farhan , last year i was not prepared thats why unable to perform, yes you are right one must not bt fearful but with preps one gets the confidence and i m sure with my preps it will go well this time. i am updating myself with current issues as well as revising my bachelor’s subjects.

    1. JangoBoy

      If I were you, I’d attempt the coming LMAT III. Feb 20 is the last date of online registration and if you don’t read this in time then attempt as a walk in candidate. With that experience and a little better score, you’re a perfect candidate for MBA. In case you are worried about the 3k test fee, i’d say the it is a meager cost for a shot at Lums MBA.

  222. LUMS MBA 2013

    Dear Sohaib,

    I am MBA 2013 student at LUMS. i want to tell you that your financial aid application has absolutely no negative impact on your admission process or selection. It is only viewed and processed after you have been selected.
    So, keep focus on process.
    Good Luck 🙂

    1. Sadaqat

      LUMS MBA 2013 please fix my confusion, if someone is selected in 2012, is he given option to go to next year batch or it is decided by the management. how have u been selected for next year’s batch?

  223. farhan

    HI any one received result of LMAT 2 YET AND ANY tips for new format where to prepare for lmat 3 om march 3rd as there are no critical reasoning questions

  224. farhan

    yes JANGO i got the call from lady wats your score in lmat and tell me about the format of lmat 1 on 17 dec 2011 ill be really thankfull

  225. JangoBoy

    By the time I got interested in admission, LMAT I had already been conducted. So I have only attempted LMAT II which was on 27 Jan. I have written about that LMAT above. The test had 5 sections. All of 25 minutes. First section had both verbal and quant. second quant, third verbal, fourth quant and fifth verbal, if i remember correctly. Quant sections had 15 questions each but verbal was 18 or 19 questions in each section. No critical reasoning questions. Quant and Verbal both were easier than GMAT standard. Since I had spent a month practicing from GMAT official review, so I know that it was easier than GMAT standard. Anyway, as mentioned above, this guy at and me had more or less same question sets. You’ll have to work harder at finishing the verbal questions in time. The per question time allocation for both the verbal and quant sections is lower than the original GMAT format. Best of luck for your admission. I hope we’ll meet on orientation day. And don’t you call me Jango on that day 😉

  226. Adi

    I have a question. I have an gmat score of 700 but i have done my BBA from a very 3rd class university in karachi but my GPA was 3.8 . I started to serve as a human resource intern at a local corporate training form in karachi . I am thee for the past 2 year and now i want to apply for my mba from lums. Please tell me what are my chances and what should be my strategy ? Do you think my extra ordinary gmat score will take me to lums?

    1. Farhan

      consider my words as the writing on the wall when i say “you’ll definitely get the interview call”. Strategy should be to logical in any thing you say in that room. There is mostly and not always no right or wrong answer but whats more important is how confidently and logically you construct your argument.

      1. Adi

        Yaar just pray for me. I hope everything goes well. otherwise i will apply in LSE or LBS

        What should be prepared for the interview?

  227. farhan

    absolutely man adi 700 my GOD awesome score in gmat you can even go to yale or stanford man LUMS IS calling u for interview 10000000000000000000 percent

  228. farhan

    Yes jang ill definately not call u by this name inshallah at SOP INSHALLAH i am yet unable to know about lmat 1 so that i can plan more about lmat 3 .

        1. Hassan

          Thanks and highly appreciated.
          I want to increase the verbal score.
          i got 31/79%. Any advince

          Whats your take on scoring pattern.
          I mean they must have total score of 60 for each section.

          By the way what test did you got.
          2 verbal + 3 quantitative
          or 3 verbal + 2 quantitative.

          BOL for LUMS admission.

          1. Sangeen Khan

            I honestly can’t remember which test I got.I am the sort of person who forgets the exam questions as soon as leaving the hall.I gave both GMAT and LMAT and preperation for both was from GMAT Prep but both tests were completely different.Regarding the scoring pattern,I have no idea about that too.I just understand what percentile means,don’t know how they calculate the other scores.

  229. Sangeen Khan

    Practice practice practice.But from where is the problem.The test was so different from GMAT it wasn’t even funny.

  230. farhan

    i was short of practice in math so i scored low in quantitative kindly tell me which book to consult and also form where to do math practice

    1. Sangeen Khan

      The kind of maths questions in lmat 2 were closer to SAT than to GMAT.I cannot say anything for sure as I have no idea what kind of questions will come in lmat 3 and I do not want to give you any wrong advice.But lmat 2 was more about just basic maths.

  231. bilal

    Hi slam every one i got 520 in lmat 2 i have cgpa 3.1 in bba hons and ALSO DONE ACCA i have experience of almost 4 years 2 part time and two full what are my chances plz give your expert advice

  232. bilal

    ok THANX any helpfull tips on improving my quantiative score it was 33
    60th percentile but my quantitative was way better which book i should consult

    1. Farhan

      It doesn’t matter that much from where you practice. Cause the more you practice from any source the better it is. practice for straight 4 hours(20min break) if your looking for a score around 600. My books were kaplan,princeton review and official guide and i scored 640.

  233. Amin Ur Rehman

    Guys I have a 2.6 CGPA and I must have failed/repeated at least 10 courses in my degree of BS Accounting and Finance from CBM, Karachi. In short, I completed a degree of 4-years in 6-years, mainly because I lost interest in my degree program plus I have been working and was very passionate about my work. I am a below average student, all my life I have never gotten good grades. I have been working since past 4 years or so in Advertising industry that is not even related to my degree but since I am passionate about it that’s why I have ditched Finance for good and that is one major reason I didn’t make much effort in my bachelors.

    My big question is:
    1) Shall I give a try for getting an admission in LUMS MBA ?
    2) If yes, then GMAT or LMAT ?
    3) I am going to prepare from Anees Hussain and please also tell me the trick of memorizing so many vocabulary words ? How do you guys do it man ?
    4) What sources except newspaper should I use to keep myself updated from current situation of Pakistan ?
    5) Do you anyone else than Anees Hussain, who train for LUMS admission tests really good ?

    1. Farhan

      1. Give it a try
      2. Lmat is comparatively easy but exhausting.
      3. no need to memorize vocabulary words in either test.
      4. blogs, business recorder site
      5. practice is the best trainer of them all

  234. sush

    I had a graduate gpa of 3.9 and a full year working exp of 4 years in a Trading firm. i have a gmat score of 750 . Always had excellent interviews but rejected . I got calls from 3 top ranked universities just because i cannot leave lahore i refused to join them.
    i just dont know what is the issue? May be because my graduate institution is not one of the best institutions in Pakistan.
    please advise.

    P.S i did my graduation from NEWPORT.

    1. Farhan

      Holy cow! your credentials are extraordinary. It baffles me too about your rejection. I believe its not your institution but about your presentation to the interview panel. I guess you need to work on your communication skills or critical reasoning.

      1. sush

        i dont know brother what is happening. If i have a problem with my communication skills then why University of Chicago (Booth) offered me admission ?
        i know there must be any weakness in me . last year i rejected IBA because i was confident to get admited in lums.
        I am thinking of giving LMAT in DEC and try to score a perfect 800. they wont have any choice then

    1. JangoBoy

      The last LMAT, for this year’s MBA, is on 3rd March. Register for it on the LUMS website as a walk in candidate, give the test, score better in LMAT, submit all your documents before 8th march, give good interview and then you’ll get the admission letter. Many people have tried it. You should try as well. 😉

  235. Abdul Moeed

    Phew just finished reading all of the comments. This blog is a treasure of information, and I feel like I know you all now. I’m giving my LMAT on Saturday, so I hope it goes well. Very interesting to read that the recent format is unlike the GMAT. Btw if you look at the sample LMAT this time around, it’s of very poor quality.

    @Sangeen Hey man congratulations on your excellent score. I know you from BMI-A. We have a mutual friend in Aimel Khan, and I remember the three of us hanging out before the NUST admission test. You probably know me by face than name. Hopefully my LMAT goes well and we can have a BMI reunion in August. 🙂

  236. Amin Ur Rehman

    Guys, I want to score the highest in LMAT. Kindly tell me the best centre to get classes for admission test prep. And what is the ideal time to start for it. End of July ?

    1. zq

      hey Amin, I would not advise ya to join atleast princeton because it course material isnt that much worth. I know this person he has quite good control over gmat and lmat. He is an iba grad heard he is about to start classes for gmat/lmat for 2013 admissions.
      you can reach the person on

  237. Mobi

    Appeared for the LMAT today. Was totally caught by surprise. The new LMAT pattern is quite different from the one of GMAT. B/w, when do they start calling Round 2 applicants for interview.

  238. Sangeen Khan

    I need some help with this.I sent my documents by post to LUMS before I submitted my online application.Therefore, I have not attached the mailing label on the post and also havent send the application form on paper with it.Should I send everything again or is it fine?

  239. bilal

    its fine sangeen if you have mentioned your name and tracking id on the envelope there is no need to send printed form of application with your documents your tracking id is the main thing.

  240. Amin Ur Rehman

    which exam is proffered by LUMS ? Lmat or Gmat ? I think Gmat is still more predictable than Lmat so I am thinking to stick with Gmat. What do you guys suggest ?

    GMAT or LMAT ?

    1. zq

      Go for gmat because if you are sound in gmat then lmat will not be an issue for you. Second you will have more options with gmat .

  241. Hammad Khan

    Do you guys know when candidates who have applied in round 1 will be contacted for interview. Any rough dates?
    Or has anyone been contacted to come for interview.

      1. Sadaqat

        My cgpa is 3.8 from bahria. no work experience proved to lums. i applied in round 2 and gave lmat 2 and 4. lmat 2 marks were 520 while lmat 4 marks were 570.
        i have not recieved any response from lums. Farhan can u guide about it?

        1. Arslan

          Sadaqat if u have applied in Round 2 then they will consider only LMAT 2 score. The decision for taking interview/ selection will be based on LMAT2 result. LMAT4 score will only be considered for those who have applied in Round 3.

          1. Sadaqat

            Arsalan are you sure? i am actually curious about this. i wrote a detailed note to lums inquiring about the same issue and may be the length confused with the message but the only reply that was written back to me was that highest score is considered.

                1. HH

                  Well that isn’t the case. I applied in Round 2 as well and appeared for LMAT 4. I called the office as well as mailed them twice to confirm if my LMAT IV would be considered..and they said yes it would be.

                    1. HH

                      However, I read here only that if you give LMAT IV you are considered in ROund 3. Are you from Karachi?

                2. Sadaqat

                  HH :
                  However, I read here only that if you give LMAT IV you are considered in ROund 3. Are you from Karachi?

                  no I am from Rawalpindi.

                  1. HH

                    i heard Round 3 candidates from Punjab were called long time back. But seriously it is very confusing whom they have called and whom they havent.

                    1. Sadaqat

                      HH this is actually confusing, i called them and asked them about the date after which i should believe that application has been rejected and she said mid june. so no response till mid of june will make it quite sure that application has gone unsuccessful.

  242. bilal

    Hi Farhan did you got financial assistance Last year and my financial condition is not that strong so how much fee assistance i should apply for i men 50percent do they give loan easily and what sort of supporting documents are necessary for financial aid.

        1. JangoBoy

          Good luck man. I really hope that you ace the interview. We all expect that you’ll give us a very very detailed account of your interview.

    1. Hammad Khan

      Hello Farhan,
      How did your interview go. Would you mind sharing few of the questions they asked you. It would be great help to everyone.

    1. zqidwai

      Well it all depends upon your potential and how much you are gaining from the practise and also how focused your apporach is. Approach should be strategic and channelized.
      Dedicating your weekends completely and some practise on weekdays along with CAT tests for two to three months can bring the results.

  243. Ahsan Raza

    I didnt last time, tough this time I have improved my LMAT score and now Here is my Application Status

    LMAT score = 670
    LMAT percentile = 94
    CGPA = 3.027 (B.Sc Electrical Engineering form UET Lahore)
    Experience = 2 years
    FSC = 986/1100 ; Metriculation = 755/850

    I just got the MBA interview call to be held on 13 March,2012 3:00 pm. Anyone got he call? Inshallah I will make it this time. I will keep you people informed
    Excellent Blog BTW

    1. JangoBoy

      You really have a good profile to start with. I’ll say the same thing to you. We hope that you do well in your interview but we all here are expecting that you’ll come back here and give us a very detailed account of how your interview went. We all need it. Good Luck.

    2. Arfah

      hai those who got interview call this year please kindly scribble the question they asked you …would be a real help.. god bless you all..

  244. Amin Ur Rehman

    Guys, GMAT format is changing. I have two questions:

    – This is what’s changing:

    This change will be introduced from June 1st. So shall I start preparing today and give the old test format before it. Would I be able to prepare for a 700score in this time ? I will take tuitions from Anees Hussain 3-days a week and can give 3hours daily in the evenings and full weekends. I am working full-time but not studying. In short, preparing for a 700/+ is realistic in this time


    I should take time and prepare with the New GMAT Format ?

  245. Farhan

    questions asked were mostly about the essay they make you write just before the interview and my academic/professional background. Other than that they asked pakistan’s growth rate,india’s growth rate,solution for pak electricity crisis,opinion on kalabagh dam,who is the chairman of senate and some mathematical questions on probability and distance.
    My advise to everyone called for interview is to sit down with your credentials and ask yourselves what ever questions that are possible to be asked in the panel. The most important aspect that they look in interview is your LOGIC. The way you connect the dots. Be sure to write your essay with strong reasoning and assumptions. be sure to have STRONG reasons to why you want to do an MBA and why from Lums (lums is number 1 business school is not good enough reason alone). they will try to push you to your limits so be mentally strong and fresh to answer their questions cause it will be a gruelling session. A good night sleep on interview date is very imp.
    I’ll write more if something more imp comes to my mind. Also it was my third interview.

    1. Hassan

      Thanks for update Farhan. Best of Luck with the result.
      Please also tell what was the topic of your essay before interview.

    1. JangoBoy

      You have probably missed the template given in the online application form. When you have signed in on, see the Application Form > Recommendation Letters section. That’s the template on which LUMS requires these letters.

  246. Studios

    Fantastic blog. Thank God, it is live again because it had become dormant in the past 2-3 months. I appeared in LMAT-2 and for me it went very well but I got terrible score i;e 560. I am still baffled what happened as for me, the corrections were very very easy and I was almost confirmed about each of them but to my complete surprise, I got only 30 right.

    I did not appear in LMAT-3 as I was giving another competitive test and my paper coincided with LMAT-3 date. Regarding my credentials:

    LMAT Score: 560(80%)
    B.Sc Electrical Engineering: 3.12 CGPA
    FSc: 90%
    Matric: 94%
    Experience: Here I consider myself a solid candidate. I started my online business revolving around Internet marketing and gradually made up my team. Now I have been doing this for the past 3 years and I got great recommendations letters and experience letters from my clients abroad(one from Chinese firm, another from USA Software house and then another recommendation from Australian electronics company for which we did e-commerce project).

    The only weak link is my LMAT score and I am very very worried about it. At the moment,my business is online and I want to give practical existence to my business in Pakistan.

    So chance me please? Can I fancy admit this year?


  247. javed

    you credentials are awesome you may get an interview call in MAY coz in march april scores around 600 plus are called for interview but i believe you got a good chance if you are called for interview

  248. Studios

    ^Thanks for encouragement. Should I really go for LMAT-4 but I really do not think it will be of any help in my application process this year?

    So guys, what you suggest..!

    1. JangoBoy

      Hey studios, there is no LMAT 4. And the last date for taking GMAT for either of round 2 and 3 was March 3rd. So apparently there is no way you can improve your score. But trust me, as javed has already said, you WILL get an interview call. You have credentials worth drooling on. 🙂

  249. Xaidi

    Wow Studios amazing!! i hope you get the interview call you deserve it..what was your lmat score break up verb and math

  250. Studios

    ^I do not remember it exactly but all I remember is my verbal score which was 30. I am still not getting what happened. No way in a hell can I get 30 wrong in test as I am pretty good with correction and all verbal stuff. I probably messed up with options sequence because this is the only mishap I can think of for such a horrible score. By the way, as I said earlier I did not prepare that well for this test because I was preparing for CSS and I had no time to spare. But still, my test went far well than 560.

    @JangoBoy, I called Admsission Office on Friday and they said 4th LMAT will be held in late April and website will be updated with dates/registrations very soon. He told me “You can tell the interview panel that you have given another LMAT or if result is announced, you can tell them your score in your interview”..I do not know whether he was trying to trap or what because I think that would be no of use to me in this admission year.

  251. Studios

    Even if I get interview call, I still think with this LMAT score, they will be apprehensive in giving me an admit. However, I will try my best for an interview.

    1. JangoBoy

      Thanks for the info. I hope that other candidates find this it as well. So far, from what I have heard from my friends who are already studying in LUMS… the admission panel is very accommodating. Don’t be bogged down by your score. I have seen people with 720 get rejected. They evaluate your overall profile and your interview performance. You should tell them exactly what you have written here and leave your opinion open ended so that they wait for the LMAT 4 score before finalizing decision on your case.

      Just for some hope: A friend got admission with only 610 in LMAT , 2.5 GPA and 1 year experience in unrelated industry.

  252. Studios

    ^Thanks a lot. Yes, I am aware of the fact that LMAT is JUST ONE factor in determining whether one should be given an admit or not. But still, when you are above average in all respects then you have some extra shot of confidence..:)

    However, interviews are going on. So people do share your experiences…

  253. Ahsan Raza

    Hi. I Took my interview after my call at 13 March(Scheduled at 3:00 but my turn came at 6:15, my interview was about 20 mins), and i did okay i think. First part of my interview consists of why MBA and why LUMS for about 10 mins. Then they asked me about my job and busniess model and Electricity crisis. Some general questions regarding newspapers (new Senete Chaiman and population of Pakistan and growth rate) and then asked the same questions about India!!!! I think they wanted to test my knowledge and I was nearly right. They didnt ask about my Essay. Prepare WHY MBA question? This is your start of interview and all interview performance is boosted if you prepare this question right. Best of LUck to all.

  254. javed

    Ahsan i think you ill get admission coz these sort of questions are asked usually to candidates by panel whon they wanna select did you applied for financial assistance and who was in your interview panel i mean the three guys

    1. Ahsan Raza

      Yeah three guys.. Not applied for financial Assistance. Dont know the name. One had bread and wore a sort of Quid-e-azam Hat and 2 normal middle age men

  255. Xaidi

    anybody here who gave lmat III? i messed up verbal was short of time and left quite a few qs… did everyone get 2 math 3 verbal in lmat III? any suggestion to prepare for sentence correction?

    1. JangoBoy

      Although the LMAT format is very different from GMAT but I would still recommend you to prepare through Offical GMAT Review. It’ll give you a good practice in sentence correction.

  256. javed

    ahsan i know all of these guys beard guy is very nice person i wont tell you the name because its not ethical but you are in welcome to LUMS i am sure

  257. javed

    HI any body attempted Lmat 3 and when is the result expected further how you generally found maths section

    1. Xaidi

      i gave lmat 3.. level of diff on math sec was easy-medium. Time allowed per question was far less then gmat but still it was not tht much of a problem. Verbal was the real prob. Diff level was not tht high but left alot of questions because there was not enough time.

  258. Ripper

    Hi, I have given Lmat 3 , the test was not so difficult but the difficulty was to mange the time. 😦

    Lmat is bit different than Gmat, There were many sections of maths and english .

    @ the end, there was only 1 essay in the test of 30 mins.

    Remember me in your prayers 🙂

    1. Studios

      ^It will take at last 3-4 weeks. All that’s written on admit card is not true. You aren’t going to get your result within 4 days!

  259. JangoBoy

    I am fine except I think I now have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder after the result 😉 Just like Studios, I haven’t recovered from the shock because I found the exam piece of cake. I scored 610 in LMAT II and this is the sole reason why I also attempted LMAT III. I hope the score improves in LMAT III, which went a little better than LMAT II, so that I can get rid of these “mind-blasting” psychological disorders.
    FunFact: There are two students in MBA 2013 who have absolutely no experience other than internships. Both had average GPAs but scored 700+ in LMAT.

    1. JangoBoy

      I have online freelancing experience of 1.5 years plus several internships with accumulate to about 8 months. Year long experience on a volunteer post as well.

  260. shoaib

    yes jang you have great LMAT in wish u the very best i also attempted lmat 3 english i found easy 2 sections of math were easy but one section was bit tricky i hope around 650

    1. JangoBoy

      : ) you got me wrong and sorry for that pun-loaded comment there. It was a rant about a score which I consider low for my weak profile and experience.

  261. Ali Khan

    people today was my interview and it went horrible (below average).. now i dont know about the chances of getting admission.. im business graduate with couple of internships currently working in a multinational company for the past 8 months.. got 3.9/4 cgpa but my lmat score was very less, it was 80 percentile primarily because of appearing in test without preparation.. i dont have any hope though!

      1. Ali Khan

        they started asking from my job, meanwhile switched to academics while the women kept on asking questions from my job.. they asked me to go the board and find out NPV for the investment im going to make for LUMS.. they asked me about the opportunity cost that i will have to bear in case i get in to lums.. the guy asked me to provide atleast 3 reasons that why should he admit me.. then my career choices and why not any certification! then discussion moved to recent issues in Arab Countries.. Western Imperialism remained a hot topic through out the discussion. they kept on asking different questions and suddenly they said Thanks :p this was the whole story

  262. Studios

    @JangoBoy, were you able to produce recommendation letters and experience letters? If so, then your work experience will count. I asked this from LUMS Admission Officer!
    @Ali Khan, do share your interview questions please.

  263. javed

    thanx for the update ali khan dont worry tell me atleast what percent of your answers were correct and NPV opportunity cost very bascic things one should no them further more confidence level is of paramount importance best of luck and kindly recall what essay you wrote there and also other questions as many as you can recall

  264. Ali Khan

    yup they were basic things and i told them right. but from the way they were treating it seems they are not much impressed.. i made cash flows right but in the end he asked did u make these calculations before coming here? i said NO! he was like then whats the use of studying it then! these were some pinching questions.. another simplest question was the difference between income and cash flow statement.. actually it their behavior that has made me not to have any hope ! overall they tried to make u as much confused as they can and do try to control your emotions through out the interview.. the essay they made me to write was “Multinationals are actually helping in western imperialism”

    but one thing is for sure, they ask different questions from eveybody but knowledge of general affairs is a must thing.. they asked me about any news you read today or yesterday and asked me if you favor it or not!

    1. JangoBoy

      Ali Khan, I am not trying to give you false hope and neither do I want to make you hopeless. But your comments are the exact reflection of my friends’ when they walked out of their interview last year. The panel simply pins you against the wall to see how you react when push comes to shove. I hope you remained (or atleast pretended to be) calm. Anyway, good luck and thank you for sharing your experience.

  265. Need Motivation


    JangoBoy need your comment on this!

    I have completed my bachelors degree in 5years instead of 4years. BS Accounting and Finance from CBM with a CGPA of 2.56/4.0. I got a job in advertising after the 1st year of study so I had started taking interest in work more than studies. I would take morning classes really early and rush to work by noon, daily. Hence I lost my interest in accounting and finance but I decided to finish the degree by hook or crook! So with many Failed/Repeated courses I got done with the degree with such a pathetic CGPA. I wasn’t a part of any activity or society at my uni too.

    Right now, my accumulated experience is almost 4+years in the field of Marketing (which is not my academic field)

    I am ready to invest quality time in studying for GMAT for next year’s admission for MBA. But the problem is that every time I see this blog and read about what happened to people in the interview specifically the General Knowledge grilling questions and questions related to academics just de-motivates me every now and then. Though I am a really confident guy and I am a well-known Salesman with sheer positive attitude, in my network.

    According to my credentials, how do you rate my probability of getting admission next year ?

    1. JangoBoy

      Haha. JangoBoy has suddenly become a ‘go-to guy’. Anyway… I am not some admission expert but I just happen to have couple of friends studying in LUMS. Here is my take on your profile and most of the following has already been stated above. The important factors:

      1. Experience: Any experience above 1 year is decent enough to be considered ‘enough’. (mentioned indirectly mentioned on the LUMS website). So this shouldn’t be a problem since you have good experience. (the greater the better)

      2. Academics: Everyone has weak points and this is the dirt on your profile. Get ready for some explanation in interview.

      3. GMAT/ LMAT: Any score above 550 will put you on radar. 650+ should raise eyebrows and and 700+ should make LUMS go ballistics (Sangeen Khan! you son-of-a-gun!). I don’t agree with people when they say that GMAT should be attempted. LMAT is WAY easier and cheaper, all you need is good time management. I myself have an average score on LMAT but I know that 650+ is do-able in LMAT and with a serious effort, you CAN touch 700. You should definitely attempt LMAT 4 this year and next years’ three LMATs before applying in Round 2 (since most of the candidates are picked in first two rounds… as mentioned on LUMS website). This will give you 4 attempts on LMAT and still Rs. 10k to spare out of the 22k that you would have otherwise spent on a single GMAT attempt. (this is applicable if you are aiming for LUMS MBA only)

      4. Interview: The most crucial part of admission and therein lies the rub. Be prepared to answer “Mr Need-Motivation, why would you spend a million rupees on a piece of degree that you knew you were never going to practice?”. There can be several good and honest retorts. Like, you can explain that your interest and experience is the sole reason your are aiming for the marketing majors in MBA and no education is useless education. etc etc. You can go on and sound a little corny by saying that there would have been no beautiful computer fonts had Steve Jobs not studied the calligraphy course in the only semester he studied at college before dropping out and blah blah. Justify how your MBA is important for your professional goals etc etc. (read all above comments). You have enough time till next year… give mock interviews to people you have never met so you can prepare for the LUMS interview. But remeber that admission panel will try their to rub poop on your face just to check how you react. Read the original post by Usman Afzal. Who the hell asks tripple integration questions in interview? (see comment #190) Just try to remain calm, if not confident. ( <— I hope I can act on this advice). Smile (as you say, by hook or crook) and say that "I cannot solve right now". (comment#123) Read newspapers with genuine interest of knowledge. But no matter how learned your are, they will try to push you into your weakest areas. Remember: EVERY SINGLE PERSON WALKS OUT DEJECTED. because admissions committee can sometimes be really really mean. But, you walking out dejected does not necessarily mean that you are rejected. Usman Afzal, Sheryar Junaid, Fakhar, Umair, Shanawaz, Usama, Saba Gul, Ali G, friend of Masab, Bilal, Amjad Irfan and many many many others here got in. Several of these people had trouble in interview. If they can get in then Mr. Need-Motivation can also get in. LUMS admission is not some insurmountable Vodka Route of Mount Kilimanjaro (Google it !). Don't worry, try your best and leave the rest. Know that a vast number people who never went to LUMS still made it to higher echelons of corporate hierarchies.

      I try to use the phrase "trust me" very carefully… but trust me you have a decent competitive profile if you can work up a little in LMAT. But please don't take my opinion as carved on stone. Consult different people. Given the emotion in your comment, I hope that you make it to LUMS. Good luck.

      TL;DR: Decent profile, please try to score 650+, you should already know the interview questions, and take me to dinner with the 10k you'll save on your LMATs.

      1. Need Motivation


        You are a great help! Thanks for adding immense value to this blog by replying to our posts!

        – I am taking GMAT so I can apply to other scholarships in Sweden, Norway etc.
        – Money is no object when it comes to education for me so I can take LMAT too. But do you think I will be prepared for LMAT automatically if I prepare for GMAT ? Or do I have to study separately for LMAT ? In any case, I am going to take classes from Anees Hussain
        – I am still not clear on the number of sessions of LMAT tests. I thought there are only 3 LMAT tests but you mentioned something about “LMAT4” ?

  266. javed

    Ha ha very profound and impressive expression yes well said jango i got rejected last year more over one can sniff whats the panels decision gonna be and thats true the panel tests you to Lmat if i can just get to 680 this Lmat i have made plans for the panel best of luck i think the result is gonna come next week

  267. Amin

    Choosing MBA-LUMS over going for a UK degree ?

    What opinion do you guys have ? I mean, do MBA-LUMS has a market worldwide compared to a UK MSc degree ?

  268. Xaidi

    Amin… a few very simple things.. i wont say LUMS has same value WORLDWIDE as most of the UK’s top universities but LUMS has very gud value in the Pakistan and Middle east market. when you compare the fees and the living expenses in the UK with LUMS there is no comparison. It is alot easier to get admission in some top university in the UK i.e Manchester, Lancester, Warwick etc for MBA compared to getting admission in LUMS. The prospect of getting a job, work permit and stuff in UK is very low and decreasing every year as unemployment rates rise and govts are under pressure to introduce policies to discourage non EU employment. Recent such policy was to discontinue the UK’s PSW post study work visa policy. I honestly believe that its not wise to pursue a post graduate degree in a country in which you dont have prospects of getting atleast 2-3 years of work experience afterward. Its just not financially viable to pay the fees in pounds and earn salary in Rs.

  269. AbuBAkr

    21st March…m interview was conducted and now each day is like a month, fingers crossed lets c what happens , interview went average…..

  270. Studios

    I called Admissions Office and they told that second round applicants will start getting interview calls in late April. Seems bit late though.

  271. Nasir

    Thank you for creating this blog! i took the LMAT 2 – had a 580 score. Just wanted to know has anyone from Karachi gotten a call yet?

  272. JangoBoy

    @NeedMotivation: See comment # 518 for LMAT 4 details. I’ll say again to go through all comments. It’ll take you half an hour but it will clarify all your major concerns and questions. You should also make the profile on so that you can register for LMAT 4 in case admissions office is serious about it.

    @AbuBAkr: Can you please spare some minutes to write some details?

  273. AbuBAkr

    @jangooBoy well they asked me about my experience and then asked the govt. spendings. the lady was concerned about my declining academic record and thts why i think the chances are low, as 84% in Matric 66% in FSc and Graduation with 67% 3 gpa out of 5….in one question 1 could not satisfy them and tht was regarding experience . they asked the total sales in monetry value , i answered them in tones bt they were keen to get them in monetry terms. so prayers all around me ….. lets c

    1. zqidwai

      Listen AbuBAkr , what about the essay topic and how much time is given to write the essay ?
      Any specific questions from the admission essays ?

      Best of Luck
      Insha Allah you will be get admission

  274. Abdul Moeed

    With the LMAT 3 result a few days away, I’ve got some nerves now. Does anyone know if the essay score is counted in the verbal score or not ? My exam went well, but I relaxed way too much when the essay came so had to rush it in the end.

  275. Xd

    As far as i know verbal score does not include the essay score. Lmat score will be recieved by 4th of April so relax. better not start biting ur nails or ull end up eating them all by the time we get our result..

  276. DADA (AbuBakr)

    my topic of essay was “free trade with india will destroy our economy” discuss and the give 15 min for writing so you have to manage it well, 2 to 3 min for making outline and than u should convert that into a systematic paragraph essay.

  277. DADA (AbuBakr)

    thanks zqidwai 🙂
    the rising exchange rate prices have impacted our ccompanies and industries and what is that impact ?? governament spendings ?? my companies profit??
    others i already told u that were about my academics and experience …..

  278. Nahs

    Did any one receive a decision yet for this year ? They have been conducting interviews since 14th March 2012 i guess………

  279. Studios

    ^Are you sure that people from 2nd round are being called now? I was told by Admissions Cell of LUMS that second round applicants will be called in Mid April..?

  280. JangoBoy

    Ufff ! You people nearly gave me a GINORMOUS heart attack ! The round 2 applicants will get interview calls towards the end of April, I confirmed this from admission office. Round 2 interviews are NOT GOING ON !

  281. Ali Khan

    i applied for Round 2 and has been interviewed on 22nd March! so it means Round 2 interviews are going on! =P

      1. Ali Khan

        nopes i didn’t appear for LMAT 3 and i submitted application on the last day of Round 2 application deadline :p i dont exactly remember the date

        1. JangoBoy

          Then it makes sense. All the data for your application is complete so there was no point in making you wait. But it is merely a conjecture and not a fact.

            1. JangoBoy

              So you are hell-bent on making me feel hopeless. Right? : )
              Anyway. Good Luck for your application. I still have high spirits.

              1. Ali Khan

                No way, m not making u hopeless cm’on.. just informing you to get ready, u might get call in a day or two =).. i know many people who have scored more than 700 and have applied for 2nd round and have not received call yet.. so keep ur hopes high and get ready for the interview! 🙂 they will call u in a day or two .. all the best wishes! 🙂

  282. Nahs

    LMAT 3 applicant naturally fall in the third round since their result appears after the second round’s deadline.

  283. Xd

    Ali Khan.. can you please share your lmat score.. i think they are processing your application in 1st round as u didnt take lmat 3

    1. Ali Khan

      Xd it was very less.. I couldnt prepare for test because of office.. i scored 80 percentile.. well i dont think they are treating me in round 1 as those who were with me on that day were also from round 2.. so get ready to receive a call in a day or two =)

      1. Xd

        i doubt tht i’ll be getting an interview call anytime soon as i havnt received my lmat score yet. I took lmat 3 and its result is expected around 5th of april

  284. Abdul Moeed

    @JangoBoy I’m with you. Since we’ve both given LMAT 3 and the result isn’t out yet, there is no way we’ll get any call before the result is out. And since we’ve submitted our documents in Round 2, we’ll probably get the interview call in early-mid April when they are wrapping up the interviews for Round 2.

  285. Studios

    This comes as bit of surprise for me that interview calls for second round have started. But we are so many people over here from second round and very very few have got calls. So do let us know people if anyone gets a call.

  286. Xd

    Is there anyone out there who applied in round 2 and took lmat 2 and didnt receive an interview call. Sangeen.. did u take LMAT 3?

  287. Studios

    ^I have NOT got call yet and did NOT appear in Lmat 3. Moreover, keep in mind that all those who have applied in Round 2 has no relevance with their result of LMAT-3 in terms of their interview calls. They will consider LMAT-3 result once they make decisions about them This is the reason they say “Apply in any round carefully”. For round-2, all that matters at the moment is Lmat-1 and Lmat-2.

    1. Xd

      Lmat 1 and 2 are for round 1. For round 2 and round 3 you can take any of the first three lmat. Ones who dont take lmat 3 can be interviewed earlier with round 1 applicants based on the result of Lmat 1 or Lmat 2 whichever they choose to take. The ones who took LMAT 3 and applied in round 2 can not be called for interview before they get the result for their Lmat 3. The result of Lmat 3 is expected around 4-5th of april

  288. Studios

    ^Yes–You are right. Just checked again. But what I meant was it depends WHEN you have applied. You have given LMAT-2 and submitted your application with that score. Then you CAN give LMAT-3 to improve your score and Admission Dept WILL consider your improved score but it is really not essential that they check your result of LMAT-3 before calling you for interview. What they will see is the score WITH which one has applied. I hope you are getting my point. This is how I gathered when I talked to the Admission Officer about all this!

  289. Xd

    ^Yes i get your point. If i am not wrong you took lmat 2 and lmat 3 both.. what was your lmat 2 score? In my case lmat 3 was my first attempt at lmat

  290. Studios

    No-I only took my LMAT-2 and my profile is listed in one of the above posts.

    Plus: I just got mail from LUMS that one experience letter from my file is missing. However, I have cleared that out by calling them. It seems that calls of interviews for second round applicants, in fact, have started or are going to be commenced very very soon because they had given me till 30th March to submit that.

  291. JangoKaFAN

    Any ideas, what percentage of students get admission in LUMS out of ones who score 600+ in LMAT or a good score in GMAT ?

    I mean, is LUMS desperate to have admissions for MBA. Eventually its a business after all. But they way you guys are posting about horror interview stories, it doesn’t seem like as if they are in desperate need of business!

  292. farhan

    actually its the other way round.lums ain’t desperate but the candidates are. lums can get funding from so many sources.

    P.s I have recently started by own blog Do check it out !

  293. rehan

    verbal 14, quantitative 21 and total 330… what does this means… what are the total marks and where are the essay marks?

  294. Abdul Moeed

    Got my LMAT 3 score. 650/ 96 percentile.

    So my final profile becomes,

    BSc Telecom Engineering
    8 months of internship experience, Cisco and Huawei trainings.
    LMAT 650

    The wait for an interview call begins.

    1. JangoBoy

      o come on man. Have some heart. We’re the ones with sub-600 LMAT scores. I got the missing-documents-email yesterday, which means they processed my file for the first time yesterday. So, no worries. You just take a chill pill man –>

      1. Sangeen Khan

        Lol..I got a missing document email 12 days ago.I am chill,just thoughts about gpa coming back to bite me creeping into my head.

    1. Hijab

      hi everyone. applied in 2nd round. Interviewed before result. got the result today..540/70 percentile..have experience and good academic record..I’m worried my Omar score would reduce my chances if any..should I apply for lmat 4..?!? wud they consider it viable?!

      1. Babar

        Would it sound awfully douche-y if I said I’ve always been good in English/Verbal? :p I had a 99 percentile on the Writing section of the SAT and 94 on the GRE. So for the LMAT, I just concentrated on the quantitative portion.

        The only tip for verbal prep that I can give (and which I know to be incredibly effective) is to develop a love of reading: Literature, classics, fiction… The more you read, the better you understand the complex and varied structures in the English language. You’ll also get really familiar with word usage, grammar and vocabulary in a way that cramming ‘verbal strategies and vocab lists’ could never provide.

        But yes, I had to study for the Math portion. Since I had taken the GRE some months back, I only needed to brush up a little. I had used the official ETS GRE guide back then and, a couple days before the LMAT, I practiced everything in the official GMAT prep book. You can get pdfs for both off the Internet.

        Stick to the official books, develop a love of reading and practice.

        1. AbuBakr

          hey mr babar , i have the officcial gmat bt i am unable to find the official gre , if u could share the link it will be of great help thanks 🙂

          1. hotchocolatefudge

            Do you have an account on warez-bb or forumw? You can easily get the ebook off these two sites.

  295. AbuBAkr

    mr rehan u got to hit back hard …….. this sore is in no way gona get you in Lums… prepare urself and try again and i hope and pray u get good marks next time …

  296. Hijab

    Hi everyone. I applied in 2nd round. Got interviewed a week back..just saw my score..540/70 percentile..I have experience with good academic record..but I’m worried about my lmat score? Should I take lmat 4? would it be viable? btw does anyone know how imp is lmat? The website says interview is probably the most imp criteria..and luck matters!:s

    1. zqidwai

      You should go for LMAT 04…this might give an additional boost to your application in case you score 600 +. But as you mentioned you have good experience complemented with good academic record then you have good chances of getting the admission letter subjected to your performance in the interview.
      By the way could you share highlights of your interview: What was the essay topic?, What was their main focus (academics or work experience), Any other tough question?

      1. JangoBoy

        last date for taking GMAT/LMAT for Round 2 candidates was March 03. So LMAT 4 will not have any impact on Round 2 applications.

    2. hijab

      @zqidwai: it was 30-35 min long..essay topic was ‘Supreme court should ban politicians from taking IMF loans. Discuss.’ they started off with the essay..what is IMF etc. why we take loans etc? zardari..current affairs..what do u read in spare time? why mba and not project management? I cant say if it went well or not because there was a lot of discussion, nothing apparently seemed right or wrong.

      @jangoboy: So lmat4 is for round 3? because there isnt any round 4? and in case one appears for more than one lmat, which score do they consider?

      1. JangoBoy

        hijab, i’d say this again. You should invest half an hour in reading ALL the above comments. It will clarify most of your concerns. Anyway, at the time of decision, LUMS takes the best score out of your GMATs and LMATs, so don’t worry about it. You don’t have to submit your LMAT scores separately; the scores automatically become part of your candidate profile. Good Luck.

  297. Studios

    ^It depends on when he is called for an interview. The admissions office told me that if they are called for interview BEFORE LMAT-4, then they won’t be considering LMAT-4.
    Moreover, guys, I am having a notion that Lmat-3 has been less scoring. Is it really the case? Like the guy above said that he got 700 and he got 100 percentile and one more post I read above states that he got 650 and got 96 percentile. This is somewhat abnormal trend.

    1. JangoBoy

      Then it is most likely to benefit the candidates from Karachi, as evident in the history of all the above comments, since they are the last ones to be interviewed and issued admission letters.

  298. hijab

    Did anyone get admission offer? Iv read some people got interview calls around 13march and they say u get a call in 10-14 days or you dont…So any idea when people from round 1 &2 will get admission offers?

  299. Babar

    Also, my result card only has the verbal, quantitative and total scores. Is it the same for you guys?

    What about the essay score? On the GRE/GMAT you get a separate score (from a maximum of 6) for the analytical writing portion.

    1. JangoBoy

      No, our scorecards do not mention only the total scores. We have section scores mentioned on our scorecards. Apparently, you scored the highest in the LMAT 3. Which is why your section scores don’t matter so you shouldn’t worry about them. Also, as far as I know, LUMS never announced the essay scores in previous LMATs and someone (i’m not sure if this is right) said that the essay score is automatically incorporated in the verbal score. And please don’t mention your score and percentile again. Envy is burning me black. ; )

      1. Babar

        lol! 🙂 Did you get your scores yet? Hope they’re great as well! And yeah, my result card includes the separate verbal and quantitative scores but it’s just weird that we don’t get a separate analytical writing score.

        I have been real lazy and haven’t submitted my application yet. Gonna try to finish it up and have it posted in the next couple of days.

  300. Maajid

    Just posting to see what you guys think my chances are: LMAT Score 580; CGPA 3.80..? First try, so I’m not uber expectant.

  301. Studios

    @hijab, do you have any work experience? I saw your post and you did not mention about the panel asking you about your work experience.

    Thanks and do let us know please!

  302. Entrepreneur

    Matric 698 Marks out of 850. (A-one Grade)
    FSC 791 Marks out of 1100 .(A Grade)

    Engineering 1014 Marks out of 1495. (68% and 3.0 CGPA)
    LMAT Score: 570 / 83%

    Work Experience: 2 Years and 4 Months. Now working in One of the biggest Banks of Pakistan in Head Office.

    Established my own Software House initially get two major contracts from abroad. Working on several projects

    Do you people see any chances if I get interview call?? Do I have any chances to get admissions??

    Please do let me know i am very worried is my academic profile and LMAT score too low to get into LUMS.

  303. Studios

    ^You are almost IN. You have great experience. I really do not see any reason why would LUMS reject you, not at all. Banking experience and then your own venture, it’s just too great!

  304. Ahmer

    Guyz could you evaluate my profie please.

    Graduation : FAST – 2.65 CGPA
    Work Exp : 1 yr 9 months as of today(Software Engineer and now Snr. Software engineer)
    LMAT : 460/58% (i know this sucks but i pulled that score after 3 days of prep)

    I applied in the second round, live in karachi and appeared in LMAT 3

  305. Studios

    I have heard from various people that once you are called for an interview, then your admit/reject ENTIRELY depends on interview irrespective of every variable included in the admission process. Is it really the case?

    It’s too anecdotal, so I am not sure about it.

    1. Maajid

      That’s not correct. My cousin – who’s graduated last year – had his admission deferred a year because he didn’t have any work experience. Thing is though, his ‘provisional admission’ was based principally on his academic credentials.. or so he was told anyway.

      I just got my result yesterday and as yet I haven’t sent in my application. Should I go for it or retake the test in May? 580/3.80 CGPA.

      1. Studios

        I think you should apply as applicants in 4th round have rare chance to get in. I also have very low LMAT(560) and I am also thinking of re-taking it. I had applied in 2nd round!

        1. Maajid

          He had 3.2 CGPA and a 615 on the LMAT – that’s all. No work experience, nothing.. but he had a flawless interview.

  306. Entrepreneur

    Matric 698 Marks out of 850. (A-one Grade)
    FSC 791 Marks out of 1100 .(A Grade)
    Engineering 1014 Marks out of 1495. (68% and 3.0 CGPA)
    LMAT Score: 570 / 83%
    Work Experience: 2 Years and 4 Months. Now working in One of the biggest Banks of Pakistan in Head Office.
    Established my own Software House initially get two major contracts from abroad. Working on several projects
    Do you people see any chances if I get interview call?? Do I have any chances to get admissions??
    Please do let me know i am very worried is my academic profile and LMAT score too low to get into LUMS.

    Should I go for LMAT 4 or wait for a interview call???

  307. Ashar

    Hi there wonderfull blog ive got a BBA with 3.2 cgpa and is a memeber of CIMA ive got almost 4 years experience 2 full 2 part time lmat 520 what are my chances

  308. AbuBakr

    its been 12 days since my interview and still noo response ….. each day passes by asking my family and shopkeeper outside my home if they got any letter, and also checking my mail again n again :/
    any 1 got the letter of admission ppl??????

  309. AbuBakr

    @Entrepreneur u will definitely get the interview call ( if u have applied 😛 ) and rest depends on your interview, i think this score is good enough to get u in keeping in view your experience and activities….Wish you best of luck ..:)

  310. Entrepreneur

    Suggest me Please should I apply for LMAT 4 ??

    Is this true that chances of admission in Round 3 are very minimum. I called to LUMS they are saying that if anyone goes for LMAT 4 then automaticaly he shifts to Round 3.

  311. Ashar

    should i go for lmat 4 with 520 suggest plz will my experience make up for low lmat score my percentile is 72

  312. qaziomar

    Got an interview call on the 19th of March – interview conducted on the 22nd of March – Still waiting on the result. They told us that the result shall be be posted home “very soon”. Like, within 10 days. So, I am guessing the coming Friday marks the 10th day (working day & remember that admission office is closed on Saturdays) after my interview.

    1. Aq

      hey Qazi do share highlights of your interview. What was the topic of essay and what was the main focus of the pannel work experience, academics or general information?

      Best of Luck

      1. qaziomar

        Thank you for the wished Aq 🙂

        Actually they covered all three aspects i.e:
        1. General grasp on current affairs & my opinions about them
        2. My work experience
        3. My educational background

        I took a real casual approach to the interview. I actually had a lot of fun. If you put me through the interview again, I wouldn’t dread the idea.

        But again, I have not received an acceptance letter yet, so my approach could be totally flawed.

        Anyway, the topic of the essay was: “Is management art or science?”

        They try to grill you, irritate you, tease you, and judge how you hold up under pressure.

  313. Studios

    What is your profile Qazi? I mean experience, academic info etc.

    Thanks anyways for your contribution though!

    1. qaziomar

      Hey Studious,

      I am a Telecommunications Engineer from FAST, Lahore. My Cgpa was 2.42. Have a 1.5 years working experience and my LMAT score was 580.

  314. Maajid

    There was no analytical part in the LMAT and yet they want me to write my analytical score/percentile. What’s up with that!?

    1. JangoBoy

      1. Sign in to your account
      2. Click Application Form on top
      3. Scroll to the bottom of the page.
      4. There it is. Second last button on the bottom right. Tadaa !

  315. Ayeshaj

    I scored 99% in lmat 3 but my cgpa is around 2.6. I also have 6 months of work experience. Considering my cgpa, do I stand any chance to even get an interview call?

      1. HH

        Has anybody received an interview call post LMAT III result? And do we need to put our LMAT score in our application online?

  316. Dawn

    I have applied for MBA program in round 3. I wish to improve my scores in LMAT IV for MBA. I want to know which score will be considered for my application, the one which I have mentioned in my apllication or the best one. Is LMAT IV for MBA or MBA Exceutive?

    1. Maajid

      I asked the Admissions Office exactly that and they said I should apply for admission as well as LMAT IV. Can’t blame them, I wouldn’t say no to an extra 3000 Rs. either.

      Muft sharaab, Qazi, etc.

  317. HH

    Does the Application Status change when documents are received? I had submitted my application in Round 2 along with the documents, but I forgot to include the mailing label :/

    1. Sangeen Khan

      I did the same.Forgot to put it.But called them up and they said that if you have given ur Tracking ID with the application its fine.I applied in round 2 also but no call yet.

    1. JangoBoy

      You seem to be concerned for no reason. I handed in my documents personally and my application status still says SUBMITTED. As far as I know, no one has received interview call post LMAT III. This reminds me of the conversation i had with admissions officer who said that round II applicants will be called for interview in end-april. I think all the round II applicants who were interviewed along with round I candidates did not attempt LMAT III. So there was no reason for making them wait. So, just take a chill pill.

  318. qaziomar

    I hope they dispatch the interview results soon. Called the admission office people a few days back, they told me that none of the interviewed candidates have been dispatched acceptance/rejection letters.

    The Fourth Round gig this time around should have an implication. I mean in the middle of admission process, it has to have a background story. My personal feeling is that the candidates this year round should feel more secure about this decision. They obviously didn’t get a response as per previous years or it might me a commercial money-making gimmick.

    1. Studios

      They always have had 4th LMAT. It was held last year as well. But in my personal opinion, due to tough economic times these days, it’s still very difficult to bear extortionate LUMS fees(and I think they have considerably increased them last year and have made themselves virtually out of reach for many potential candidates. I mean 12 lac for two year is just way too much, no matter they give some financial aid as well!)

      1. zqidwai

        Well I think the facilities and the faculty they offer worth much more. Plus in such institute plenty of scholarships are available as most of the companies give their CSR money to LUMS and IBA… so focus on the admission rest things will be sorted out by Lord
        I believe that if the candidate has really that much potential then he will work out all the issues and you know there are plenty of examples around so fees and stuff arn’t really that big issue.( In my opinion)

        1. Studios

          ^Exactly. But I clearly remember just a year back that their fees were around 8 lac for 2 years and now you know where it is. One CAN get into LUMS taking calculated risks and banking on scholarships or some other “aid” but still, it’s difficult. This is the very reason they do NOT send immediate rejection letters because there are so many who just do not enroll himself for they couldnt manage funding. And we all know managing it is not that easy in our country.

  319. nadiashoukat

    Hi Usman,
    I’m supposed to appear in LMAT which will be held on 12th May. This would be my second appearance in same year. Kindly help me to prepare for the test. Suggest some tactics and reading material through which I can improve my scores.
    Kindly reply ASAP.


  320. nadiashoukat

    can anyone help me to improve my test scores. My Previous scores were not so good to be mentioned 😦

    1. zqidwai

      Well you have almost a month and you can handle the issue easily. Just focus on the official guide questions and practise them again and again and again …practise it the only key.
      Start by OG 10..then move to 11 and then 12 but you have to be really consistent aswell as sppedy.
      Rest you can contact ……he has some plenty of material and experience he might help ya.

  321. nadiashoukat

    I got 3.86 in MBA, had 1.5 years experience of a multinational, many certificates , 1 internship and a good academic record. But my LMAT scores are less than 500. Will I receive interview call or not???

  322. Dawn

    hey I hav not got AWA scores yet Shall I enter a dummy score or I shud check mark “My scores are pending and I will have them sent directly to LUMS Admission Office “

      1. Dawn

        thanku Qazi but later I got info that the result will be updated by lums, they have the record with them. If its pending enter a dummy score, this is wat admissions office told & its also mentioned in FAQs.
        LUMS has got our excact sores, so no worries 🙂

    1. qaziomar

      So, heard some news from the admission office today. The Acceptance/Rejection letters shall be posted this week and the ones on the Waiting List shall be notified in June.

      This seems pretty coherent with yesteryear’s policy. *fingers crossed*

      1. Studios

        ^As usual, I am pretty sure very very few people will get acceptance letters in this week as AdComs will hold the majority till June..

  323. Abdul Moeed

    I thought the LMAT score was automatically updated by the Admissions Office and e didn’t have to send it to them ?

  324. FarzadK

    My GPA is too low, it is way below 3.0, but I scored 100% in LMAT 3. Hence I’m not sure what would become of me. Atleast I’m sure I would get grilled for my GPA in the interview. Please tell me how to tackle this problem.

  325. Dawn

    It seems u prepared well for LMAT, Hav u got any experience? Academic record is only one of the criteria for admission to LUMS, so dont worry, U would not be grilled about the cgpa but about subject Knowledge. In the mean tym I wud suggest u to prepare in full about all business subjects. Best of Luck!
    No body is sure abt things dt gona happen. Dnt loose ur confidence save ur energy to tackle the interview 🙂

  326. Studios

    Don’t you people think that there is bit of delay this time from LUMS side regarding interviews. First round has been over for quite some time and next phase has not started yet. I remember people of second round started getting calls for interviews from second week onwards. There is something going on in LUMS Adcoms probably.

  327. Amin

    FarzadK can you please share how did you prepare for LUMS tests ? Did you take tuitions ? Which course material did you go through and how many hours did you give ? Please do update us

        1. nadiashoukat

          Hi, Many Many Congrats Ali…
          Gimme suggestion. I appeared in round two, haven’t received interview call yet, I think I didn’t qualify in test, I have submitted application, should I approach 4th LMAT or not??? whether they will consider my application if I will get 600 plus in this test?? and last but not the least , whats about seats??

          1. Arslan (Ali Khan)

            hello Nadia.. thanks alot! 🙂 can u share ur credentials? and in short i would say keh LMAT is one out of many things that panel considers while making decision. so scoring less in LMAT doesnt mean u will not get through it! i even scored 80 percentile so its all about luck, ur confidence and ur credentials that actually makes a difference! 🙂

            1. nadiashoukat

              I’m MBA with 3.86 CGPA, have been working in a Multinational fro last 1 and half year and have some internships and certificates as well. I’m preparing for 4th LMAT and also having a second thought in my mind that applicants who will appear in last test will have least priority or there will remain less seats.

  328. Sangeen Khan

    Phew.Finally got the interview call.I had almost lost all hope.Scheduled for May 2.Btw,are all interviews conducted in lums?

  329. babarsuleman

    Are interviews conducted in all three cities? Congrats to the ones already accepted. I’m waiting for my interview call now. Wonder how long that’s gonna take.

  330. Studios

    First, congrats Arsalan(Ali Khan) for getting the offer. Are you going for it? If you are from multinational and hopefully it pays well(?) then have you made up your mind to throw it away and still go for LUMS?
    Do let me know and yes, now I am finally waiting for my turn in interviews. Hopefully, will be there within a day or so(inshallah).

    1. Arslan (Ali Khan)

      thanks Studios. yeah im currently working in Multinational but i believe that completing education from the best institute of Pakistan and enhancing your skills at this level is the most important thing. Opportunity doesnt knock at your door twice so I think availing right opportunity at right time is the only thing that matters today! 🙂

    1. nadiashoukat

      Hi, Hope will fine and will be doing test preparation. May Allah succeed you in all fields of life.
      Can you please tell me that from Critical Reasoning, Data sufficiency and Reading Comprehension, which one was not the part of LMAT this year????
      I’m sure about Problem solving, Analytical Writing and Sentence Correction.
      Kindly do reply ASAP.

  331. AbuBakr

    congrats Ali Khan 🙂 i wish 2 c u in lums as mates 🙂 😀 bt i havent got any response :/ so i can conclude i have been rejected as my interview was on 23rd march ……..

  332. S.A.B.

    Hello everyone! First & foremost my gratitude to all the people who have contributed here through their questions & answers to help others as well.
    I need to know about the interviews. Are the candidates required to write an essay as well before the interview. i am confused, as the admissions area of website, FAQs etc. did not mention any such requirement.

    1. zqidwai

      I gave interview last year and at that time none of the candidates were asked to write essay before interview (as per my findings) but this year it looks that they have changed the process ; almost all the candidates who have shared details of their interview details confirmed that they were asked to wrtie essay on the given topic. So this year along with interview practise for essay as well

      1. xyz

        basically in process is the status that we get from the time we submit our application till the time they update it to accepted or rejected. the time they take for processing ur documents, application, lmat/gmat performance, interview performance (if u are lucky enough to be interviewed) everything comes under the same status i.e In Process

        1. nadiashoukat

          means my application is in process……I appeared in second LMAT and applicant of this test has been called for interview??? what should I get from this status ???
          plus I’m preparing for 4th LMAT, what now??

    1. xyz

      Karachi ppl are generally interviewed later compared to lahore ppl. If you are from Karachi and applied in round 2 and 3 then wait for a while there is still great probability that you will get the interview call next week. As for ppl from Lahore if u r not called for interviewed tom (27th april) then start preparing for next year. For lahore 2nd and 3rd may interviews are the last batch of ppl they will interview this year from lahore and if u are not called tom (friday) then u wont be called on sat (lums is off on sat) sun or mon (1st may labor day holiday) so tom is the last day for lums ppl to call lahore ppl for interview.

    1. xyz

      not sure :s sorry.. i suggest you wait atleast till the 10th of may for the interview call. where did you take your lmat? isb or lahore?

  333. Abdul Moeed

    @Entrepreneur: I’m from Lahore. I gave LMAT 3 and got a score of 650. I’m a Telecom Engineer with mostly internship experience.

    1. Abcd

      From what I know, if ur not offered admission with the first round of ppl that are..u weren’t gud enough as them. In process means lesser seats, greater competition and lower chances..however, it can change to admission offered if God wills. So keep praying 🙂

      1. Nahs

        True. Now the question is would they consider the first rounders with candidates in the second round or would they be thrown in the waiting list which is considered after the end of all rounds ?

        1. Abcd

          They would be considered with everyone applying for this year, but can they hope to compete with 3rd round qualifiers when they couldn’t compete with their own round mates?..3rd rounders are only late, not otherwise less qualified..but then again hope springs eternal..:)

          1. Nahs

            It should be first come first served 🙂 . Anyways the admission office told me that the people who have applied for financial aid receive their results later as compared to those who have not applied for FA. I wonder if that is true :S Twice the office told me that

            1. Abcd

              I didn’t know that. Are u suggesting they make a separate merit list for ppl seeking FA? that would imply they have a reserved number for FA seekers..coz otherwise what if they find qualified nonFA seekers and fill up all the seats..either way luck counts. Keep praying ppl:)

              1. Nahs

                Nope. I am not suggesting that. Probably what happens is that people who have applied for Financial Aid need to know precisely what assistance LUMS sponsors can provide. Hence based on FA details they can make an informed decision regarding quitting their jobs and joining the MBA program.

                1. Abcd

                  I beg to differ. From what I know, admissionis offeredfirst and only after that documents forFAare considered. They might reject FAbut offer admission. FAis decidedseparatelyonits own grounds. Now it all comes downto why there is a delay in the decisionof FAseekers? it’scircumstantial I suppose.

  334. FarzadK

    Is it true that Round 3 applicants have a lesser chance to get through? My GPA was low but scored 100% in LMAT 3. So should I even hope for an interview call?

  335. Sangeen Khan

    If I am not wrong,the may 2-3 interviews are the second round of interviews?

    Also,could those who have made it to LUMS share the stuff NOT to do or say in the interviews?

  336. xyz

    Yes and this is the last round of interviews for lahore applicants and next week ( most prob) will be last round for khi applicants.

  337. Arslan (Ali Khan)

    i dont think so.. 3rd round is still not finished and 30th April is the last date to apply for 3rd round so i dont think coming week is the last week for interveiws of Lahore applicant

  338. Studios


    Your assumption that 2nd and 3rd May are the last days for 2nd round is entirely anecdotal. Your source? This is NO way possible at all. In my opinion, this is the START of 2nd round applicants.

    People, keep in mind, NOT many people apply to LUMS MBA just because of fees. They were finished with their first round as quickly as anything. If almost 8-10 people are interviewed a day then probably a week or two is enough for interviewing ALL Lahore candidates.

  339. xyz

    I dont know anyone in lums admission office.. and its an assumption tht this is the last round of interviews for lahore candidates based on last year pattern. Karachi ppl were interviewed at the end (13th-14th may last year) and there were no interviews after 13-14th may. A friend of mine who applied from lahore had his interview before 13-14th may (first week of may).

  340. xyz

    sorry i dont think i am correct with my assumption after going through ali khan’s comment. sorry people. Thankyou ali khan. keeping fingers crossed..

  341. Studios

    ^Yes, you are right about the fact that this time, they are delaying. Don’t know the reason but this is definitely true.

  342. ammar

    Hi guys i have been called for interview on 8th of may my lmat score is 530 and five years of experience in banking and project management plz tell me should i go for interview or deffer it and try to improve my score further plz tell me is it interview performance or LMAT score collectively count to fet an offer letter

    1. Arslan (Ali Khan)

      u should appear for interview. LMAT is one of the criteria out of many that panel considers while making a decision. My LMAT score was 560 but I got an offer letter Alhumdullilah.. So LMAT is not the only thing that gurantee your admission.

  343. babarsuleman

    I just talked to the LUMS people and they informed me that my file is now complete and has been forwarded for review. I applied in the third round. Has anyone from the third round received the interview call?

  344. ammar

    and one more thing can i also appear for lmat 4 i haven’t registered but i can boost my score to 600 will it help

  345. Xd

    I got an Interview call today its on the 8th of may 10 am.
    Lmat score 550 (80%)
    2 Years Experience as coordinator finance (private firm)
    cgpa 3.82
    from Lahore

  346. Abcd

    Could all the people who are being interviewed nowadays share their experience please. I’m sure everyone concerned would be grateful.

  347. DH

    My interview started of with writing an essay. Then I sat down for interview. There were three guys, they asked me about my job. They told me this isn’t a manager position (my job). What you do is just book keeping. I explained to them how it was a manager job. Asked me about population of Pakistan and Baluchistan. Some technical finance stuff. Asked why my Lmat score was so low. And that’s about it. Interviewed lasted for around 20 minutes. They didn’t ask any question about essay.

  348. Xd

    DH what was your lmat score? what was the topic of the essay u had to write and how much time did you get to write the essay? gudluck to everyone with their interviews

  349. ammar

    hi yeah dh kindly share your essay topic and your lmat score and xd what are you doing for interview prep

  350. Sangeen Khan

    My interview went both well and not so well.It went well because at no point was i pushed into a corner or asked questions i did not have the answer too.On the other hand,this was because I do not have any solid experience so maybe that is the reason they didn’t ask such questions.So I’m not really sure at the moment.There were a couple of questions about geography,some about Formula 1 (I said it was my interest),about the global recession,discussion about my lack of experience and low gpa.That’s about it.

  351. DH

    My Lmat score is 530. Essay was about,” managers should be only focused on making profits and not concerned with social impact of the company on environment”.Discuss
    They give you 15 minutes to write the essay. But it’s not strict 15 minutes, they don’t monitor you. At least that’s what I noticed.

  352. Studios

    Ok–Here is what I observed from my interview:

    The essay they ask you to write on will have no bearing on your admission decision. They will probably ask about it while you are being interviewed but they definitely do NOT read it.

    My interview started with
    Why MBA? I told them about why I want to go for MBA. I have my own small business. Then the guy said, “Will you kill your business for MBA?” I said “I will try to manage it with MBA routine”. He said, “It’s NOT possible. MBA at LUMS is very rigorous. You can NOT do both in parallel.” Then he asked again “Will your kill your business for MBA”? I said I will put that on hold for time being. Then he asked me “What would Bill Gates do if he were in the same position as you are in?” and so on.

    Then some questions about my electrical engineering which were very simple. Questions about current affairs such as GDP, exports of Pk, budget information, difference between National Assembly and Senate. Most of the discussion revolved around my own business and challenges I faced while doing that. Duration of interview was almost 20-30 minutes.

  353. babarsuleman

    Got my interview call today! It’s scheduled for 2 PM, Wednesday (9th May). I’m in Islamabad though and supposedly they only do interviews at the LUMS campus. Will have to go all the way to Lahore!

    I applied in the third round, LMAT score was 700 (100 percentile), CGPA 3.89 and I have a couple years of freelance design/writing experience.

      1. babarsuleman

        lol Maybe they’ll agree to doing it over Skype? :p Are you from Lahore or did you have to travel for the interview too?

          1. babarsuleman

            Well let’s just hope they don’t break up with you over sms too. That’s the worst type of dumping!

    1. babarsuleman

      lol I know but you have to admit it’s inconvenient. You don’t even yet know whether you’ll get admitted but you have to interrupt whatever you’re doing and take time off to go to an interview in another city. They really should have a Skype option. But oh well. Let’s see what happens.

  354. HH

    The uncertainty is so annoying. I wish they would just speed up the process. Although I have no hope of a call. Is anybody giving LMAT IV

  355. Maajid

    Got my interview letter/call yesterday. 9th May is the date apparently. I’m a nervous wreck.

  356. Maajid

    Does anyone know if the total score is still 800 or has it been changed to 700? I see a lot of 700s with 100 percentiles.

      1. Maajid

        I’m not. I’m just having a hard time believing that so many candidates can have 700s/100percentile without it being the total marks. It can’t be a coincidence, can it?

        1. babarsuleman

          My 700 score is composed of a verbal score that is significantly higher than my quantitative score. Another top scorer could have had the same distribution or vice versa: a quantitative score that is higher than their verbal score in the same proportion.

          Another explanation could be that the LUMS people are simply rounding off all the percentiles over 99% to a clean 100.

  357. Xd

    Has anyone got more then 700 in this year’s lmat 1,2 and 3? i dont think so.. havnt heard from anyone yet. Scoring of lmat seems to be quite different from gmat. On gmat you can get 99% percentile and you score from 740-800 but here on lmat we have 100 percentile on 700..

      1. Xd

        i dont get how you score 750 with 99 percentile whereas others scored 100 percentile with only 700? dont you think people having 100 percentile should have a score higher then people having 99 percentile?
        750 with 99 percentile
        700 with 100 percentile
        Please someone explain how this works

        1. babarsuleman

          The percentiles for lmat 1, 2 and 3 were probably calculated separately. Since the tests inevitably vary in difficulty and the test takers change with every test, the percentiles are bound to be different.

  358. Abcd

    Percentiles are set by the performance of candidates and are test specific. The one who scores the most sets the highest mark and others are marked relatively. so no two tests can have the same result. anyway, has anyone who also applied for financial aid been offered admin or recently been interviewed?

  359. Maajid

    I’m pondering whether to even go to the interview. I don’t think my credentials (580/3.80 CGPA/No work experience) are good enough to get me a deferred admission but then I question as to why they would even call me for an interview knowing all that?

    Bloody hell this is taxing.

  360. Entrepreneur

    Matric 698 Marks out of 850. (A-one Grade)

    FSC 791 Marks out of 1100 .(A Grade)

    Engineering 1014 Marks out of 1495. (68% and 3.0 CGPA)

    LMAT Score: 570 / 83%

    Work Experience: 2 Years and 4 Months. Now working as Software Analyst in One of the Four biggest Banks of Pakistan in there Head Office.

    Established my own Software House initially get two major contracts from abroad. Working on several projects

    Do you people see any chances if I get interview call?? Do I have any chances to get admissions??

    Please do let me know i am very worried is my academic profile and LMAT score too low to get into LUMS.

    1. Maajid

      If they called me with my 580/No experience, then you’re sure to get called as well. Stop worrying.

  361. dawn

    there was no walkin registration option for LMAT IV. Bt it has been activated this week. what does this show? If the test taking population is small in number, is there any chance of getting more percentile ?

      1. dawn

        Venue for LMAT 1, 2 ,3 was Regent Plaza Hotel khi, apparently venue for LMAT IV will also be the same.
        Have you registered yourself for LMAT IV? or u will register as a walk-in candidate?

  362. dawn

    LUMS says: “only those applicants will be allowed to take LMAT 4 being scheduled for May 12, 2012 who will successfully submit their test registration form along with all supporting documents latest by April 30, 2012”

    If you have appeared in any of the LMAT previously, then u can get ur Test Card for LMAT IV from your LUMS account, print that card and bring the registration fees alongwith you and register yourself at the registration desk on the test day, but u should reach there by 8:30 am.

    Few days back walk-in registration was not permitted, today I got to know Lums is allowing walk-in registrations but the test card download option is still inactive.
    for further query mail to helpdesk LUMS.

  363. dawn

    R u applying for MBA prg? Have u made an application for admissionthis year?
    sorry in your case u should contact LUMS: UAN: +92 -42 111 11 LUMS (2177)

    Note for LMAT 4 takers: Please note that only those applicants will be allowed to take LMAT 4 being scheduled on May 12, 2012, who will completely submit their online application and test registration form along with all required supporting documents latest by April 30, 2012; 5 pm (PST).

    1. Maajid

      It’s not always the correct answers they’re looking for. I remember my cousin (who eventually got in) telling me that he had no chance, there was virtually no question that he had answered all of correctly. And yet he received a call letter.

      What did they ask you? Give us a detailed account, please.

    2. zq

      Why what happened Faraz?
      Well be hopeful you never know ….by the way what was the topic of essay and what was the main area of focus…please share all the details you can remember.

    3. dawn

      @farazdk kindly share ur fresh experience, how did u tackle ur interview? did they ask anything about your academic record/CGPA? you got 100 percentile in LMAT 3, I remember.

    1. AN

      its so late i guess now they’re just gonna call the creme de la creme of karachi in all three rounds for the interviews

  364. babarsuleman

    Had my interview today. I think I met Maajid today. We were discussing how Islamabad is better than Lahore :p Anyways, the interview was fun. I have a good feeling about it. If they don’t admit me, they’re bat shit crazy.

    My essay was ‘Is Management Art or Science’. My interview questions won’t really help any of you guys because they were directed mostly to my particular visual communication/designer background. I guess they didn’t grill me about my GPA or LMAT since I graduated top of my class and LMAT percentile is 100% so we mostly talked about my entrepreneurial aspirations and world news. But yeah, there were a couple of financial concepts questions thrown in for good measure too. And then they asked me ‘What’s Australia’s biggest export’- To which I cheekily replied ‘Kangaroos’. Caught the interviewer off guard. :p

    1. Maajid

      Haha that we did :p

      I have a feeling there might have been two sets of interviewers. We (myself and three or four others) were interviewed in a room just alongside the room we wrote our essays in.

  365. ammar

    Babar how long was your interview and did you got your interview at admissions office above pdc or in other panel

    1. BSU

      I think it lasted for half an hour. PDC is Pepsi Dining Center, right? We wrote our essays in the admission office above PDC but then we were escorted to the top floor of the School of Computer/Engineering Sciences.for the interview.

    1. BSU

      I don’t know their names but there were 3 of them. They were all very nice, well spoken and knowledgeable.

  366. adilr


    anyone here who appeared for interview on 2nd or 3rd May and received confirmation / rejection yet, I know its just been a week but I am too anxious to find out, had my interview on the 3rd.

    1. zqidwai

      Please could you share the details of the interview and the essay topic as well. In which round you applied and you from lhr or isb .

  367. Abcd

    So I guess the answers are right under our noses. I scrolled up to find out wht happened last year, these days..and here is the jist of it: Karachi ppl will be called around 12,13,14 and are the last to be interviewed. ppl who got interviewed in early may should get the letter by last week of may or aid seekers only have to wait for additional 2 days. financial aid does not have an impact on ur acceptance. people get letters by end of June and even in July.there are arnd 120-140 seats to fill. anxiety drains almost everyone going through the process. God knows what matters most. 🙂 if anyone knows any better and can can add to this, it’ll be much appreciated. Gudluck everyone! I hope we all make it.

    1. adilr

      Usually people with CGPA’s around 3 and lower are grilled in the interview ( I have been the victim myself of this brutal and discriminatory experience last week* ) and only those that really impress them get through but I have had friends with GPA’s around 3 getting in. if you are above 3.3 your safe for the GPA part, if you are below 2.8 then alot depends on your interview and experience

      *it was not as bas as I stated above but yeh you have to justify your self their and prove that you will be going for a much higher academic standard if admitted in the MBA program because that is the kind of answer they are looking for

      1. Sangeen Khan

        Oh well with a cgpa of 2.48 i have no hope.But I was not grilled alot on it.So I guess there is no fixed thing they do.Depends on the panel and their mood I guess.

        1. adilr

          hey I never said below 2.8 their aint a chance of getting in, but your interview performance becomes all the more important is what I meant, moreover if you have solid experience to back it up you might have more of a chance then a dean lister who flunks in the other two areas. at the end of the day. Dua karo inshAllah ho jae ga

          1. Sangeen Khan

            Well,I do not have any fulltime experience either.Just my test score to count on.My interview went surprisingly well.Better than I expected.That’s the confusing part.They even asked me what I thought about a deferred admission.

  368. adilr

    Well the essay topic was ” the supreme court shall ban the govt taking loans from IMF”. i doubt that they repeat an essay topic and from what I have observed it can be anything under the sun. My interview was rather short, the questions were about the basics of my Under grad degree, some technical questions about my job. the alarming thing was they never asked me why I wanted to do an MBA in the first place ( disappointed caz I had really prepared for this part of the interview ). They tried to confuse me with some simple mathematical questions thrown in like a rapid fire round. overall I could not answer the questions about my undergrad degree 100% and made mistakes ( they asked for a very specific topic in one of my courses of undergrad degree, when I told them the basic issue they went further and asked for the conditions it was based on), but the job, and current affairs part went fine ( they asked me about French elections and about Syria ). and yeh I was asked about my CGPA (3.1) why was it low. I have mixed feelings about the interview but am hoping that I get in itz really important

    1. Abcd

      I got the same essay topic. They repeat. And they asked me a lot about IMF world bank etc and why yes they bring variety.:)

  369. ammar

    guys me Lmat score was low and was really castigated on it 530 but i defended it at least i tried answerd most of questions on technical and general what are my chances surprisingly not many questions from my work experience which i explained in detail in application why mba questions questions about my leisure time activities blagh blagh ….

  370. Xd

    I had my interview on the 8th of may. It lasted for around 15 mins. Questions were about work experience, why mba, a few questions regarding my general interests and hobbies. Lmat score 550. Cgpa 3.82 from lse 2 years work experience. am from Multan (lahore lmat)

  371. ammar

    you cgpa is really impressive xd so like did the panel gave you any positive gesture or were they really flat-out i mean they remain like very reserve and dont show much of expression i have ACCA as well as BBA hons and experoence of 4 years in banking and consulting , project management . should i be hope full i mean what else i can do i anserd almost all of there questions .

    1. Xd

      No they did not give any gestures. (atleast not any positive ones). There were three people on the panel. It seemed one of them was assigned the task of being negative and putting the candidate under pressure. acca bba and 4 year experience sounds gud Mashallah. Gudluck!

  372. ammar

    thanx xd yes absolutely you are right one guy in the middle is always putting pressure on the candidate deliberately asking negative questions just to assess how one can handle pressure

  373. AU

    hey i just need to know do they send an email or a phone call to notify about interview call or just by post????

    1. nadiashoukat

      hi, I appeared in 4th LMAT. It was comparatively easy, was consisted of 4 parts i.e SC, PS, AWA and RC.

        1. nadiashoukat

          It was my second appearance. I’m comparing it with second LMAT. The best part was that trigonometry was completely omitted. I made just 2 random guesses in maths, found it easy.

        1. nadiashoukat

          MBA with 3.68 CGPA, have been working in a multinational from 1 and half year, 1 internship and many academic and professional certificates………It was my second appearance.

  374. hira baig

    i am in final year of engineering ….7th semster ending …if i apply for MBA with internships …atleast how many internships i should have ?i had prepared my life till end of engineering i am confuse what to do next…should i apply for aboard for MSC ..but in that case i would not get any working experience ..could any one please here to guide me ?

  375. ammar

    hi bssss mohsin ab panel karachi he a rahae han Game over for Lahore i think by 15 or 16 they will start your interviews aggressively till June

        1. HH

          My profile isn’t that good to get me into LUMS. I have done by BBA from CBM with a cgpa of 3.16. I got a score of 510 on LMAT and I have just been employed.. a week earlier.

  376. ammar

    dont worry fellows now its Karachi’s turn you will get your chance fair and square they will interview you for almost a 20days or month

  377. Xd

    Lums ppl are interviewing around 10-12 people in one day. 5-6 before 1 pm and 5-6 after the lunch break. They have been conduction interviews in lahore for the last two weeks (2nd and 3rd round) which makes it around 100-120 (5 days in a week as sat sund are off) people interviewed during the last two weeks in lahore. there are around 120 seats in total for mba out of which few are already alotted during the first round. Based on my guess they are going to interview lahore people for one more week and then shift to karachi. Karachi people should start getting interview calls this week and interviews should start from next week.

  378. Xd

    My status just updated to admission offered 🙂
    Lmat score 550
    Cgpa 3.82
    Interview date 8th of May
    Interview and Lmat in lahore.
    From Multan
    Gudluck everyone

  379. ammar

    hi congrats XD its awesome that you are offered admission buddy did you applied for financial assistance?

  380. S.A.B.

    Received Admission Offer letter today.
    Applied in Round 2
    LMAT-III (March) Score: 610/91%
    Interview: May 2, 2012
    CFA: All 3 levels passed
    CGPA: 3.35/4.00 BBIT(Hons) Punjab University
    5 years diverse professional experience
    Four Recommendation Letters
    Self-financed. Lahore.

    I take this opportunity to thank Mr. Usman Afzal for providing this excellent forum and to all the people who have contributed here whether through queries or answers. God bless and best of luck.

  381. zq

    hey, karachi applicants ! today i called SDSB addmission office to inquire about the interviews and was told that karachi interviews will be held in the last week of may

    1. HH

      Entre seems like they have forgotten Karachi..where others are getting offers Khi hasn’t even got interview calls even :p

  382. amina khalid

    hey guys all those who have had admission lets create a group on fb to get to know each other…….

      1. zqidwai

        Bachelors: Electronic Eng CGPA:2.87
        Masters: MIS CGPA:3
        LMAT: 670/94 Percentile
        Workexperience:Working as a service specialist in French elecom Group (around 3 years)

  383. ammar

    hi congrats sangeen buddy tell is LUMS sending offer letters or just updating status to admission offered and did you applied for financial assistance does it take longer for FA candidates.

    1. Sangeen Khan

      They are sending letters.Got mine today.I did not apply for FA so not sure if it takes longer

  384. Abdul Moeed

    My admission status updated yesterday afternoon, and I finally got the admission letter in the morning. Really looking forward to the MBA experience. Good luck to everyone else !

    1. zqidwai

      Hey congrats brother! Please could you share the interview details and the essay topic as i have my interview next week. Thanks in advance

      1. Abdul Moeed

        My essay topic was “Will free trade with India help or hinder our economy”. In the interview they mostly asked questions from my personal statement. They wanted to know why I wanted to my MBA now, and not when I had more experience. They asked me to solve a couple of math questions(!). They asked me about the status of Azad Kashmir, who was the head of the Unionist Party , what’s happening in Syria.

        They didnt ask me anything related to economy which was very surprising.

          1. Abdul Moeed

            One car leaves from Lahore to Islamabad at a speed of 50km/h, the other leaves Islamabad to Lahore at 100 km/h, supposing the distance is 300m. When will the two cars meet.

    2. Arslan

      Congrats 😀 why don’t those people who got offer letter join fb group “LUMS MBA Class of 2014” so that we may get to know each other in advance! =)

    1. zqidwai

      Will receive the letter in a day or two
      so when is your interview at what time ?
      Well just take the original copy of all documents that you have submitted along the application.

    1. zqidwai

      Well i think for that you dont really need to bring any proof to prove your business…in interviews they usually dont check the docs (as per my knowledge) ….so just take your academic,job and extra curricular records

      1. Entrepreneur

        Bhai I donot have any extra curricular records although i arranged various seminars and running a course books bank for poor children but donot have any proof

  385. Adiyah

    Hi! I am from Karachi. I applied to the LUMS MBA in the 2nd round. Got my interview call. Its on the 27th at 10 45 a.m. I am really stressing out. My CGPA is 3.4 and major GPA is 3.5. I got a 600 in my LMAT. I got my bachelors in international economics and finance from Ohio Wesleyan University and have been working for over 2 years. I work at a law firm as their business development executive. I did apply to Brandeis University 2 years ago for their Masters program and was accepted but couldnt go because of financial problems.

    I am really scared about my interview. Is it going to be really hard? What kind of questions will they ask? HELP!

    1. zqidwai

      Well dont worry it isnt that tough…usually the focus is on work experience along with some general stuff (national and international) …as you have an economics background so you can expect more economy questions: PAkistan economy, Eurozone issue plus global economy as well. Rest make sure you have a convincing reason for mba from lums. Rest prepare for the essay. And also review your application and try to find out the portion where the interviewers can give you tough time…

    1. zqidwai

      On following topics applicants had been asked to wrtie an essay given time 15mins:
      >Some say learning from past is wastage of time. Its all about present, nothing from past.
      > Multinational are actually helping western imperialism
      >The rising exchange rate prices have impacted our industries and companies
      >Supreme court should ban politicians from taking IMF loans
      >Management art or science
      >Managers should be only focused on making profit and should not be concerned with social impact of the company on the environment
      >Pakistan and India trade and its consequences

  386. Studios

    Anyone contacted by Financial Aid? My admission status says “In process” but I have been contacted by LUMS Financial Aid as I had applied for that. Moreover, they asked for some documents. On asking whether I have been given admission or not, they said “We do NOT have any info on that. This is what admission department deals with”. So what’s this?

    1. qaziomar

      This is absurd. Your case must have been given a go-ahead by the admission office; and forwarded your case to the Financial Aid Department. Otherwise, a nut-job organization would scan & consider all financial aid cases prior to confirmation. – In-short, premature congratulations!

  387. Entrepreneurship

    Matric 698 Marks out of 850. (A-one Grade)

    FSC 791 Marks out of 1100 .(A Grade)

    Engineering 1014 Marks out of 1495. (68% and 3.0 CGPA)

    LMAT Score: 570 / 83%

    Work Experience: 2 Years and 4 Months. Now working in One of the top 4 biggest Banks of Pakistan in Head Office.

    Established my own Software House initially get two major contracts from abroad and several projects in pipeline. Working on five projects

    I have received Interview call. Guide me please what should I expect to be ask in interview.

    Guide me what are my chances to get into LUMS???

    1. Xd

      you should know the industry that you work in. 70% of my interview was related to that. Why mba? is another important question. Your chances are gud as i got accepted on 550 lmat, 595 matric, 731 inter, 3.8 cgpa in bba and 2 years experience. Interview is VERY IMPORTANT!! i have seen ppl with 3 year experience 650 lmat and gud academic record got rejected just becoz they messed up their interview. Answer tactfully Be confident and be yourself. Gudluck

  388. ANK

    Do they check original letter of experience? I sent the original one with the application. My boss is on sick leave this week. I don’t want to bother him again.

    1. qaziomar

      I also posted my original work experience certificates.

      Don’t worry about the document verification. They just take 10 seconds to go over them. I only took along my academic and extra-curricular certificates.

      And talk to other candidates in the room, get into your comfort/fluent zone in the awaiting area, before even stepping into the INTERVIEW ROOM (YIKES – and give it to them!)

  389. ammar

    my advice to all interviewee candidates bring your all academic transcripts experience certificates orignal nice and clean any accompishments proof . furthermore the panel will automatically drill down on these areas pray that you dont get senior pros in panel (I WONT MENTION THE NAMES) coz they goona grill you like a juicy piece of stake if they find any loose ends be confident and calm.

  390. Xd

    Any idea when the sop will start they have mentioned regular classes start on the 29th of aug any idea about the sop?

  391. In process

    Interestingly not even one candidate who applied for financial aid has received admission offer. They are calling and taking more details regarding the financial position of the applicants but the part i don’t get is they why it delay the offer letters. Perhaps being poor is not fun after all !!

  392. In process

    **but the part i don’t get is that why would it delay the offer letters. Perhaps being poor is not fun after all

    1. Ae Lay

      Everybody I know who applied from karachi have received the interview calls, but everybody i know applied either in the 1st or 2nd rounds

  393. Ae Lay

    Has anybody in Karachi been interviewed yet? Do interviews commence this Saturday? If anybody has been, please share?

      1. Ae Lay

        HH, you haven’t received a call? What round did you apply in? I applied in the 2nd. And what’s your profile?

        1. HH

          I applied in round 2..but then I gave LMAT IV.. so i am hoping the delay is coz of that. But then again I hav 530 in Lmat..couple of internships.. and BBA from CBM with 3.2 CGPA…so i m reckoning my profile isnt strong enough.

      2. zqidwai

        Bachelors: Electronic Eng CGPA:2.87
        Masters: MIS CGPA:3
        LMAT: 670/94 Percentile
        Workexperience:Working as a service specialist in French elecom Group (around 3 years)…
        applied in round 1

  394. Ae Lay

    My interviews’s on Saturday.

    LMAT score: 580
    IBA BS Grad (Major: Computer Science , Minor: Marketing)
    CGPA: 3.1
    Work Experience: 1.5 years

    That’s about it, I guess.

  395. ANK

    Hey guys i had my interview today at Sheraton. They mostly asked me about my job, later they asked me about euro zone crisis. There was also one math question and one logic question. No essay.

    1. HH

      Nadia are you from Karachi too? I havent yet received a call…but i read it somewhere here only that if one goes for lmat iv they are shifted to round 3. It is really annoying me. coz i want to get over with it. either im accepted or rejected. but i need a decision.

      1. nadiashoukat

        nop I’m not from Karachi. I belong to a small city of Punjab. Yeah LUMS is taking so long this time. Have patience and believe on Allah. Things will be settled in our favor InshaAllah.

  396. zqidwai

    hey guys today I had my interview…
    + They asked me about the business model of news channels and how these so many channels are making money
    + how come PTV is making money
    + eurozone crisis …
    + which kind of friends do you like to make (daaa 🙂 never expected this )
    + What is the most important thing you have learned from your job
    + I expressed my interest in progressing from employed to employer..wanted to enter theme park business…a huge discussion on it…the last comment of interviewer was lets bungee jump 🙂
    + What is boulivia
    +What is Madagascar
    + How does your friends describe you
    + What is amazon…and was there an amazon before the Amazon
    X- No questions regarding GPA and the master I have done
    X- No questions regarding gdp, why mba, why lums….(i prepared so much for these questions…and the interviewer started what have you prepared….I mentioned what I have ..then he says lets talk about something else..i was like forsure )
    X- Again no essay at all…no maths question
    X- They didnt drilled my for my workexperience and job stuff as well
    + How currency work…i said it is backed by gold…( this system has ended way back)


    %) Guys prepare for whatever you can but in the room what comes in their mind will be questioned….the conventional questions are hardly questioned…..I became a victim to my own strategy…I kept on connected dots with my strengths and in some places when the panel went in detailed ..i was not very persuasive…

    $ One advise enter the room with a mindset that you are there for a good healthy discussion and not in a challenge when you have put the other party down (no matter how)

    {} Plus if a change just youtube some interview videos you will get a better idea of these behavioral interviews

    Best of luck all…Insha Allah ill make it… 🙂

  397. HH

    Has anybody from round 3 khi got an interview call? Any idea whether they call all Rounds candidates together or separately?

  398. Danish

    GMAT 670
    5 years
    BSc Engineering 3.23/4.00
    MS 3.01/4.00
    Textile Production & Maintenance.
    and i am in.

  399. MECH

    Guyz LUMS ppl said to me that they could offer me an admission but since my experience is low (1.5 years) they can ask me to come next year, what is my response? and I answered YES………. I do want to come next year and gain another 1 year of experience…

    is it k I am through to the interveiw and can join them next year?? I had heard ppl saying k they do ask candidates to defer admission for one year if they find work experience is low……….. :/

    1. Sangeen Khan

      They told me the same thing.My experience was zero for them and they asked if it was acceptable for me to come next year.I said that I want to join this year but next year is also ok.I got admission for this year.

      1. MECH

        congratulations Sangeen Khan then, you had applied for fall 2012 class right? R u from Karachi? I gave an interview on 26th May…. and btw I was in favor of defering my admission this year coz I just got a confirmed job in my dream company and don’t want to leave it too early…….. 🙂

      2. MECH

        congratulations Sangeen Khan then, btw whats your profile? did you appeared for fall 2012 MBA classes? well in response to my question, I agreed with them as I was confirmed recently in one of the most reputable company and I don’t want to leave them early…….. 🙂

        1. Sangeen Khan

          I’m from Islamabad and interview was on 2nd of may.Yes I am joining this fall.Even if they offer you admission this year,you can defer it to next year (I don’t know if it’s easily done).My profile is
          BE cgpa = 2.5
          experience is less than a year
          lmat 750

        2. PAK

          your lmat score is great Sangeen, m from Karachi, BE cgpa 3.6, work exp 1.5 years but lmat=540……. and interview was FANTASTIC.. 🙂

  400. babarsuleman

    Accepted (thanks God!) Admission status changed to ‘Admission Offered’ today and there was an attached document with some general instructions. Will be receiving an acceptance package in a day or so. I’m from Islamabad, applied in third round and interview was on 9th May.

  401. ALI

    I am from Karachi. I just got an interview call today. They are asking me to come to LUMS for interview on tuesday, 5 june 2012.
    Please help me guys. Any feedback? what should i do?
    I received the call from 04235608000

    1. dawn

      karachi appliants are called to lums for interview? LUMS do take telephonic interviews as well but Ali if you are called then you must appear for interview at LUMS. further contact LUMS helpdesk. Kindly mention in which round did you apply?

  402. ALI

    Round 1. Actually i got my final transcript last week, the reason for the delay.
    Yes, they took interviews at Karachi, but the leftover applicants from Karachi are being called for the interview at LUMS.
    They denied any other type of interview, i even asked them to skype.

  403. Studios

    Accepted but probably not joining because I have got a job in a good company and will take experience first!

    1. abcd

      Congrats studios. Did u apply for financial aid? If u did can u kindly share what they offered as aid?

  404. dawn

    Oh you lucky Studios……. not joining…! I wish I were offered admission I wud hv accepted it. coz LUMS is my only priority.

  405. usman

    Farhan :
    620 above will get you the interview call but it will be though to get admitted. you’re gonna have to show exceptional communication and reasoning skills.

  406. usman

    I am a chemical engineer and working in one of the largest industrial conglomerate.
    yar, I got 470 marks and i got interview call but i did not attend the interview because I have to go to Germany for training from my company, What is their interview criteria??

    1. nadiashoukat

      hi, u said you got call with 470 and a received interview call. Strange…. Can you please share your details so that I can analyse whether I will get a chance or not.

        1. nadiashoukat

          how many years of experience do you have ?? I’m currently working in a multinational from 1 and half year.

  407. salman

    Has anyone received a letter of regret from LUMS? Guys please dont feel shy. I know its hard but thats life and LUMS is not the end of the world. The thing is, I’m expecting one. I applied in round 2, have a very mediocre profile (apart from the fact that i am a GIKIAN and im really relying on it :P) My interview was on April 25th. Still haven’t got the letter. I have lost hope.

  408. SM

    Can anyone guide me regarding questions from bba course. my majors are hrm and i definitely do not remember finance formulas and many such things.

  409. Xd

    I am a bba with 2 years experience and they didn’t ask anything not a single question about my bba. the main focus was related to the work experience and general understanding of the industry tht i work in. Some questions about general knowledge hobbies and why mba question.. While answering the questions always keep the followup question in mind and give examples from your experiences. Show that you are confident and analytical by the way in which you answer their questions. Anyone can say tht they are confident analytical hard working etc etc in a single sentence but what you need to do in the 15-20 mins of interview is show them that you actually do have those qualities. Once you get the interview call, interview is the most important thing (if not the only) thing that matters.. gudluck!

  410. Xd

    Fresh graduates usually get the questions related to their undergrad degree as they dont have any significant work experience so instead of asking questions about the experience they tend to ask questions about the degree and what they learnt etc..

  411. salman

    Mechanical Engineer (From GIKI)
    Experience 2+ years
    CGPA 2.8
    LMAT 540
    Applied in round 2, Interview was on 25th April

  412. Fahd Masood

    Fahd Masood here. I had my Interview on May 27th.

    Well, it started off with my Current Job Role, switched to some Population Figures of US and Pakistan. This guy on the left made me to do some calculations from the Population Figures of US and Pakistan.

    He suddenly asked me during the calculations what I thought was the most difficult part of my current job.. he interrupted my answer and asked what I do in my spare time. They played around with me by asking me for some scientific fact to prove that exercising freshens your body up.. they then cut me short once more and asked what else do I do and consequently the discussion switched to the Euro Crisis.

    During the discussion on Euro Crisis, the guy in the centre was like ‘usko choro, ye batao Balochistan mei kia ho raha hai’ .. he quite conscioulsy contradicted with my view on Balochistan but it ended well..

    Out of the blue, the guy in the centre was like k why have you come prepared for the interview !! And started criticising me like anything.. he literally spent a minute making me feel miserable and then another one of the Panelist joined in the party. The guy in the centre was like I want a free flowing Fahd, who is the Real Fahd and some psycological stuff like that. I kept calm and kept responding calmly. There were a couple of more psycological attacks and I enjoyed my Interview. Lets see what the result holds for me..


    BBA-Finance (IBA, Karachi)
    CGPA: 3.01
    LMAT: 600/90 Percentile.
    Working for SCB since August 2010.

  413. DEFG

    Hi all,
    Does anyone know what financial aid constitutes? My friend got an 80% loan offer, which is generous. But Is that the only kind?

    1. SM

      what process was followed for deciding this? was he interviewed again for financial aid or they decided themselves?

      1. DEFG

        No additional interview. Its the offer they made themselves. Iv heard lums is not offering scholarships :s

  414. ScrewLUMS

    This never ending wait is getting on my nerves. Its been six weeks since my interview. Still haven’t heard from LUMS. I am really pissed at LUMS right now and I am having a hard time controlling myself from calling them and tellin them to get off their lazy asses and post the letter. I dont even care if its an acceptance or a rejection letter. I need an answer so that I can move on. Is there anyone like me whose been waiting so long? My interview was on 25th April.

    1. Wait!!!!

      LUMS admission process is so weird, we applied in Jan and yet have no idea where we stand. IBA takes its test and interview and gives final result in a week or two. More or less all universities pursue the same method so students can make up their decisions ….
      I dont understand what kind of strategy admission office is pursuing……!!!!

    2. HH

      I totally agree. I had applied in Round 2 but I gave LMAT IV. And Karachi interviews have been taking place for Round 1 and Round 2 and I dont know whether I have shifted to Round 3 or what. I have so many decisions like jobs offers to accept/reject and I just can’t coz of this uncertainty. The least they cud do is update the statuses on portal. They dont even reply on email. My travel plans are stuck coz of this too.

  415. HH

    And now all of a sudden they are calling KArachiities to Lums for interviews. Wth is going on. It is very annoying. Seriously now I dont care its an acceptance or rejection but atleast something is conveyed.

  416. Wait!!!!

    hey karachi applicants ..I call admission office regarding the decision. The lady informed me that the decisions will be posted this week. Karachi applicants are the last to be interviewed so i guess all the applicants for 2012 intake will be informed about their fate.

  417. Fahd Masood

    Yes, not sure. It was probably Round 2. Not sure though !

    Screw LUMS,
    Totally second your view on that. It has been a never-ending cycle. But I was not patient enough and have constantly been calling LUMS’ Admission Cell. They say all notifications shall be made within June.

    Relax guys, we’ve waited for 5 months .. it’s a matter of couple of weeks now, at max ! And by the way, those candidates from Karachi who’ve already taken their interviews (26,27,28th May), your results shall be intimated within this week.

    1. Maddy

      Hi are you sure about the Karachi bit? I hate to say this but IBA has been waaaay more efficient with its admission process. I know my result within a week after the test and by 11 June it’ll all be finalised.

  418. ScrewLUMS

    I called the admission office and they started off as usual with the “be patient and you’ll be notified in a week” crap. I told him that I need a status update and stop feeding me with this crap. He forwarded my call. The guy who answered took my app. no and checked my status. He said that I am in the waiting list (i already know that, its common sense). He further told me that once all the rounds are processed (and it includes ONLY the selection/rejection outcome) then they process the waiting lists and review these applications so that they can pick some of them and finish off with the target strength of the MBA class. He told me that only round 1 has been finalized yet. He claims that I’ll be notified by the end of June. But I’m pretty sure that this twisted admission process of LUMS will linger on till maybe mid July or end July. That means a lot of more wait. I’m really disappointed by LUMS admission process. All over the world universities announce a date by which candidates are informed of their application outcome. I wonder what LUMS admin has in mind

  419. dawn

    Guys don’t get Emo… have some patience. You have waited for 5 months and I think waiting for 1 or 2 months is not a big deal 😉

  420. reality bites

    Hi guys i am going to tell you all the facts the bitter ones Look people who have been waiting for a month or more after interview are in double holding that means they have still 60percent chance to get selected in the end . The truth is if you applied on financial aid you should be above 610 to get offer. This year after Rizwan AMin went to ksbl Lums changed there policy they are even interviewing guys around around 500 but there are two type of panels one is senior one and one is junior ones (wo basss khana puri kar rahe han ) the real thing is jo feee de raha ha puri he is getting in at 550 and jo nai he needs to be above 600 .
    the fact for karachi is that dont worry rejection letter friday ko ata ha and it can come in 25 to 20 days above that is double holding good chances.
    Interview is pure manipulation and luck answers thek nikal gae to good nai u bahar . BEST OF LUCK GUYS

  421. Fahd Masood

    My Status got Updated yesterday and it says ‘Admission Offered’. I received the Hard Copy of the Offer Letter a while back as well. Wishing all of you the very best of luck.

  422. Adiyah

    Hi guys!!! I received a hard copy of my acceptance letter today. I checked my online status today and that has changed to admission offered as well. MA. Good Luck to all of you.
    I am from Karachi and had applied in round 2, interview was on the 27th of May.
    Does anyone know when the SOP is? Do we find out after we’ve accepted admission and paid the admission fee?

    1. Dani

      Check your online application status. there are also some instruction for students having admission offer. any ways, SOP will start on 29th Aug 2012.

  423. Fahd Masood

    The SOP is probably starting from 6th August and would last for 2 weeks. The Regular Semester though commences from 29th August.
    and Congrats btw! Catch you at the SOP. 😉

  424. Fahd Masood

    Guys, from what my sources have told me the Jury is convening on the 16th June for the finalization of the MBA Batch. So; if this is to be trusted, I believe all the notifications shall be made somewhere between the 17th-30th June range.

  425. Dani

    @ Adiyah
    Check your online application status. there are also some instruction for students having admission offer. any ways, SOP will start on 29th Aug 2012.

  426. Adiyah

    @SM – I graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University – liberal Arts college in America. My cgpa is 3.3 and major gpa 3.5. LMAT 600. Bachelors in Economics and Finance and 2 years of work experience. I am from Karachi, applied in 2nd round, interview was on the 27th of May.

    @Dawn, Fahd and Dani — Thanks A lot and yes Fahd see you at the SOP. 🙂

  427. Maddy

    Hey guys so called up LUMS. My status is still in process but the letter has been dispatched. I’m assuming I didn’t get in. I wish they would just update it online. And the lady was not telling me my status over the phone.

    1. Amina Tahir

      Thanks Fahd, not yet! It still says ‘in process’. I called them up, they told me my decision is still pending. I’ve got my fingers crossed. Interview was horrible, by the way.

  428. Zeshan Afzal

    Hii…I received an offer letter today..I applied for financial assistance but was offered to take loan from MCB because LUMS has stopped providing direct FA to students for MBA (according to LUMS offer letter)….I am confused how this loan procedure works..I mean the letter is saying that if the loan is disbursed, it will be transferred to LUMS account directly. If this is the case then is LUMS going to repay that loan after my MBA or do I have to pay back that loan along with interest after my MBA? If anyone has received that offer..kindly share..

    1. Dani

      Dear Zashan.
      I do receive the same. its a bit trcky. They are saying that 2% + KIBOR per every six month. i have checked and found that Average KIBOR for six month is Aproxi 12%. So you have to pay 14% markup for the amount you receive from MCB. Its mean if you got 80% from MCB you will have to pay them for 6 years aproxi 20,000 to 25000 per month to balance your account.

      This is the first time LUMS doing such things for financing MBA students. i send them email to clear my self i ask following questions.

      1) i have to pay 20% of first time(Excluding 12000)+ 12000 Admission Security + 20% of Payment 1

      2) LUMS will send me MCB Loan documents soon which i have to fill out and submit.

      3) It is on the disposal of MCB that how much loan they will offer to me maximum 80% or 60% etc.

      yesterday i got reply from them which is below

      The contact point at MCB will be Mr. Usman Ajmal and he will be available at 042-35987979. Kindly get in touch with him.

      Thank you.


      Office of Financial Aid

      Lahore University of Management Sciences

      DHA Lahore.

      Tel: +92 42 111 115 867

      This is what i have. if you still need any information you can contact with MCB bank person. also shear us what you got from them.
      I have decided not to go with MCB loan option which is with mark up…

  429. Dani

    Hay guys…
    i just got confirmed news that till now 50 persons got admission offer and 45 payment are still pending… total intake is about 120 ~ 130.

      1. Dani

        This i cant tell you here on such type of open forum, but i will explain this to you on 29th Aug during SOP. just tell me you full name.

        1. Hammad Khan

          Hello Dani.
          Are you sure SOP starts on 29th of august. Because someone mentioned 6th August. Does anyone have an official Notification from LUMS regarding SOP?
          I have submitted my acceptance letter together with fees but haven’t received a letter about SOP.

          1. Xd

            i havnt received any letter regarding the SOP either. I dont think anyone has. It is mentioned on the documents that regular classes start on the 29th of august so i am guessing SOP will be before that. Dani we will appreciate if you can confirm it from ur SOURCE.

          2. Dani

            Chech your online application, go to “Application Status” there are some instruction for students having admission offer. download that document. it is clearly mentioned that SOP will start on 29th Aug.

            1. Xd

              Thanx dani for copy pasting the information. We all received this information along with the offer letter. They havnt mentioned the word SOP anywhere in the letter. The term they have used is “regular classes”. The only confusion is what do they mean by regular classes.. as far as i know (am not sure) orientation program is not a part of regular classes. Lets wait and see i guess lums will inform us once they are done finalizing the admissions

  430. Studios

    What LUMS doing is out of my reach. Having interest on loans is brutal on LUMS part but if they are going to make this a trend then this is certainly a big NO. Probably due to ecoconomic downturn, they are doing this stupid thing this year and hopefully next year or so, they will get back to interest-free loans. I really do NOT think any bank is going to finance them WITHOUT mark-ups!

  431. abcd

    Yes loan lacks the spirit of ‘aid’ but what other choice do we have? Iv heard if u take loan from any other bank, they would probably refuse or charge interest at 18 or 19%. so as mcb sees it, they are doing a favor esp for lums. Iv also heard lums is trying to persuade mcb to give extra concession to its students but nothingz bin finalised. It is disheartening that on one hand you get an offer for a supposedly promising future and on the other hand a loan that threatens to suck the life out of you once u get out..I still think lums meant aid literally but im not sure of its implementation.

  432. Dani


    Important information for admission offer holders

    This section contains important information regarding your admission offer and process of acceptance.
     Following documents have been sent to you through the courier service and hopefully you will receive it
    in a day or so. In case you do not receive the package, please contact Ms. Kiran Robinson, Assistant
    Manager, Undergraduate Admissions through email i.e.
    1. “Admission Offer letter” having terms & conditions of admission;
    2. A “duplicate copy” of admission offer letter to be signed and returned to the LUMS Office of
    Admissions on or before the deadline;
    3. Annual Fee bill having fee details and payment deadlines; and
    4. Important information regarding On Campus Residence (for applicants who belong to cities
    other than Lahore).
    Important Note:
     Regular classes for Fall semester 2012 are starting from August 29, 2012.
     Carefully read the terms and conditions mentioned in the “Conditional Offer” letter as you are required
    to meet all the stipulated conditions in order to join LUMS this Fall.
     Submit your tuition fee according to the details given in the “Annual Fee Bill”.
     To accept your offer of admission, you and your parents/guardian must sign and return the duplicate copy
    of the conditional offer letter on or before the deadline along with the proof of fee payment. This is how
    we know that you intend to enroll at LUMS.
     Applicants plan to live on campus should submit their request online through LUMS Online Admission
    account after paying the On-Campus Residence Fee.
     The last date to apply for On-Campus Residence is the same as your tuition fee payment deadline.
     If you wish to withdraw from the Programme after accepting the offer and making fee payment, please
    submit an online request of withdrawal through your LUMS Online Admission account.
     Before making the payment, please carefully read the fee refund policy available at the following link:
     All documents related to your offer of admission should be sent at the following mailing address:
    Admissions Enquiries Office
    Office of Admissions
    Lahore University of Management Sciences
    Opposite Sector U
    DHA, Lahore Cantt. 54792
     Important details/ updates regarding your programme will be communicated to you through your online
    application account/ email, therefore, keep checking your account(s) regularly

  433. Confused

    Hey guys, can you comment on my case mentioned below:

    I am a 25yr old grad from CBM, Khi. My degree: BS(Hons) Accounting and Finance with a merely passing CGPA 2.5. I completed my degree in 5years time instead of 4years time.

    I have a professional work experience in marketing/advertising/selling which is no where related to my academics, that is one reason I lost interest in my majors i.e. Acc/Fin due to which I have flunked many courses and ended up doing a 5-year degree with a pathetic CGPA. But my achievements are amazing in the professional life!

    My questions:
    1- I can do a 1-year MBA from CBM and I am confident that this time I will score a good CGPA
    2- I want to aim for the best to choose the best uni for doing MBA i.e. LUMS. But for that I will go through GMAT entry tests because then I could apply to other unis as-well if I will prepare for GMAT. Do you think even if I get good scores in GMAT, approx what percentage do I have to clear interview ? Do you think its even worth a try considering my profile ? Most of the times, whenever I have been to a job interview I have always gotten an offer or at least a very positive response. So interviews and conversations are something I am really great at.
    3- I’m blank when it comes to admission test prep; so how much time is usually required for GMAT prep ? I’m planning to join ANEES HUSSAIN for test preps. Do you think this is the best time to start ?
    4- I recently resigned from my job so I am all free these days. Do you think I should start preparing for GMAT from now ?
    5- I am willing to do anything to get into LUMS-MBA Program. I might have to sell my car for this as-well if I get an admission INSHALLAH. But I want to be assure that I have realistic goals that’s why I am writing this thread. If LUMS-MBA will be a long shot for me then I can start my MBA from CBM from August and if I don’t start my MBA from August then I would end up wasting 2 semesters time (whole 1 year) if I don’t get into LUMS.
    6- Does MBA from LUMS have a lot of value and recognition in Middle Eastern countries ?

    What should be my decision, please help!!!
    Really confused!


    1. ConfusedHira

      Option A: Should I start my MBA from CBM and I will be done by next year.
      Option B: Should I start preparing for GMAT and start preparing for LUMS ?

      1. Dani

        lower CGPA in grad is defendable if you have remainng scores handsom. shear with us your Matric and FSc marks. Number of years of your experience and than the organization where did you work. We can guide you Insha Allah

      2. HH

        I think experience is all that matters.
        I had outstanding marks in my Intermediate and Matriculation. I am also from cbm and i had a cgpa of 3.17 in bba. I had a total score of 530/78% in Lmat with 92% in english. And i hav interned in organizations like SCB. but the only bad thing was that i ddnt hav experience. And i ddnt get an interview call. So i believe u shud go for Lums mba if u hav experience.

  434. Dani

    Here is the Confirmed Date of SOP

    “3rd August Registration.

    6th August start SOP.


    Admissions Office (AO)

    Lahore University of Management Sciences

    Opposite Sector U, D.H.A, Lahore-54792, Pakistan

    Phone: +92-42-111-11-LUMS”

    1. abcd

      Technically evryone has already paid for SOP since its included in the fee bill. Whats with the reg date then? Btw dani do
      U have any idea about the timings of SOP? I want to continue with my job till end of aug, would that be possible?

      1. Dani

        It is impossible to continue some job during SOP, normally they start at 9:00 AM and finish at 1 or 2:00 AM. during SOP you only have time to sleep. I am also wishing the same but no other option. so see you at SOP.

        1. abcd

          2.00am?!:O are you sure?! Have u confirmed this bit? It takes longer than actual classes?! 6th aug means ramzan. Im so not sure about this. I hope they somehow intimate the entire schedule to all.

  435. Adiyah

    @Dani – could you help me out with something? How do I even find out if they’ve received the receipt for the payment of admission fees and tuition fees? Ive emailed them a few times. And Ive gotten no response. I think they should update it online as soon as they’ve received any kind of payment.

    1. Dani

      If you send that with DHL than check through online tracking. other wise call them. Mr. Rizwan Ayub & Mr. Faiz Ud Din may help you. Also scan the recipt and send to them through emails. I did the online payment and i didnt have even receipt so, pray for me also…

      1. Adiyah

        Yeah I sent it through TCS and they’ve received it. It would just be nice of them to confirm that they have gotten it. I don’t like the fact that LUMS isn’t being very student friendly, the communication really sucks.

        1. Dani

          You are right. they are very slow for communications. but what else we can do ?
          Any ways, No need to worry. Soon you will receive SOP material. this will be final confirmation of received payment.

  436. Salman

    Guys any idea when is this torturous wait gonna end for those who haven’t heard from LUMS till now. Someone here mentioned about the jury convening on 16th June and finalizing the MBA batch. Is there anyone who can confirm that.

  437. babarsuleman

    Adiyah, Dani- check your online application. My status has changed to from ‘Admission Offered’ to ‘Admitted’ and they even alloted me a roll number. That’s pretty much confirmation they received my fee, isn’t it?

    P.S. I really hope the SOP takes place after the 10th of August.

  438. Zeshan Afzal

    Hii everyone…I just need some order to secure admission I just need to make payment 1 i.e. Rs. 290,000 (this includes semester registration fee and Tution fee). My question is when do we have to pay the admission fee, security, SOP fee etc.. i.e. Rs. 100,850/- ?? has anyone gone through this…kindly share..thanks

        1. Zeshan Afzal

          two dates are written…for one time expenses (Admission fee+SOP+RM etc) its Jun 18, 2012…after that in Payment 1 column, its written payment period (June 28, 2012)…so that means..till 18th June I need to pay admin fee and after that till Jun 28 I need to make payment i right babar??

          1. babarsuleman

            Yep. The deadline for sending your signed acceptance and proof of admission fee payment is the same (June 8th in my case, June 18th in yours). You can send in Payment 1 by June 28 but it will probably be convenient for you to send everything by June 18.

              1. Adiyah

                I think dates differ for everyone. Since Im from Karachi and our interviews were held only 10 days ago, my deadline for admission fees is 15th June and for tuition fees is 25th June. But I think the earlier you do it the better.

  439. Salman

    @Dani…From your previous posts i feel like you have someone who could get that information. Help me yar. This wait is costing me my summer vacations which I could spend with my family abroad. If I’m not getting in then I could go otherwise I’ll stay. LUMS admission office is hopeless. They give you nothing.

    1. Dani

      I am at your service Boss.
      You are in man. i have checked your profile, you have 99% chance to get offer in couple of days. Dont lose hope, just wait, Insha Allah every thing will be fine.
      If you want to spend your vacations abroad than you still have one and half month. You can deposit your fee online same thing i did. Keep your fingers cross, All the best.

      1. Sadaqat

        Dani, I believe you u can check. there are many stuck in the process yar. I too applied in the second round and was interviewed in may start and waiting for the response. can you help?

        1. Dani

          You are at 50 50, no work experience very less chances. your CPGA is quite fine but LMAT score is less. it would be safe if you have 650+ in your case. any ways. i really dont know about your interview performance. your intren etc. give us details, we may help you out.

          1. Sadaqat

            two internships at HBL and wi-tribe than m working with an HR consulting firm these days (almost 3 months).
            Interview went quite well. It went for like 15 minutes. the most part of it was of HR and the work that i am on these days. They asked me few finance questions that I could not answer right. General knowledge too went well.

            1. Dani

              50 50…!!!
              hope for the best. Any ways i am not from LUMS Admission office i might be wrong so, pray to Allah rab-ul-ezat…

    1. Dani

      What I think you have a perfect profile. You should have the admission letter in your hand but I don’t know what’s going on. Your interview was fine nothing wrong with your academics. Where did you work for 2 years ? Tell us about your company and some idea about your JDs.

      1. Ahsan Raza

        Sitara Chemicals Industries Faisalabad(Trainee 6 months)
        and MicroTech Industries lahore(R&D for more than a year). My company deals with Plant Monitoring TurnKey Solutions. I was hoping to get in right away!

        1. Dani

          Dear Ahsan,

          Please tell us for your job, i am asking about your daily tasks.One of my friend’s brother rejected in LUMS MBA because he was working as research assistant in some university. he was also Electrical engineer from UET Lahore. A person holding Electrical Engineering Degree from UET lahore must have a very good academic record. so the nature of your job and your JDs does have some importance. I hope you understand my point.

    1. Dani

      No experience less chance. Normally LUMS offer defered admission to persons having no experience. So there might be a chance but over all you are standing at 40 60 postion..
      any ways, all the best.

    1. dawn

      who is this Dani? if you are not from LUMS admissions office then how can you comment on candidate profile?
      BTW Congratulations 🙂

  440. Salman

    No offense Dani but what you are doing here is beyond my understanding. Though you have mentioned time and again that you are not from the admission office but again please stop whatever you are doing, predicting people’s application outcome is no joke. You are playing with people’s sentiments.
    The application outcome depends on several parameters. Having experience or no experience promises nothing. I saw your post where you mentioned that you have a source inside LUMS and keeping only that thing in mind I asked you to check with your source that when will the application process be over. I never asked your opinion if I’ll be offered admission or not. Did I?
    Please stop doing this. Hope you’ll understand.

  441. DAWN

    Ok =) I was in doubt how without so much of input one can tell so much exact info about candidates. if it were smthing other than observation then my next question would have been Dani bro what abt my chances to LUMS 😀 lolx

  442. Dani

    actually i was just giving me personal point of view. my cozn, 2 classfellows studied at LUMS for MBA. so due to some back ground and also my personal experience helped me to give some comments. i already told you that i am not from admission office. i am also just a candidate for MBA 2014.

  443. Zeeshan Afzal

    Hii all,…those who applied for financial aid..did anyone receive financial aid…I mean apart from that brutal loan with markup..

    1. Zeeshan Afzal

      I dont understand what kind of stupidity is this.. i mean LUMS and MCB have both agreed to do business….ridiculous agreement from LUMS and indeed a ridiculous move..

  444. Dani

    Actually LUMS is run short of Funds + They are more focus on NOP programme for BS students, they are investing more in NOP without realizing that how badly it will affect the quality of intake students of MBA and afterwards for LUMS MBA ranking also. MBA from IBA Karachi have very less dues in comparison with LUMS MBA and they also revised their admission policy that 2 years of experience is must So, peoples will start to prefer IBA Karachi due to financial factors.
    Any ways, I have discussed this MCB bank loan with one of my senior just pass out from LUMS MBA in 2011 and his comments are below for your reference..


    I hope you are doing fine.

    According to the letter, LUMS is no longer providing direct financial assistance to any one which is news for me too. The loan repayment thing still seems doable since you have to pay back the amount plus markup over a period of six years. However, if you can afford it through your own pocket, that is the best option. If you do need financial assistance, then you will have to stick with paying approx Rs.17,000 every month for six years after graduation, which can be quite cumbersome. The average starting salary for a LUMS MBA last year was Rs. 75,000. So financially it is not so difficult, but it could become slightly hectic to manage. Since it is from LUMS (and not any other institution) I totally trust what they say and believe me, it is one of the most ethical organizations I have come across. You can also try and get more information or answer to any of your queries by directly sending an email to LUMS. They are quite prompt in replying and also you will definitely get first hand information which is more reliable. Getting admission for MBA in LUMS is a one-time opportunity and it will be one of your best experiences in life. So you should definitely go for it and not lose this opportunity at any cost. Do let me know if you have any queries.

    Thanks and best regards,

    Marketing Manager”

  445. Xd

    weird thing happened today ppl.. i never applied for financial aid but i still have that loan application form and term and conditions uploaded on my lums online account. Status still say admisison offered although i have sent the fees along with the acceptance leter and confirmed that they received it via email. Can someone else who didnt apply for financial aid check if he also has an option to apply for this loan. I wonder why my status is still admission offered and not admitted..

    1. Abdul Moeed

      Same here. I have the loan application form and terms and conditions on my profile too, even though I have paid the fee, and confirmed it from the Admissions Office who said that they have received it and have even allotted me a roll number but haven’t uploaded it online ! What’s stopping them :s

  446. Zeeshan Afzal

    Xd, I dont think they will mind a bit to offer this so called financial assistance to every student as both the bank and LUMS are doing business here…

  447. Salman

    Congrats Ahsan Raza

    I guess this leaves me and HH awaiting application outcome or are there others??? (At least here on this blog)

      1. Salman

        Hey Amina……Welcome to the “lost in oblivion” group. May God bless you with more patience 🙂 or even better; admission

  448. Salman

    Yea this makes no sense whatsoever. What are they trying to dig out of the applications, its beyond my imagination. On the brighter side…..Ahsan’s offer letter tells us something. It tells us that the waiting lists’ processing has started. So i guess the end is near. End of June is near too.

  449. Salman

    HH did you even get the interview call?? I was going through your posts. If you haven’t been interviewed what are you waiting for? The interview call or what?

  450. kaleem bukhari

    Hey Dani, i have been reading this blog post for quite some time to get the updates. I am also an applicant for LUMS MBA 2012-2014, just wanted to know if i can have ur email address. if you don’t want to disclose it here, you can send it to me at
    awaiting response.

  451. Dani

    Hay Guys…..
    any Up date ????????

    Important Note.

    In Loving Memory of my LMAT preparation days…..

    Statutory Warning: Cigarette Smoking is Injurious to Health.

    All the comments and profile rating I wrote in this forum are 100% personal point of view. Any resemblance to LUMS Admission Office Decision is coincidental and unintentional.

  452. HD

    I forgot to apply for hostel. Would they accept my application if i applied now?
    Does anyone have any idea whom I should contact at LUMS regarding info on hostel.

  453. Salman

    @ Amina… LMAT score is pretty bad. Its 540/75% but my interview went very smooth. This is the only reason that has kept my hopes alive. Admission office has told me that I am in the waiting list.

    @FF….. I’ve applied in NBS this year. I’ll be damned if I have to go through the wait again if I don’t make it to LUMS (which seems quite likely now). My patience has already been tested to the limits.

  454. Dani

    Is there anybody who got admission offer letter or Admission status updated at online application today?
    My younger brother still waiting for final decision, in the mean time he got admission letter from IBA Karachi. Last date for IBA fee submission is 30th June. We have decided to submit his due tomorrow or day after tomorrow maximum Insha Allah.
    His Profile is
    BSc Engineering with 2.60 CGPA
    LMAT Score: 630
    Experience 3 years in one of the largest manufacturing company in Pakistan with Marketing Department,
    Interview was quite normal.
    I am shearing this info only to give an idea about the persons waiting for LUMS admission decision. We all are at the same side any ways, Hoping for the best.

  455. Salman

    No Dani we are not on the same side. U are admitted and some of us here are not.
    Secondly (no offense) its not “shearing” (means cutting) rather its “sharing”. First I thought its a typo error but its not.

  456. Salman

    This is my third rejection in a row…… One from an international uni, then a hard break-up and then rejection from LUMS. I’m humbled……. Tabiyat saaf ho gae ha 😀

  457. Salman

    @HH……yea got the letter.
    @Devil……..not for the breakup man. Its best done over the phone. Gives u loads of space to yell. Face to face confrontation usually gets ugly plus the tears (not mine) make u feel real bad.

  458. MBA 2013

    Hi All,
    I am from LUMS MBA Class of 2013.
    I used this page when i applied for admission. Discussion around here goes quite haphazard and un-catagorized.
    So, I have made a blog just for you applicants people where I have made page for each specific category.
    I will personally answer the questions you ask under “Ask Admin” Tab.

    You are welcome here

    1. Abdul Moeed

      I haven’t received any username/password. Heck they still haven’t updated my admission status. I called them about 3 weeks ago and they confirmed that they have received my fee and have allotted me a roll number which will be uploaded on my online admission account ‘soon’. this sucks.

    2. abcd

      Theyve emailed everyone with all the necessary info and its a long list with a lot to go through to say the least:s

  459. abcd

    Does anyone have any idea whats going to happen on 3rd?! SOP starts on 6th. So there arent any classes to attend. And we have already paid for SOP and have been assigned a roll number so we are kind of registered. So whats the schedule for 3rd?! Im asking in case we need to spend more money for any different kind of registration and should bring that along? Its unnerving that theyre not clarifying:s

    1. Dani

      @ Abcd
      Just intro, hostel check in, campus tour and will hand over some study material.
      no more charges.

  460. Waqar Ali

    I am a student of final(8th) semester of BSIT. i am misfit in that field. I wanna change my field. I am willing to take admission in LUMS MBA program in 2013. My average GPA of 7 semesters is 3.1, no work experience… not so very good at english, I am a average student. My degree will fiinish in jan-13. What should I do to take admission there? and what do u ppl suggest me, would I be able to take admission? or a student type of me can get an admission like such place? I am really confused. Can anyone please help me?
    I will be grateful to you

  461. Zarlesht Khan

    I have following questions:

    1) I have a below-average history of academics. My CGPA is 2.5 and I completed the degree in 5years instead of 4years in BS Accounting and Finance from IoBM. I am planning to start preparing for GMAT so I can also apply to other unis if I don’t get into LUMS. I have a career in Advertising/Marketing since past 3-4years that I pursued along side with my degree. I haven’t worked with famous companies but still the learning was truly immense. What is a score in Gmat should I target ? and what are my chances for scoring an admission with a good Gmat score ?

    2) Where did you guys get your reference letters ? Uni or Work ? Does it matter if its from a teacher or from a boss ?

    3) At what stage can we apply for Financial Aid ? Do they only give financial aid to brilliant students ? Or on need basis too ? Who provides Financial Aid; LUMS or MCB Loan or are there more source ? Will my previous academic grade have any affect on the approval of Financial Aid ? I think I am also confusing scholarships with Financial Aid here so please clear me out on this point. If students score high CGPA in semesters during their MBA, do they get scholarships or fee waver for their next semester ?

    4) I am going to leave my job to prepare for this admission test. I don’t want to take any risks and put my 100% in preparation. I am going to take tuitions from Anees Hussain as I don’t have the capacity to study on my own for such a rigid course outline of Gmat. How many months does it usually take to prepare for a solid score ?

    5) Do MBAs of LUMS get jobs easily in the Middle East Region specifically Dubai on the basis of their Degree from LUMS ?

  462. Waqar Ali

    (Can anyone answer my question, I am posting the same thread again and this time I hope that someone will give me the answer)
    I am a student of final(8th) semester of BSIT. i am misfit in that field. I wanna change my field. I am willing to take admission in LUMS MBA program in 2013. My average GPA of 7 semesters is 3.1, no work experience… not so very good at english, I am a average student. My degree will fiinish in jan-13. What should I do to take admission there? and what do u ppl suggest me, would I be able to take admission? or a student type of me can get an admission like such place? I am really confused. Can anyone please help me?
    I will be grateful to you

  463. ammar

    hi waqar every one selected is really busy in SOP its really tough man. WAqas frankly speaking experience is very important for mba admission at Lums but if you can score really well in Lmat you can be considered with few internships Lums only accept the most logical candidates its tough and rigorous process so start prep for LMAT/GMAT immediately

  464. Waqar Ali

    Actually I have work experience of working in Call center for few months, as well as I have worked in a Construction Company for two years but before starting my graduation and after FSc. (I took admission in Bachelors after three years of completing my FSc.
    Right now, as my classes are in evening(My 4 years degree: first 2 years are in morning/ rest 2 years are in evening) because i m in 8th semester, and I am working in Falconhouse Grammar School as a Computer teacher.
    Will these experiences will be considered, specially experience before starting bachelors ?

  465. Waqar Ali

    LUMS gives admission in MBA once in a year or twice or else?

    1. Dude

      Once a year.Regarding your other questions,you will need a fantastic LMAT to get in.Work experience is not compulsory but highly recommended.And you will have to ace the interview.But it is possible.

  466. Dawn

    work experience requirement set by top business schools of pakistan is main concern that many business students come across after completing their 16 years of Business education. This policy is widely folllowed by B-shools abroad but most B-shools of Pakistan have not adopted this yet. what are your views about:
    Is mandatory experience requirment a good policy? is it suitable here in Pakistan (considering economic, social factors etc)

  467. M Zeeshan Munir

    Hey everyone
    I have done My Doctor of Pharmacy(5years graduation degree) last year in dec 2011,my work experience is that i have done two internships one in Pharmaceutical Industry and one in Retail Pharmacy plus I have got 8 months work experience In Multinationlal pharmacrutical company by the name of Pfizer ,in sales and marketing i want to apply for Mba marketing in lums as i want to pursue my carrier in Pharmaceutical marketing.i have Already started prepairibg for GMAT test..what i want to know is either should i take GMAT or LMAT?which one is preffered and in which u have got more chances to score well?plus i have got no certificate for my work experience(except internships) because i was still in probation period and i quit my job to prepare for lums test?should i mention my work experince in application as i dont have any document to support it?and finally well will the admission process start for MBa next years session?

    Kindly reply

  468. Zuwas

    Salam everyone,
    I am looking forwards to apply for August 2013 Session inshAllah. The Lums website hasnt been updated as of yet for the admissions next year! does anyone know that when do they open the applications round 1 for next year….?

  469. awais

    Hi i did 2 years BA and than MBA 2 years totaling my education of 16 years… I emailed lums admission office and they confirm that you are eligible for MBA coz u have 16 years of education. Now my cgpa is 2.7 and i have 1 year experience with 2 internships .. If i get 600 in LMAT… are there chances for me ? and as i have MBA as my post graduation so this matters or not? and if it matters than good for me or bad for me?… Please help guyz .Do comment for me … Thanx

  470. Sara Arshad

    I have done BBA(hons) recently. don;t have any full time job experience, but i used to work for an NGO part time for almost 2 years.. I have started preparation from Kaplan and Barrons GMAT.. what about you?

  471. maaz ahmed

    Did BE mechanical,have around 1 year of work experience as a supply planner. I am not getting much time to prepare but i am trying my best to go through official gmat guide.

  472. Talha Malik

    Hello everyone,

    I am looking forward to apply for MBA program at Lums. Is there anyone who can guide me about the three circles of LMAT. Did they give preference to those who apply in Round 1 (17 March) or no preference is given to those who apply in first round.

  473. mohsin

    i am in the final year of BS ELECRTICAL ENGINEERING from UET lahore. these days, since its about time that i start applying for higher studies, i’m a bit confused about whether to pursue MS in my field or rather start MBA from lums or abroad.

    personally, i desire to study management in future because i think i’m more inclined towards studing it rather studing MS. but the problem arises when i take an advise or share my plans about my future with my seniors in industries they reccommend me to not to study MBA right after my BS electrical engineering. they start with an argument that that MBA after BS electrical engg is not appreciated in the companies and in addition i would not be able to continue with my field in later life.

    i want suggestions to help clear out my confusion.i believe this blog site may help me out in making a right choice for my future.


  474. Sid

    I am planning to apply for MBA 2015 this year.
    A friend told me that LMAT is relatively easier than GMAT. Is this the case?
    Is there any negative marking in LMAT?
    Also do we need to provide any work experience evidence?

    1. Talha Malik

      LMAT is cheaper but not sure about it level. The pattern is same so I guess it would be equal to GMAT. Yes there is negative marking.
      If you have any work experience do present your experience letter. Your work experience would be an additional advantage for your admission

  475. Salman Ahmed

    I’ve planned to apply for MBA this year. Who else is giving a shot this year? I’ll be appearing in LMAT on 14th April.
    P.S I have a very weak profile. 😦 BBA-H with a fair CGPA of 3.27, Intermediate with C Grade and Matric with A Grade. Internship of 6 weeks. And no job experience apart from that internship. I’m worried. 😦

  476. Salman Ahmed

    I searched alot to find a forum where I can talk to current students of LUMS and prospective students of LUMS. But I couldn’t find anything apart from this blog post. This post has helped alot of students. And I’ve also got a good idea about interviews. Cheers Usman bhai. 😀

    I cannot afford to make a dedicated forum, but I’ve started a dedicated blog for LUMS prospective students where we can interact to help each other and probably get some help from seniors, and in future help our juniors (Only in case we get into LUMS 😀 ) as well.

    I would love to request all of you out there to please join in on that blog for a fruitful interaction.
    P.S No offence to you bhai, but I just felt the need for a dedicated blog for LUMS prospective students.

  477. maaz ahmed

    I had give gre last year, so i am just trying to revise concepts of quants and learning rules for SC, I am asking about online application form are you done with it?

    1. Salman Ahmed

      Oh well, I think I didn’t even went through you comment, I was lost somewhere else while replying to your comment. 😀
      Not yet, I’ve created account, but I’m waiting for some documents to arrive, which are still in process, as soon as I get them, I’ll complete my application.

  478. Talha Malik

    Hello everyone…

    Anyone going for LMAT ROund 1 (17 March)? As I am going for Round 1. My test center is in lahore, who else is applying for round 1. Please reply.

  479. ss

    I have heard that he results will be compiled by Monday and people will start receiving interview callss by next week

  480. ss2


    i dont think so… that the result will be announced next week….its so early…even last time they people take atleast 1 mnth after lmat …..

    and the people who applied for round 2 then what about them…who already given lmat 1…

  481. Khadija

    Hi every one!
    Any idea about the results of lmat 1 held on 17 march?
    If someone knows then do share it thanx

  482. ss

    i called the admission department on friday some lady named Kiran told me on monday they will compile the result and interviews will begin in first week of april lletss c!

    1. tmalik

      guys I have a bit confusion please help me out.

      will they call every candidate for the interview who appeared for lmat1 or they select from those. what is the criteria for selecting candidates for interview. any idea??

      secondly when will they announce the result of lmat 1?? please reply

      1. Khadija

        Only the short listed candidates will be called for an interview. evaluation might be covering the overall impression of all ur previous records including ur lmat score most importantly.

  483. maaz ahmed

    Guys pls share your lmat-1 experience, how was the test? is the difficulty level lower or equal to gmat? i am taking lmat-2 and bit worried, since i am not getting enough time to prepare because of my job =/

    1. tmalik

      Experience was good for lmat. time management is important and negative marking is issue. Do manage time and prepare for exam. If you have good basic concepts you can score well and most important be confident.

    2. Khadija

      Difficulty level was not that high as i expected but yeah time management had been quite challenging through out the test. All depends on how wisely one can handle each section and evenly distribute his time. U cannot even think for a sec ,instant answering is the worst think i experienced on the basis ov which they are gonna assess u.
      Dont make random guess as it can cost u otherwise or atleast make an intelligent guess. On the whole lmat was less demanding than gmat.

  484. fzs114

    Hi All,
    I am from LUMS MBA Class of 2013.
    I used this page when i applied for admission. Discussion around here goes quite haphazard and un-catagorized.
    So, I have made a blog just for you applicants people where I have made page for each specific category.
    I will personally answer the questions you ask under “Ask Admin” Tab.

    You are welcome here

  485. Farah

    @Maaz, the topic in round 1 was:
    The only way to stop load shedding and CNG rationing is to increase electricity and CNG’s prices.

  486. maaz ahmed

    yeap a person in another blog got the call, i am appearing in lmat-2 can you please share your experience regarding lmat-1 and its difficulty level. Mentioned below is the link of that blog

    Interview Dates

    1. Fahad

      From what I’ve experienced, time management is the key factor. Math is really easy if you have practiced enough. English is a little tricky but is manageable. The essay topic “The only way to stop load shedding and CNG rationing is to increase electricity and CNG’s prices” was relatively easy to write upon, so I think I was lucky in that regard. None the less, just spend around five minutes noting the favorable and unfavorable points and then decide in which direction you want to head with your essay.

  487. maaz ahmed

    For people from karachi who has applied for lmat-2, have you received acknowledgement email from lums regarding your application packet? moreover what’s the test venue, i am stilll waiting acknowledgement from admission office, don even know the test venue =/

  488. vaga

    i have received acknowledgement. but admit card has not been uploaded yet. updates on this, anyone? just 4 days left.

  489. Farah

    Go to application status, the test card and attendance slip is uploaded there.The venue is Regent Plaza for Karachi

  490. Usama

    Round 2 essay topic was relatively easier. “Technology is responsible for problems like global warming, pollutions etc. The solution to these problems will also be found in technology.”

  491. Farzana

    Has anyone from Karachi gotten a call as yet? I know a lot of people have from lahore… but has anyone received one apart from lahore? each time I call the admissions office, they say we havent finalized anything. But how is it possible because they have now started to offer acceptences to people in lahore

  492. Waqar

    I have a question from everyone. What would be a good enough LMAT Score and years of Work Experience to get you through? Even if you aren’t able to do well in the Interview.

  493. Farooq

    Can anybody tell about marks distribution of lmat out of 800??
    i got 460 / 48 % in lmat 2.. it was almost without prep.. result of lmat 3 is awaitng..

    So, i got VERBAL 18/35 %
    QUANTITATIVE 36/62 %

    How i will get to know that how many questions are wrong in both sections… does these score included negative marking??? how many marks are in total of English Proficiency Test..??

    Plz guide me, em very confused

  494. Faheem Mukhtar

    i have applied for LUMS admission in 2nd and 3rd round.
    + 580/50% Lmat in 2nd round
    + More then 2.5 year experience in Daewoo Pakistan (with good achievements)
    + My cgpa is 2.87 in BSC(Hons) Applied Management from GC University Lahore.

    any chance for interview call ?

  495. Faheem Mukhtar

    i have applied for LUMS admission in 2nd and 3rd round.
    + 580/50% Lmat in 3rd round
    + More then 2.5 year experience in Daewoo Pakistan (with good achievements)
    + My cgpa is 2.87 in BSC(Hons) Applied Management from GC University Lahore.

    any chance for interview call ?

  496. rida

    faheem how have you 50% at 580? Pls check result card again. the guy above you has 460 / 48 % in lmat 2 (@farooq). i think you saw ur lmat result card early, did you see again- because lmat 3 results were updated after a while as the first time they got posted- they were wrong. kindly check your percentile again. and yes u seem to have a good chance of a call with the experience of 2.5 years. Best of luck,

  497. Fatima Zaka

    I got less grades in O levels but my A level school transcripts are good. I study in LGS defence. Please tell me whether O level result matters a lot as far as admission in concerned!?
    ps: I REALLY want to get ADMISSION in LUMS!!!

    1. Muhammad Usman

      @fatima start preparing for SAT asap. If you can score good in it then your grades wont matter that much.
      A good LCAT score is what you need!

  498. Pest Control

    Heya just wanted to give you a brief heads up and let
    you know a few of the pictures aren’t loading correctly. I’m not sure why
    but I think its a linking issue. I’ve tried it in two different web browsers and both show the same results.

  499. Abbas

    I am doing my BBA-H I am in 7th semester having CGPA 2.81 and I want to get admission in LUMS for my MBA-Finance INSHALLAH Just after my BBA-H. 2 internships, no work experience?? so I want to prepare for LMAT from now onwards what you people will suggest me what should I do for better preparation to get 650 plus in LMAT ? Any book, website or any center in Karachi ??
    Reply please.

  500. Ahmad

    Hi! I am doing BBIT from Punjab University with a specialization in Finance and i want to do MBA from LUMS. InshaaAllah!
    Can any one guide me properly that what i have to do????
    I’ll Be greatfull =)

    1. Farhan

      600+ gmat/lmat score, cgpa above 3 and work experience of 2 years+ will get you to the interview and great analytical communication skills in interview can get you admitted.

  501. junaid

    dear I have applied for the MBA this year in Lums, i am doing BBA and my degree will finish in the july of this year. Despite not having the degree I apply for the MBA. So is there is any chance for the selection.

  502. MNA

    I have done the LMAT-1, anyone have any idea about the result announcement.

    Also i have 6 diversified year experience of engro foods. If i get 520 Marks in LMAT. is there any chance for interview call.

    1. Farhan

      without work exp you will require 620+ lmat score to qualify for the interview which is very tough to clear

    1. ahsan

      please tell me about the test because i am giving lmat 2…and from which books u prepare for the test.

    1. junaid

      hi i am confused about my score and i did not understand it it appears like 310/ 12% in total, plz can any body tell me how to interpret it

  503. ahsan

    please anybody can tell me about the difficulty level of this year lmat1 because i am giving lmat2.. .and how many sections was there in test ?? and from which book to prepare for the test

      1. Ammar Hassan

        Omar how was your interview.. please share the experience as i have an interview scheduled on 16th April 9:00 Am. please share ur experiencing

        awaiting your response

  504. Ammar Hassan

    @ Omar how was your interview.. please share the experience as i have an interview scheduled on 16th April 9:00 Am. please share ur experiencing

    1. Omar

      Iam extremly sorry that I couldn’t reply. I was out of country and wasn’t following the thread. Anyways I hope your interview went well.

  505. Ammar Hassan

    Also Omar if possible can we have a telephonic conversation or a chat regarding the interview on facebook??? shall be highly grateful to u

  506. amna anwar

    hy i am freshly graduate of bs(hons) in environmental sciences..i want tow knw m i eligible mba from lums if i score good in gmat or lmat,,my cgpa is 2.5…77% actually grading system at my colg was so tough in hec 77% equals to 3.1…m so worried plz help me….and i also dunt have any sort of work experience,,,

      1. LUMS 2014

        Why should I answer you Mr.Ammar? I mean I have no issues in giving out the details but not to you. ST asked you about your interview experience and you did not bother replying so I can not entertain people like you who have such a selfish policy.

  507. yamnahassan

    haha LUMS 2014, congratulations 🙂 and that’s fine. Mr. Ammar is done with his interview so you sharing or not sharing your interview experience, or your profile won’t affect him much.

      1. Prince

        what was ur gpa lmat score and how much experience u had. but did ur interview go well or it was bad like mine ?

        1. LUMS 2014

          3.3 CGPA ,600 LMAT and interview ewnt fine. It was of 50 mins though and most of the questions were related to my job

    1. LUMS MBA

      Well it is too late to respond to your querry now. You should have asked about it well before your interview date . However just stay calm and don’t panic. That’s the only tip I can think of right now. Best of luck!

  508. caesar

    I got 580/82% in LMAT-2 ths year and hav engineering background, i hav total experience of about 1 year and 2 months (including internships) , currently doing job in FMCG company.

    1) what chances do i have to get an interview call?
    2) Also please suggest is thr any way i can gt my admission postponed to next year if i do gt an offer ths year.
    3) if i fail in interview ths year, cn i gt interview call next year on bases of ths year LMAT score(because i heard LMAT score is valid fr 2 years)?
    4) cn smone who gave intrvw ths year share his intrview details?

    ur help is highly appreciated …lookin forward to it.

    1. LUMS MBA

      1) Getting interview call depends upon many factors. Can’t say anything for sure.
      2) Yes in excepetional circumstances they allow you to defer the admission.
      3)Yes, it is valid for two years so you can use the same LMAT score to apply next year.
      4)Interview experience varies from candidate to candidate. The day I gave the interview every candidate was being interviewed for approx 50 mins. My interview was of about 40 mins. Historically speaking some candidates get grilled quite heavily during the interview and still get the admission offer whilst other candidates who had a fairly comfortable interview were not able to make it. There have also been instances when interview lasted for only 10 mins.

  509. Javeria Ejaz

    I appeared in LUMS test taken on 13 April. I didnt get any score information
    how can i get to know about my score


    1. LUMS MBA

      Keep checking your online application. Score will be displayed under the Application Status Tab once it is announced.

  510. Prince

    Anyone with 575 or higher gets an interview call provided you have some experience. Those without any experience require 650+. The chances of people with lower lmat scores getting interview calls are higher in first round than the second round. All applicants are more or less in the same boat, once they get an interview call. This is what i gauged from my conversations with current and previous applicants.

    Anyone who applied in Round 1 and still hasnt heard from lums(including myself) will now be considered with round 2 applicants. One of the benefits of applying in round 1.

  511. sqar

    I got a score of 700 in LMAT 2, but I haven’t received an interview call yet. Im wondering if applicants from karachi have started getting calls or not? A bit worried…

  512. LUMS MBA

    Usually the interview calls are made approximately two weeks after the LMAT Result announcement!

  513. Prince

    Applicants from Lahore will start getting calls from the next week. Applicants from Karachi will have to wait for 4-5 days longer than others

  514. sqar

    Thanks for the info guys. Really hope I get the call…
    And good luck for your admission decisions as well!

    1. sqar

      I called the admissions office recently and they told me that folks in karachi will start getting calls after the 20th of May. The panel will hold interviews for karachi applicants on the 30th, 31st of May and 1st, 2nd, 3rd of June.
      Fingers crossed!

  515. Zohaib

    Congratulations and best of luck for the interview…
    Kindly do share your profile with us (marks, experience etc)

  516. LUMS Hopeful 2014

    I had my interview on the 7th of may at LUMS. Appeared in LMAT 2. LMAT Score: 620 Work Experience: 1 year. The interview was okay. Around 30 mins. *Fingers crossed.*

    1. lmat-2

      Hi, if possible please let us know some details about your interview experience, it may help others to prepare well for the interview.

      1. LUMS Hopeful 2014

        they asked me questions about my job mostly. why i wanted to do an mba? nd questions abt the economy of Pakistan. i’m a computer science major.

    1. lmat-2

      best of luck for the interview….
      it gives me some hope, my lmat score is 550 and I have an experience of 3 years.

    1. sqar

      Your Interview is on the 30th right? Kindly, do let me know how it was and what questions they asked…

  517. LUMS Hopeful 2014

    had my interview on 7th may at lums. around 30 mins. got my rejection letter on 14th may. lums acted quite fast. from what i read on this forum the accepted candidates get an acceptance letter in around 7-14 days whereas rejected ones get a letter after a month or so. anyways hopes dashed. 😦 all the best to the other candidates!

    1. lmat-2

      sorry to hear that brother, although it is always hard to believe but probably there is something better planned for you out there……..

      Although I can’t seem to understand the reason, your lmat score is 620, a real good score, and you also has an experience of one year, looks like a very good profile. how was your interview ?

      1. Omar

        LMAT and experience might be important but I don’t think they are defining factors. I got 710 and have 5+ years experience, appeared for interview on 4th April and still no decision. But I do believe in that phenomenon that most of the times something better is on the way. Might not be true all the time but I have found that to be true most of the times.

      2. LUMS Hopeful 2014

        thank you brother. i appreciate it. the interview wasn’t dat bad. it was very friendly. they never pushed me on any topic. i guess they just have very limited seats. all the best to you! 🙂

    2. Prince

      Brother, LUMS is not end of the world. You can try against next year or you can apply abroad after two years of experience. Dont be disappointed. Inshallah God has planned something better for you in future

      1. LUMS Hopeful 2014

        thank you brother. i appreciate the act of kindness coming from a complete stranger. u made my day! 🙂 it takes time to deal with rejection when u’ve put in a significant amount of time into your application! all the best to you!

  518. lmat-2

    @ Omar…..Best of Luck man, I hope you get the acceptance letter soon. In this case delay is better I guess….

    If possible, please do share your interview experience….

  519. Prince

    You are on a waiting list. Your fate will be decided with the 2nd round applicants from Karachi or after that. But keeping in mind your awesome track record you ll get an acceptance call.

  520. lmat-2

    Hi all,

    I appeared in lmat 2 and have got the interview call, interview is scheduled for 23rd may.
    Please let me know if you ave any suggestions for me, highly appreciate.


  521. Zohaib

    Aoa, I have got the interview call too, same day, 23rd May at around 4 pm. It will help a lot of anyone can share interview experience and questions asked in the interview.

      1. Omar

        I dont know if my interview was good or average. They asked mostly about my job and economics of Pakistan.

    1. sqar

      The panel is in karachi right now. I had my interview yesterday. Went well I think.

      I wonder how long they’ll stay here…

  522. April09


    Gave LMAT in the second round, got 630, 92%. have 2 years of experience. Had my interview on the 21st of May, the interview was pretty long and quite something. They were pretty tough, asked questions not related to my field. Haven’t heard back yet.

    can anybody help with average timelines, how long do you usually have to wait to hear back, acceptance or rejection?

  523. lmat-2

    I don’t think so….
    but I guess this may be reason for delay. First admission committee will make decision on application and then financial aid department will analyse the application.

        1. lmat-2

          Congratulations man 🙂
          did you also get the decision for financial aid ? are they giving financial aid this time or only offering MCB loan ?

          once gain, bundles of congrats…. 🙂

  524. b16

    Is there a reason as to why candidates from Punjab were handed out acceptance letters before candidates from Karachi were even interviewed?

    I’m a bit shaky regarding my interview this year because it didn’t go too smoothly, or at least I think it didn’t. I have a 610 and a 620 LMAT….. (My application got declined last year after the interview…)

  525. lmat-2

    panel likes to push candidates during interviews, many candidates got the acceptance letter even when they thought their interview did’nt go well…..
    I hope you make it….
    How many years of experience do you have?

      1. lmat-2

        I guess it was Ok…..they did not ask much questions related to my job.
        I am Computer Sciences Major so they asked questions about software models and then discussed the current affairs….
        Apart from couple of questions it went well….

  526. sqar

    Hello everyone! I just received an acceptance letter from LUMS! 🙂

    Best of luck to all you guys as well! This post was a great help during my admission process. I hope we can all keep continuing this very helpful post for future applicants as well. 🙂

    1. lmat-2

      Congratulations man….
      if possible, please let us know if you applied for financial aid and if there has been any decision about that….
      Congrats once again 🙂

  527. Zohaib

    bundle of congratulations man……
    kindly let me know that how much time LUMS give students to submit fee?

  528. sqar

    @b16: Thanks! Good luck to you too!
    @lmat-2: Thanks! No, I didnt apply for financial aid,so cant say anything regarding that. I wish all the best to you mate! 🙂

  529. xxx 15

    Hi every one congrats to every one who is selected i am going to see you at SOP and i am your senior a word of caution Lums mba is a one hell of hectic task get ready for your worst nightmare at SOP start building stamina to stay awake for days best of luck and see you around. Commiserations to those who got rejected better luck next time.

  530. lmat-2

    financial aid department asked me for some more documents this week…..
    do they process financial aid application after admission decision is made or do they process financial aid application irrespective of admission decision…

  531. lmat-2

    I had my interview almost a month ago and have still not heard back from LUMS, such a long time to process application after interview. It is hurting me now as have other decision to make….

    1. sqar

      You have been wait-listed, lmat-2… The deadline for fees submission for applicants selected by LUMS up until now is 23rd June. After 23rd June, still remaining vacant seats will be filled by LUMS with students in the waiting list. So depending on how high you are on the waiting list you will get the offer call.

      Another point, I only recently submitted my semester fees and was assigned a roll number. My roll number is 2016-01-0048, so that means that there are still around 52 seats left to be filled. So don’t lose hope lmat-2, keep your fingers crossed and inshallah you will get the offer letter soon.

      1. lmat-2

        Thanks for your response….it definitely helps….
        but the thing which I don’t understand is that financial aid department asked me to submit some more documents approximately 2.5 weeks ago…….so I was hoping that probably decision has been made……..
        anyways thanks…..

  532. Professor Aurangazeb

    HI every one This is PROFESSOR AURANGZEB from X EFFECTIVE TRAINERS we train with Guaranteed admission interview clearance we have hired LUMS Alumnus to take real mock interviews and guidance to clear interview at LUMS.
    Contact for further details
    Don’t take LUMS interview easy Prepare with Professionals

      1. lmat-2

        good to know man….
        I have also requested for the deferment of admission but I have not heard back from admission office yet…..
        Moreover, they seem to make it really a big deal, I got the impression from admission office email that I will have to appear in an interview again next year, even after submitting deferment fee……do you also got the same impression ?

  533. Arslan

    I also applied for MBA this year and gave interview on 11th June 2014. But still waiting for their reply/decision. I have called them many times and also put query, they always said you will get your response in some days. I don’t know why they are taking so much time for me. The candidates who gave interview with me have got their decisions and also submitted their fees as well.
    Is their anyone like me?

    1. Prince

      Brother you are on the waiting list. Infact on the top of it. Lums considers you too good, to reject you but not too good to accept you. Waiting list is continuously updated especially after june. so you may get acceptance anyday now. Otherwise you will get a rejection by August. Your selection depends on the number of candidates who got admission but not accepting the admission offer

  534. Arslan

    Thanks! Prince
    Does anyone knows how many students are going to be selected this year?
    Shall I get my Rejection /Acceptance status on my LUMS account. I mean do they also update in Processing Status Tab as well?

  535. Prince

    As someone pointed out earlier about 100.You will get to know Acceptance/Rejection via post. Online lums account takes ages to be updated. Mine still shows application submitted

  536. Faheem Mukhtar

    i got “admission offer” letter, currently working on Harvard Business School Publishing Online Courses ..

    1. Faheem Mukhtar

      yah !
      its compulsory for us, if we want join SOP…

      you are working on HBS online courses ???

  537. sqar

    These courses are pretty time-consuming guys! They seem to be taking a lot of my time! And I got an email today detailing the deadlines for taking the exams on Management Communication course. Did anyone else receive it?

        1. Kourage

          Well actually have not picked up the pace yet but seems that now having known about the deadlines, things might change .. what about you?

          1. sqar

            Well im almost halfway through the Financial Accounting course. I decided to that one first because I have an engineering background and a lot of the things are new for me.

            And im also just about to finish the Planning section of the MC course. Hopefully, will finish before the friday deadline…

    1. Faheem Mukhtar

      yah, i’m also victim of above said e-mail !
      “Planning communication deadlines;
      Friday, 11th July 2014”

  538. sqar

    @yamnahassan: Yeah! They are pretty long, and ramzan isn’t helping matters much either.
    @Faheem Mukhtar: So whats ur plan bro?

  539. sqar

    Sounds like a plan…Guys we should make a facebook group. In the very least it will help all of us to get know each other better before classes start.

  540. Faheem Mukhtar

    ohh thnx sqar.. !
    i’m with you, group name will be “LUMS MBA class 2016” so everyone can easily access..

    1. mba

      I don’t think that LUMS accepts 2 years B.COM degree but you should check their website for latest updates. You may find this information under eligibility criteria of MBA page.

  541. SAdia

    I want to know some information regarding MBA admission in LUMS. I want to know the merit calculation criteria for interview.
    I graduated from University of Management and Technology with 3.87 CGPA
    plus 2 internship and voluteership
    and Good extra curricular profile as i was the president of one of our club at my University.
    Plus am doing my job at Samba Bank from september 2014 uphill now
    but i am scared as my Gmat score is 290 only
    Can i get selected for the interview or not.
    Kindly help me little

    1. Arya

      Hey. Ive recently just graduated from lums mba program n am now doing my phd from lums too. In my honest opinion while ur credentials and all are great no u will not be called for an interview. The minimum criteria from interview is at least 550 in gmat.
      So i would suggest u gove gmat again.

      1. SAdia

        but as per you only GMAT score req for interview although they didn’t mention anything like that. Might be my credentials will cover that score? isn’t it?
        Any good online links for gmat prep?

        1. Arya

          No its not just gmat for interview but there is a threshold below which they donot accept candidates and for the past couple of year this has been 500 to 550. Initially it was 600. So irrespective of the credentials 290 is just way tooo low. Princeton books are available along with cds for the gmat exam.

  542. Prince

    If your score is 590 then you will be certainly be called for the interview and since you also meet the experience requirement you will get admission depending on how your perform in the interview

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